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1. Famous Astronomers Features profiles of various astronomers of fame, from Galileo to Ptolemy. http://library.thinkquest.org/23830/astronomers.htm | |
2. Astronomer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Modern astronomers spend relatively little time at telescopes most spend a few weeks per year observing, and the rest of their time reducing the data (changing it from raw data http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomer | |
3. Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc. Westchester Amateur astronomers, N.Y., a notfor-profit organization open to all with a desire to learn more about astronomy and telescopes. http://www.westchesterastronomers.org/ |
4. Famous Astronomers And Astrophysicists Classical Period; Nicolaus Copernicus 14731543 Polish developed a simple heliocentric model of the solar system that explained planetary retrograde motion and overturned http://cnr2.kent.edu/~manley/astronomers.html | |
5. Welcome To The Roper Mountain Astronomers' Website Calendar, star parties, news, astrophotography, outreach program, and newsletter located in Greenville. http://rmastro.com/ | |
6. Astronomy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Amateur astronomers have contributed to many important astronomical discoveries, and astronomy is one of the few sciences where amateurs can still play an active role, especially in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy | |
7. Astronomers Catch Images Of Giant Metal Dog Bone Asteroid astronomers Catch Images of Giant Metal Dog Bone Asteroid May 4, 2000. NASA astronomers have collected the firstever radar images of a main belt asteroid, a metallic, dog bone http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/news/kleopatra_pr_20000504.html | |
8. Physicists And Astronomers Physicists and astronomers. Nature of the Work; Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement; Employment; Job Outlook; Projections; Earnings; Wages; Related Occupations http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos052.htm | |
9. Astronomers | Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about astronomers. Join Facebook to start connecting with astronomers. http://www.facebook.com/astronomers | |
10. Astronomers On Myspace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Myspace Music profile for astronomers. Download astronomers Indie / Progressive / Rock music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, read astronomers's blog. http://www.myspace.com/weareastronomers |
11. Ancient Astronomers This site is intended for students age 14 and up, and for anyone interested in learning about our universe. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/980215e.html | |
12. Astronomers Discover Most Massive Neutron Star Yet Known | Science Codex Oct 27, 2010 astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) have discovered the most massive neutron star yet found, a discovery with strong and wide http://www.sciencecodex.com/astronomers_discover_most_massive_neutron_star_yet_k | |
13. Educational Posters, Prints And Pictures For Home Or School. Great selection of Educational Posters and Pictures Discover science, nature, technology and more. A MUST SITE TO VISIT. http://www.astronomers.net/ | |
14. Welcome To Downeast Amateur Astronomers - Home Welcome to the Downeast Amateur astronomers Website. DEAA is the most easterly Astronomy club and observatory in the United States. http://www.downeastaa.com/ | |
15. Astronomers-Zoom Astronomy Glossary astronomers Astronomy glossary explains basic astronomical terms. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/glossary/Astronomers.shtml | |
16. Who Are The Black Astronomers And Astrophysicists? From an article (in pdf) From Banneker to Best Some Stellar Careers In Astronomy and Astrophysics, an article on Black astronomers by Robert Fikes Studying the http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/physics/astronomy-peeps.html | |
17. Astronomers The astronomers of Babylon The astronomers of Babylon were a special group of scribes who observed the movements of the stars and planets. The astronomers had many different http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/astronomer/home_set.html | |
18. Rockford Amateur Astronomers Welcome to the home page for the Rockford Amateur astronomers. We are a group of amateur astronomers based in Rockford, IL Our mission is to share our love and knowledge of http://rockfordamateurastronomers.com/ | |
19. AIDA - Astronomical Image Data Archive - Home Archive of astronomical images made by various amateur astronomers. http://aida.astroinfo.org/ | |
20. Famous Astronomers Here are some of famous astronomers who have greatly contributed to field of astronomy Famous astronomers. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/famous-astronomers.html | |
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