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21. Christian Astronomy And Astronomers - An Internet-based hub in Australia for Christian astronomers, both professional and amateur, Association of Christian astronomers International. http://www.christian-astronomers.org/ | |
22. Astronomers | Define Astronomers At Dictionary.com –noun an expert in astronomy; a scientific observer of the celestial bodies. Use astronomers in a Sentence See images of astronomers Search astronomers on the Web Origin http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/astronomers |
23. Sidewalk Astronomers Website The Sidewalk astronomers are a public service amateur astronomy association. ALL Sidewalk astronomers events are for the public. We take telescopes TO the public on http://www.sidewalkastronomers.us/ |
24. AstronomicalTours Details about past and future expeditions including eclipse trips, transits and Southern Skies Star Party. Travel programs by astronomers for astronomers. http://www.astronomicaltours.net/ |
25. Astronomers astronomers from WN Network. WorldNews delivers latest Breaking news including World News, U.S., politics, business, entertainment, science, weather and sports news. Search http://wn.com/astronomers |
26. Articles About Astronomers - CNN astronomers News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about astronomers from the CNN http://articles.cnn.com/keyword/astronomers |
27. Astronomers Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2009 192011 astronomers. Observe, research, and interpret celestial and astronomical phenomena to increase basic knowledge and apply such http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes192011.htm | |
28. Astronomers: Information From Answers.com Genre Science Technology Movie Type Biography, Physical Sciences Run Time 60 minutes Plot Comprised of six, hourlong episodes, the Canadian documentary series The http://www.answers.com/topic/astronomers-video-series-science-technology-tv-seri | |
29. Amateur Astronomers Association Of New York Education, observing, newspaper, gallery, and articles located in New York City. http://www.aaa.org/ | |
30. Singapore Astronomy Club - Astronomical Society Of Singapore The Astronomical Society of Singapore. TASOS is the largest astronomical organization in Singapore with over 200 members plus affiliation with a dozen of schools and institutions all over the country. TASOS has also maintained ties with fellow amateur astronomers in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and United States. http://tasos.org.sg/ | |
31. Articles About Astronomers - Orlando Sentinel astronomers News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about astronomers from the Orlando Sentinel http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/keyword/astronomers |
32. Curious About Astronomy? Ask An Astronomer Browse archives of previous questions and answers, or submit a question to be answered by astronomers at Cornell University. http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/ | |
33. A New Universe To Explore: Careers In Astronomy Brochure | American Astronomical astronomers in academic positions can spend a portion of their time on their research, depending on their teaching schedule. Often an astronomer will be a member of a physics http://aas.org/education/careers.php | |
34. The Astronomers - Share Your Videos WAR ON MORON. Earth , as far as we know the only place life exists anywhere in Universe, a special place, rare, unique,fragile, irreplaceable, our home All the people of http://theastronomers.org/ | |
35. Welcome To The Astronomers Inn The astronomers Inn Bed Breakfast Observatory - Benson, AZ (520) 586-7906 http://astronomersinn.com/ | |
36. Astronomers 1. Stratagem 2. Perpetual Emotion Immediate download of 6track album in your http://astronomers.bandcamp.com/ | |
37. Astronomers - EHow.com Learn about astronomers on eHow.com. Find info and videos including About astronomers, About astronomers, How to Become an Astronomer and much more. http://www.ehow.com/astronomers/ | |
38. AAL Homepage Website of the amateur astronomers of Luxembourg. Astronomy news, links, eclipse 99 special. http://www.aal.lu | |
39. Astronomers.co.uk GBP 14.13 End Date Tuesday Oct26-2010 154752 PDT Buy It Now for only GBP 14.13 Buy it now Add to watch list http://www.astronomers.co.uk/ | |
40. 19-2011.00 - Astronomers Summary Report for 192011.00 - astronomers. Observe, research, and interpret celestial and astronomical phenomena to increase basic knowledge and apply such information to practical http://online.onetcenter.org/link/summary/19-2011.00 | |
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