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81. Astro-Blogging Musing of an amateur astronomer. Covering astronomical happenings among the planets, stars and beyond. http://astro-blogging.blogspot.com/ | |
82. The Astrophysics Spectator: Home Page Articles published on this site cover current research in astronomy and astrophysics, describe our current understanding of astronomical phenomena, and comment on issues related to astronomical research. http://www.astrophysicsspectator.com/ | |
83. Dendera Zodiac, Senmut Map, - Senmut Astronomical secret of the Dendera zodiac and of the Senmut astronomical map and other topics. http://www.senmut.webs.com/ | |
84. ADUR AS Brief details of this club with meeting information. http://www.adur-astronomical.com/ |
85. Worthing Astronomical Society Homepage Information about the society and their meetings; also includes newsletters and news items. http://www.worthing-astronomical-society.com/ | |
86. USNO Astronomical Applications Dept Redirect Computes the position, brightness, and other observable characteristics of celestial bodies, as well as the circumstances of astronomical phenomena. Includes information on calendars and related topics. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/ | |
87. Universal Workshop | Books By Guy Ottewell The annual Astronomical Calendar and other books by Guy Ottewell, a number of which are on astronomical subjects. http://www.universalworkshop.com | |
88. Irish Astronomical Journal Independent professional journal focusing on modern astronomical knowledge and related subjects. http://star.arm.ac.uk/iaj/home.html | |
89. Sky Watch - Astronomy News Resource Sends its subscribers a daily email on astronomical events such as satellite passes and meteor showers that can be observed from their location. http://www.sky-watch.com/ | |
90. Dimitrios Gouliermis CV, research interests and publications. Max Planck Insitite for Astronomy, Germany. http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/dgoulier/ | |
91. Patrick M. Hartigan Research group at Rice University focused on young stars, stellar jets and shock waves. http://sparky.rice.edu/~hartigan/ | |
92. Edward M. Sion Specializes in white dwarf studies. Includes curriculum vitae and research articles. Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Villanova University. http://www.astronomy.villanova.edu/faculty/sion/sion.htm | |
93. Georgi Petrov Fields of interest include extragalactic astronomy, spectroscopy, photometry, surface photometry, active galactic nuclei, open clusters, and the large scale structure of the Universe. In English and Bulgarian. http://www.astro.bas.bg/~petrov/ |
94. Institute Of Cosmology - University Of Portsmouth PhD student at the Institute of Cosmology at Portsmouth, UK. http://www.icg.port.ac.uk/people/students/cresswell.html | |
95. Jose Oñorbe - Home Page Personal site that includes his research interests into the formation and evolutionary processes of galaxies, his publications, PhD thesis and contact details. http://symmetry.ft.uam.es/onorbe/ | |
96. Michele Stark Research scientist with the Swift Explorer Program. Information on research projects primarily dealing with variable stars. Provides links to a number of astronomy, space and science related sites. http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/stark/ |
97. Dr. Melissa N. Hayes-Gehrke's Homepage Includes teaching and research and personal interests. University of Maryland. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~avondale/ | |
98. Nichi D'Amico Homepage Chair Professor of Astrophysics at Cagliari University, in Sardinia, Italy. Includes CV, publications and research interests. http://pulsar.ca.astro.it/pulsar/personal/NichiDAmico/ | |
99. Stefan Immler Astrophysicist at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center. Includes biography and research interests in X-ray emissions from galaxies. http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/immler/ |
100. Liese Van Zee's Home Page Assistant professor at Indiana University, Bloomington. Specializes in the study of star formation and the evolution of dwarf galaxies. Includes list of publications. http://astrowww.astro.indiana.edu/~vanzee/ | |
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