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Astronomy Data Archives: more detail | |||
1. Astronomy Data Archives A directory listing sites about Astronomy Data Archives 1. Super Cosmos Sky Surveys. Pages providing onlineaccess to SuperCOSMOS scans of UK, ESO, Palomar photographicSchmidt plates http://www.massivelinks.com/html/Science/Astronomy/Astronomy_Data_Archives/ |
2. Astronomy: Data Archives Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources. Contains data archives, astronomical catalogs, atlas of nearby dwarf galaxies, and links. http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~pls/astronomy/archives.html | |
3. 3-D Starmaps:Star Catalogues out NASA's ADC site, and the U.S. Navy's Aries site. But if you want tons of links to starmap catalogues, go to the King of Catalogues and check out Vargas' astronomy data archives. http://www.projectrho.com/smap06.html | |
4. Astronomy: Data Archives - Category For Astronomy/Data Archives. UFOseek directory for Astronomy/Data Archives Astronomy Data Archives http://www.ufoseek.com/Astronomy/Data_Archives/index.html | |
5. Image Processing Application For Cognition (IPAC) - Traditional And Emerging Top It contains many common features, combines images in new and unique ways and interfaces with many astronomy data archives. Both interactive and batch mode processing are http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008ASPC..394...97P | |
6. Amateur Telescope Makers Of Boston Getting started in amateur astronomy, archive, newsletter, star parties, schedule, resources in the area. http://atmob.org/ | |
7. Science - Astronomy - Data Archives - Directory Science Central Science Astronomy - Data Archives. Daily archive of interesting astronomy photos by NASA.. Provides an interactive sky atlas allowing users to visualize http://www.sciencecentral.com/category/69464 |
8. Science Astronomy Amateur Science Astronomy Amateur Deep Sky Observing Binary Stars Galaxies Nebulae Open and Globular Clusters Variable Stars See Also Science Astronomy Data Archives http://che31.mat-unl.com/scienceastronomyamateur.html |
9. /pages/home/AboutGAVO.jsp About GAVO Background The next generation astronomy data archives will cover most of the sky at high resolution and in all wavelengths, from radio to gamma rays. http://www.g-vo.org/portal/tile/home/AboutGAVO.jsp |
10. Astronomy: Data Archives - Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources. Science Central 510615 - Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources Data Archives http://www.sciencecentral.com/site/510615 |
11. EurekAlert! - Reference Desk AAVSO International Database Astronomy Acronyms Astronomy Data Archives Astronomy Nook Astronomy Picture of the Day Archives Astronomy Terms Black Holes and Critical Phenomena http://www.eurekalert.org/links.php?subj=astro |
12. Astronomy: Data Archives Astronomy. Data Archives and Catalogs While groundbased astronomical observations are usually archived by the observatories, a number of sites archive multiwavelength and space-based http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~jlc/astronomy/archives.html | |
13. Ridgewood High School Science Astronomy, Data Archives This web site has six major sections. All information on STScI's web is accessible through at least one of these sections Astronomy Resources http://schoolsite.capturepoint.com/index.cfm?sid=6&nav_id=767&sub_nav_id |
14. Science Astronomy/Data Archives Science Astronomy/Data Archives Solar_System Stellar_and_Astrometric Supernovae_and_Remnants AAVSO International Database Over 10 million variable star estimates http://www.gy.com/science/Astronomy/Data_Archives/index.htm | |
15. Adc.gsfc.nasa.gov > The Multiwavelength Milky Way Astrophysics Data Facility Poster 35mm slides Video viewgraph VRML models Welcome to the new Multiwavelength Milky Way web pages! These pages bring together several data sets to http://www.galaxy.com/rvw961264-844902/The_Multiwavelength_Milky_Way.htm | |
16. Data Archives - Directory Astronomy Data Archives Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources. Contains data archives, astronomical catalogs, atlas of nearby dwarf galaxies, and links. http://science.codpex.com/Astronomy/Data_Archives/ |
17. Hard (?) Science, Modern-day Theory, And Other Useful Resources Vargas' Astronomy Data Archives Missing. Astronaut(ic)s Astronauts Frontier Missing. The ESA. NAR, the National Association of Rocketry. http://home.earthlink.net/~ad2300/hard-sci.htm | |
18. Suggest Category - Main » Science » Astronomy » Data Archives Category Suggestion Form (69464) of Main Science Astronomy Data Archives http://www.abc-directory.com/suggestcat/69464 |
19. ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Virtual Observatory Meeting Linking NASA's Astronomy Data Archives 28. Alain Omont PRIME A Deep Nearinfrared Survey Project 29. Patricio Ortiz A practical approach to catalogued-data visualization http://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/vo2002/up/VO2002_posters.html | |
20. Lukol.com - Science Astronomy Data Archives Science Astronomy Data Archives Astronomical Data Center Data from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Science/Astronomy/Data_Archives | |
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