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  1. Man on the Moon, a Selection of the Original, Live Broadcasts
  2. Pluto (Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers) by Christine Taylor-Butler, 2005-09-30
  3. Mining for missing matter: in underground lairs, physicists look for the dark stuff.: An article from: Science News by Ron Cowen, 2010-08-28
  4. Mercury's magnetic twisters.: An article from: Science News for Kids by Stephen Ornes, 2010-04-14
  5. Black hole silhouette: scientists attempt to image a shadow and its tumultuous ring.(Cover story): An article from: Science News by Charles Petit, 2010-10-09
  6. Mars (Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers) by Christine Taylor-Butler, 2008-09
  7. Black holes seen dancing in pairs: merging galaxies play host to astrophysical pas de deux.(Atom & Cosmos)(Brief article): An article from: Science News by Lisa Grossman, 2010-01-30
  8. Happy 20th, Hubble: flying observatory's cosmic portraits continue to capture hearts and minds.(PHOTO ESSAY)(Hubble Space Telescope)(Cover story): An article from: Science News by Ron Cowen, 2010-04-10
  9. Nearby galaxy is a very dark place: holds record for concentration of mysterious missing mass.(Atom & Cosmos): An article from: Science News by Ron Cowen, 2010-08-28
  10. Hunting hidden dimensions: black holes, giant and tiny, may reveal new realms of space.: An article from: Science News by Diana Steele, 2009-09-26
  11. Scientists go to dark side, but it's for a noble cause.(FROM THE EDITOR)(dark matter)(Editorial): An article from: Science News by Tom Siegfried, 2010-08-28
  12. Cool as a Jupiter.: An article from: Science News for Kids by Stephen Ornes, 2010-04-07
  13. The Saturn-Mars effect: how a statistical effect explains the astrological claim for the power of Mars.(NEWS)(Report): An article from: Skeptic (Altadena, CA) by Alexander Y. Panchin, 2010-06-22
  14. Believing without seeing gives science more power.(FROM THE EDITOR)(Editorial): An article from: Science News by Tom Siegfried, 2010-10-09

61. Search For "astronomy"
News about astronomy, collected from various sources on the web.

62. Radio Astronomy News : Home
Radio Astronomy News provides the latest space science news headlines from many news sources around the world.

63. Astronomy News - Astronomy Magazine
Source for news in astronomy, reports on astronomical discoveries, and NASA space missions.

64. Lynchburg College: Astronomy News
One of the many things we have learned from doing more than a year of public outreach events at the observatory is that there are some celestial sights guaranteed to evoke the wow
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Astronomy News
Dr. Neal Sumerlin keeps us abreast of happenings in the night sky and the progress of the new Belk Astronomical Observatory
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Moon Halos
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Astronomy News
Are Those Colors For Real?
Posted on 10/26/2010 Today's Astronomy News is more technical than lyrical, but if you have ever wondered about the colors shown in astronomical images, dive right in!
One of my very favorite web sites is NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day ( ), showcasing gorgeous images ranging from the Earth at night ( ) to a "baby picture" of the universe at 380,000 years of age ( ). Each week, viewers are given the opportunity to vote for the APOW-astronomy picture of the week-and if the candidates include an emission nebula, that is very often the winner in a landslide. These are glowing clouds of gas powered by hot and energetic stars in their midst, and the brightest and most familiar of these is the Great Orion Nebula. After the Big Dipper, Orion is probably the most familiar grouping of stars in the sky to Northern Hemisphere observers. At this time of year, it is not fully above the eastern horizon until after midnight, but it rises a little earlier each night and is a familiar sight shortly after dark during the winter months. In a dark sky, one can easily spot the soft glow of the nebula in Orion's sword, hanging from the three stars of his belt.

65. Home | StarTalk Radio Show
Popular astronomy radio show presented by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Includes an episode archive and host biographies.

66. News Astronomy Headlines
Astronomy News Headlines

67. Spacevidcast
A weekly videocast providing the latest space news.

68. Science Centric | News | Astronomy
Breaking news in astronomy and space.

69. Astronomy Universe - Astronomy News
The entire universe is astronomy. It's due to the fact that astronomy is all about the universe. Astronomy news
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Astronomy News
The entire universe is astronomy. It's due to the fact that astronomy is all about the universe. Astronomy news is interesting, to say the least, and can be found in media reports as well as on web sites such as those maintained by astronomy magazines and agencies like NASA. Let's look at some of the more interesting tidbits. The magazine “Astronomy” is a great source of astronomy news. NASAs IBEX, Interstellar Boundary Explorer, was one exciting story. Just as weathermen examine fronts and the interaction of hot air with cold air and dry air with wet air, IBEX is interested in such fronts and their interaction in outer space. To be exact it is the solar wind and how it interacts with space beyond the reach of the sun. IBEX is also set to map the boundaries of our solar system. More astronomy news covered by Astronomy magazine is the discovery of a new aurora on Saturn that's unlike any other known aurora in the solar system. Charged particles interact with the planet's magnetic field to form an aurora. Earth's aurorae come from charged particles from the solar wind. Jupiter produces the particles and the magnetic field that creates its auroras. Saturn's aurora, which covers a very large area, has been seen in infrared and will teach scientists a lot about this phenomenon. “Universe Today” is yet another great source of astronomy news. On November 13, 2008 it carried the story of contact reestablished with the Mars rover. The culprit was a big dust storm. But Spirit recovered from this low-power dilemma. Its solar panels couldn't get sun in the dust storm, and scientists feared it would go into a low power coma-like mode from which it would not wake. However, the rover woke up so it's business as usual.

70. Space News, Articles, And Information From Scientific American
News and feature articles (some free, some archived), space calendar, astronomy interactives, and book reviews.
The Print Edition

71. Astronomy News | Chesmont Astronomical Society
One of the temptations of being a skeptic is knowing how easy it is to fool people, and wanting to use that knowledge to get filthy rich scamming marks.

72. Belajar Astronomy
Blog on various astronomical topics intended for students who want to participate in astronomy competitions and olympiads.
belajar Astronomy
Friday, September 24, 2010
Introducing Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional
Memperkenalkan website sebagai sumber informasi bagi acara Lomba rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional.
Sekilas mengenai LRPTN (Source:
Perkembangan industri kimia saat ini tidak lepas dari kemampuan dan kreativitas para insinyurnya, yang selalu memberikan ide-ide baru sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Kecakapan seorang insinyur tentunya tidak diperoleh secara instan, namun perlu dibentuk semenjak duduk di bangku kuliah. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreativitas para calon insinyur teknik kimia, Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia (HIMATEK) ITB bekerjasama dengan Program Studi Teknik Kimia ITB mengadakan Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional (LRPTN). LRPTN merupakan sebuah kompetisi rancang pabrik yang mengangkat tema-tema yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu aktual dalam dunia industri. Sampai sekarang, LRPTN telah berhasil diselenggarakan sebanyak 11 kali sejak tahun 1996. LRPTN yang pertama kali diadakan diikuti oleh 8 kelompok peserta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dengan dewan juri terpillih, yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menilai rancangan suatu pabrik dari sudut pandang keilmuan, khususnya Teknik Kimia. Rangkaian acara LRPTN diisi oleh pembicara-pembicara yang secara khusus diundang untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman menarik mereka berkaitan dengan tema dari tiap LRPTN. Semenjak LRPTN IV pada tahun 2000, kompetisi ini dikategorikan menjadi 2, yaitu kategori perancangan pabrik dan problem solving. Kategori perancangan pabrik ini dilombakan dengan pembatasan berdasarkan subtema utama dari LRPTN, sedangkan untuk kategori problem solving dilombakan untuk memfasilitasi ide-ide solutif dan inovatif dari mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah nyata yang sedang terjadi dalam suatu pabrik tertentu.

73. Astronomy News & Links
Links to recent space missions and new astronomical observations *** Lots of Links to observatories, institutes, astronomical satellites, space missions, astronomical resources
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74. All About Gliese
Blog set up to discuss the discovery of Gliese 581c, the most likely candidate for a Second Earth.

75. Astronomy News | Chesmont Astronomical Society
The folks at JPL have installed a live webcam in a balcony overlooking the clean room where the next Mars rover, Curiosity, is being built. So you can watch smart NASA and

76. Astrophotography / Astronomy Cameras Blog / Official Blog To The Imaging Source
The Imaging Source astronomy cameras blog.
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Study on Photographing the Moon
Blogged by Xiao Sun in Reviews Sample Images on October 29, 2010 at 15:11 CET. German astronomy amateur Peter Wellmann has been testing The Imaging Source astronomy cameras for years. Recently he wrote an intriguing tutorial describing his research on how to photograph the Moon and come out with the best image quality. The article includes almost every aspect of imaging the Moon. It provides huge volume of information ranging from choosing optics, to comparing CCD with CMOS, image processing, and even Infra Photography. You will be amazed by the details that the single article contains. This is the Plato crater images, one of the examples he used in this tutorial. In the picture he compares two shots with different diaphragms. This is a sample image in which he compares two Mars photos captured with DBK 21 and TOU-Cam. He also illustrated the different results of sharpening with the Plato crater images below. Here is the link to the tutorial:

77. Astronomy News, Great Lakes Great Fires Meteorite -- New Find Links Great Fires
Astronomy News, Great Lakes Great Fires Meteorite new find links Great Fires of 1871 with meteor storm
Astronomy News
When Galaxies Collide!
Close Call with Near Earth Asteroid
January 7, 2002 Here's a bit of earth-shaking news for those of you who assume that NASA and the world's astronomers are able to alert us well in advance of an asteroid collision... Near-Earth asteroid 2001 YB5 raced past Earth today only two times farther away than the Moon. This asteroid is roughly 300 meters across and, according to a BBC World News reporter, could have taken out the entire U.K. if it had impacted there. This object wasn't even discovered until December 27th by the Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking survey! Asteroid 2001 YB5 orbits the sun at a frequency of approximately 1,000 days.
More Meteorites Found in Michigan's Great Fires Region
In 1895 a forty-four pound meteorite was found in Reed City, Michigan by farmer Ernest Ruppert. From "Mystic Michigan" by Mark Jager 1996.
Gigantic Terrestrial Impact Craters in Michigan
At the bottom of Lake Huron lies a meteor crater 30 miles in diameter and between a mile and a half to one mile deep. Discovered by Canadian scientists during a geological survey, this is the largest crater ever found in the United States. Updates on Lake Huron Impact Crater
Deadly Asteroid Cloud Expected Around 2003
According to a 1997 article in Shock Media, the S.E.T.I. team is tracking a massive cloud of asteroids which is headed directly into our solar system. The team's John Hawkins expects the first debris to become visible to the naked eye around 2003 with impact of the first stellar bodies shortly after that. "... The shocking element of this cloud is that within its center, there are chunks the size of moon's." He adds, "The cloud is moving incredibly fast, much faster that we first anticipated, when we first made this horrible discovery..."

78. W Nowym Swiecie
Blog inviting viewers to discover the Universe.
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79. Astro Cast
A blog, that keeps you in touch with latest Astronomical events, news, images and research.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Black Hole Mass Related to Globular Cluster Numbers
digg_url=""; digg_skin="compact"; tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_source = 'astrocastblog'; Posted by AstroCastBlog at 9/08/2010 01:56:00 PM A photo of the jet emitted by the black hole in galaxy M87
The mass a supermassive black hole at the center of a large galaxy has appears to be related to the number of globular cluster that particular galaxy contains, a new report suggests.
The data has been derived from a new investigation of the stars, which indicates that the two are somehow linked. The exact mechanisms underlying this connection are still unclear.
There are many such correlations in astronomy, experts say, even if some are arguably clearer than others. Given that the new connection was observed in several cases, scientists will continue to analyze it until they get to the bottom of it.

80. Science News For Kids: Articles By Category
Holes in Martian moon mystery Phobos may be lots of empty space. Planning for Mars Obama outlines space program that would take crew beyond the moon.

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