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1. National Optical Astronomy Observatory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from National Optical Astronomy Observatories) The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) is the United States national http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Optical_Astronomy_Observatories | |
2. NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORIES TUCSON AZ - Storming Media Pentagon reports and documents by To be informed of important news about our site, enter your email here. You can always unsubscribe later. http://www.stormingmedia.us/corpauthors/NATIONAL_OPTICAL_ASTRONOMY_OBSERVATORIES |
3. U.S. Radio Astronomy Observatories U.S. Radio Astronomy Observatories Please send corrections or updates to bpa@nas.edu. National Astronomy and Ionosphere CenterArecibo Observatory http://www.nas.edu/bpa1/US_Radio_Astronomy_Observatories.htm | |
4. 404 Error Browse the business directory Astronomy observatories We welcome you to JobBank USA and hope your job hunting experience is a pleasant one. http://www.jobbankusa.com/business_directory/browse/astronomy_observatories_7999 | |
5. National Optical Astronomy Observatory Information, news, resources, outreach programs, gallery, observing information, software, and newsletter and reports. http://www.noao.edu/ | |
6. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO): Look Deeper The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) designs, builds, and runs the world's most sophisticated radio telescopes for scientists to study the Sun, planets, solar system http://www.nrao.edu/ |
7. Astronomy Observatories Group ASTRONOMY FORUM JOIN NOW! the NICEST + one of the oldest, but most advanced EXCITING INTERNATIONAL astronomy community! Join the FRIENDLIEST astronomy forum, make friends and http://www.astronomyforum.net/groups/astronomy-observatories-group.html | |
8. Milkyweb Astronomy Observatory Guide Database of all worldwide facilities. http://www.observatory-guide.org |
9. Astronomy: Observatories Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources Observatories. Astronomy http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~pls/astronomy/observs.html | |
10. Seattle Washington Astronomy & Observatories Listings And User Reviews Business Listings for Astronomy Observatories with Phone Numbers and Contact Information in Seattle Washington http://www.helloseattle.com/YP/c_ASTRONOMYOBSERVATORIES.cfm |
11. NOAO Research Experiences For Undergraduates NOAO Research Experiences for Undergraduates. The National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) offers a limited number of Summer Research Assistant positions to qualified http://www.noao.edu/reu.html | |
12. Amateur Observatories Examples of small observatories that individual amateur astronomers have built for personal use. I started this list when doing research before building my own observatory. http://obs.nineplanets.org/obs/obslist.html | |
13. History Of Astronomy: Observatories And Other Places Crossreferences for proper names _ Proper name Place http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_obs.html | |
14. NRAO: Socorro, New Mexico Current events, public outreach, very large array, VLA expansion project, and very long baseline array. http://www.aoc.nrao.edu | |
15. Michigan Astronomy | Observatories Observatories Observatories Major NonLocal Observatories . The Magellan Project is a collaboration between the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (OCIW http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/obs/obs.php | |
16. FCRAO Home Page General information, observer information, research, instrumentation, education, and image gallery. http://donald.phast.umass.edu/~fcrao/ | |
17. Astronomical Observatories Search: United States Go Astronomy Your guide to amateur astronomy planets, constellations, telescopes and more. http://www.go-astronomy.com/observatories.htm | |
18. The Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory General information on facility and equipment, introduction to subject, images, and individual links to individual equipment and instrumentation. http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/telescopes/ | |
19. Astronomy & Observatories | POI Factory Includes 338 locations in the following areas United States, AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA http://www.poi-factory.com/node/379 |
20. Astronomy & Observatories - Cleveland, OH - Cleveland.com Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Cleveland, Ohio. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, maps, reviews http://businessfinder.cleveland.com/OH-Cleveland/Astronomy-and-Observatories | |
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