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21. AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics On The Internet Astronomical internet resources from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/astronomy.html | |
22. Case Astronomy Observatories The Burrell Schmidt Case Astronomy owns and operates the 24 /36 Burrell Schmidt wide field telescope, located at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona. http://astronomy.case.edu/observatories.shtml | |
23. NOAO Image Gallery: Galaxies Provides galaxy images as taken by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. http://www.lsstmail.org/image_gallery/galaxies.html | |
24. Astronomy Observatories Science editor Alan Boyle’s Weblog Two newly released pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope document the gorgeous birth of stars — and a star’s equally gorgeous death. http://www.getxnews.com/tag/astronomy-observatories/ | |
25. A VBA Desktop Database For Proposal Processing At National Optical Astronomy Obs National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) has developed a relational Microsoft Windows desktop database using Microsoft Access and the Microsoft Office programming language http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass98/browncl/ | |
26. INAF-OABO Home Page Information, activities, services, publications, equipment information, and library. http://www.bo.astro.it/ | |
27. Lexington KY Astronomy & Observatories Reviews And Recommendations By Judy's Boo Judy's Book Guide to Lexington. Lexington Doctors, Dentists, Restaurants, Plumbers, Bars, Hotels, Shopping, Astronomy Observatories yellow page listings and more. Find Reviews http://www.judysbook.com/cities/lexington-ky/Astronomy-and-Observatories |
28. Astronomy & Observatories - Stillman Valley, IL - SaukValley.com Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Stillman Valley, Illinois. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions http://bizsearch.saukvalley.com/IL-Stillman-Valley/Astronomy-and-Observatories |
29. TLS-Homepage Information on equipment and instrumentation, archives, education, public outreach, and news. http://www.tls-tautenburg.de/ | |
30. Telescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Microscopes, Riflescopes, Astronomical Astronomy Observatories Accessories, On Sale, Astronomy Observatories Accessories. The World's Largest Selection of Optics for Astronomy, Sport, Science and Education http://www.scopecity.com/accessories.cfm?ts=321&tn=Astronomy Observatories & |
31. Lund Observatory Information, research, education, library, events, seminars, publications, resources, and links. http://www.astro.lu.se/ | |
32. Mauna Kea Observatory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Observatories at Mauna Kea, (MKO), are an independent collection of astronomical research facilities located on the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawai'i, USA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauna_Kea_Observatory | |
33. Armagh Observatory News, public relations, FAQ, and the people. http://star.arm.ac.uk/ |
34. Astronomy Observatories Featured Products. Contact Lenses Need contacts and have a valid prescription? Try www.primaryecp.com/RebuckOD for http://www.your4state.com/bizdir/index.php?id=504312 |
35. Vatican Observatory One of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world. History, equipment specifications, reports, images, news and a FAQ. http://vaticanobservatory.org | |
36. Mt Hamilton Astronomy Observatories On Vimeo In the Mt Hamilton, east of San Jose, many big telescopes and astronomy observatories stand high above. Not my best footage, therefore heavily color graded (mostly using Red http://vimeo.com/367505 |
37. Wise Observatory, Department Of Astronomy And Astrophysics, Tel-Aviv University General information, personnel, observations, news, research, public information, and databases and circulars. http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/ | |
38. Astronomy & Observatories - High Bridge, NJ - NJ.com Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near High Bridge, New Jersey. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions http://businessfinder.nj.com/NJ-High-Bridge/Astronomy-and-Observatories | |
39. Melton Memorial Observatory - University Of South Carolina Unit signup, history, touring, observing, and links. http://boson.physics.sc.edu/~melton/ | |
40. Michigan Astronomy | Observatories & Computing Local Facilities. The weather and light pollution in SE Michigan aren't very conducive to observing. However, it neither one of those things matters much to radio astronomy http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/obs/ | |
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