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         Astronomy Observatories:     more books (100)
  1. Megalithic Lunar Observatories by A. Thom, 1970-01-01
  2. Supernovae: The Tenth Santa Cruz Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, July 9 to 21, 1989, Lick Observatory (Santa Cruz Summer Workshops in Astronomy and Astrophysics)
  3. The Observer's Guide to Astronomy: Volume 1 (Practical Astronomy Handbooks)
  4. Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics (Saunders Golden Sunburst Series) by Stephen A. Gregory, Michael Zeilik, 1997-08-21
  5. Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy by A. Richard Thompson, James M. Moran, et all 2001-05-03
  6. Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy by Woodruff T. SullivanIII, 2009-12-14
  7. Reflecting Telescope Optics II: Manufacture, Testing, Alignment, Modern Techniques (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) by Raymond N. Wilson, 1999-02-18
  8. Space Astronomy: The UV Window to the Universe
  9. Astronomy Demystified (Demystified) by Stan Gibilisco, 2002-08-01
  10. Astronomy with a Home Computer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Neale Monks, 2005-01-14
  11. Astronomical Image and Data Analysis (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) by J.-L. Starck, F. Murtagh, 2006-09-25
  12. Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950: The Birth, Near Death, and Resurrection of a Scientific Research Institution by Donald E. Osterbrock, 1999-05-15
  13. The Vatican Observatory: In the Service of Nine Popes by Sabino S. J. Maffeo, 2002-08
  14. Sky Vistas: Astronomy for Binoculars and Richest-Field Telescopes by Craig Crossen, Gerald Rhemann, 2004-01-27

61. INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Di Roma
Local information, scientific information, facilities, meetings and seminars, and links.
var menu = new Dropdown('mainmenu'); INAF ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA 31 Ottobre 2010 www Indice

62. Astronomy & Observatories - Monterey, CA - Monterey Herald Business Listings
Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Monterey, California. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, maps

63. Calar Alto Observatory
Information about equipment, schedules, and technical news.

64. Istria On The Internet - Astronomy - Observatories
Astronomical Observatories. The science of astronomy has a long tradition at the University of Vienna in Austria. Records show that astronomy has been persued since
Astronomical Observatories The science of astronomy has a long tradition at the University of Vienna in Austria. Records show that astronomy has been persued since the middle ages. However, for most of the time the work of the Austrian astronomers was hampered by the lack of suitable telescopes. The largest telescope of the old Vienna Observatory, until the middle of the 19th century located on the roof of the old building of the University near the center of Vienna, had a diameter of only 6 inches. As a consequence astronomers in Vienna turned to other areas of interest; they became specialists in calculating orbits of planets and comets. During the 19th century Austria was a seafaring nation. To support the navigation of her ships at sea, Austria had, as all seafaring nations had to have, a naval observatory. The Austro-Hungarian Imperial Naval Observatory in Pola, Istria Photograph courtesy of �sterreichisches Staatsarchiv Pola The oldest astronomical observatory in present-day Croatia was established in Pula in 1871 as part of the Hydrographical Institute of the Imperial and Royal Navy. Pola was the "Kriegshafen" (literally: war harbour) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at that time.

65. The Whole Earth Telescope Project
About the project, the community, observatories, campaigns, announcements, publications, and tools.
WET Announcements
  • Click Here to go to the new WET home page at the University of Delaware. The pages at Iowa State will serve as an archive of the WET activity through 2006 or so.
  • Xcov 15 finallly hits the presses in 2008 - after 11 years! Congratulations to Dennis Sullivan and the many coauthors on publishing the analysis of data on EC 20058 - it is never too late!
  • Xcov 25 ran from 17-31 May 2006, and inaugurated a new phase for the Whole Earth Telescope! This run was the first to be coordinated at the Mt. Cuba Observatory. Mt. Cuba, a participant in several WET runs, is associated with the University of Delaware, home of the Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center (DARC). With Xcov 25, the WET has joined with the DARC to broaden the scope of science that can be done by those of us involved in asteroseismology with networked telescopes. See the above link for details, and go here for details of Xcov25.
  • XCov 24 has concluded. Despite some terrible weather around the globe, our observers managed to produce a fine data set on the primary and secondary targets - thank you very much to all of those who participated. The primary target was PG 0014 , and the secondary target was RXJ 2117 . Please see the XCov 24 web page for details.

66. - Astronomy & Observatories, Lowell, Yellow Pages, Michigan (MI), Yellow Pages provides business listings (addresses) for Astronomy Observatories, Lowell, Michigan (MI). Provides online yellow pages, reverse phone book and

67. MSU | Department Of Physics And Astronomy
Observatory schedule, and description and images of the facilities.
Howell Observatory
The Howell Observatory is located on the university's south farm. It is open to the public approximately once per month during the academic year. The viewing schedule, a map of the south farm, and other helpful observing tips can be found here Special arrangements can be made for other interested groups by contacting Professor Patrick Lestrade ( email("jpl3", "", "")
URL: ] - [ Updated:
Technical problems, contact the Help Desk

68. Case Astronomy
News, online interface, references, gallery, data download, archive, and software.
Welcome to Case Astronomy
Exploring the frontiers of our universe for over 125 years...
SEARCH CASE ASTRONOMY: RELATED SITES: Case Astronomy is a community of active researchers and educators, with research strengths in the fields of galaxy formation and evolution, stellar chemical abundances, and telescope instrumentation and design. We offer graduate and undergraduate degree programs, and host a series of public talks for the general community. Come inside and learn more about our on-going research, our faculty, staff, and students, and all the new things happening in Case Astronomy. Read the latest news out of Case Astronomy in our Jan 2010 Newsletter NEWS

69. Canada France Hawaii Telescope
News, observing, science, images, and outreach.
Canada France Hawaii Telescope

70. Astronomy & Observatories - Big Sur, CA - Monterey Herald Business Listings
Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Big Sur, California. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, maps

71. University Of Toronto Southern Observatory
Facility and equipment information including images.
Last update 2002 March 13 UPDATE: On 1997 June 30, UTSO ceased operating due to lack of funds. An agreement was subsequently made with the Argentine observatory at El Leoncito to move the telescope, operate it, and maintain it, reserving 25% of the time for the University of Toronto. The instrument retained its name, Helen Sawyer Hogg Telescope (HSHT), as a continuing tribute to one of Canada's best-known astronomers. View photographs of the dismantlement and move of the UTSO dome, HSHT, and supporting instrumentation. Also shown are the new site and construction work on the new building.
From 1971 until 1997, the University of Toronto Southern Observatory (UTSO) operated the 60-cm HSHT in the foothills of the Andes mountains in north-central Chile, where the skies are as nearly perfect for astronomical research as anywhere on Earth. UTSO was open to all professional astonomers, regardless of institutional affiliation or national origin. Coordinates: 70 42.'0 W Altitude: 2280 m 29

72. National Optical Astronomy Observatories Profile Overview
Read exclusive insider information and reviews on National Optical Astronomy Observatories. Get National Optical Astronomy Observatories salaries, interview advice, culture

73. Roseland Observatory
News, articles, events, classified, gallery, and observations and logs.
Bringing Astronomy to Cornwall
Last updated 31st Oct.
Based on Court Farm Holiday Camp Site, St Stephen, Mid Cornwall PL26 7LE. Campsite closed until Easter, for advance bookings (01726) 823684 To contact the Observatory Office (01726) 813602 or the Observatory Site 07804 036959. For accommodation options, including on site cottages, please contact the Observatory. For additional data visit the Contact Page see top tabs.
SS Computer Services when you simply need the best - (01726) 68684
For Great Kit As New telescopes for sale see under E) Buy or not to Buy Menu;- Just scroll down the page until you come to the topic you want to look at. A) LOOK UP B) SPACED OUT C) STAY WITH US D) LEARN MORE E) BUY OR NOT TO F) RESEARCH G) FOOT NOTES. Then check all the other pages by clicking on the links at the top or bottom of the page. Headlines;- New Meteor Shower?

74. Astronomy & Observatories - Pecatonica, IL -
Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Pecatonica, Illinois. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, maps

75. University Of Bern - Astronomisches Institut - Observatory Zimmerwald
General information, operations, equipment, and images,
home universität philnat astronomisches institut zimmerwald ... Search Contact Location Map Print DE
Astronomisches Institut
Observatory Zimmerwald
Contact Director: Prof. Dr. T. Schildknecht SLR Lead: Dr. A. Jäggi CCD Lead: Prof. Dr. T. Schildknecht Techn. Lead: Dr. M. Ploner
  • The beginning The Schmidt Camera Laser observations The fundamental station
    Satellite Laser Ranging
    • Overview Operations
    CCD Observations GNSS permanent station Earth tide gravimeter Physics of the atmosphere (IAP)
    General requirements The astronomical telescope (CCD) Satellite laser ranging (SLR)
Current Activities

76. Astronomy & Observatories - Auburn Hills, MI -
Find Astronomy Observatories local business listings in near Auburn Hills, Michigan. Get Astronomy Observatories business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions
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77. Springbrook Research Observatory - Index Page
Photo library, news, projects, online robotic telescopes.
head title /title meta NAME=" Title " CONTENT=" Springbrook Research Observatory - robotic telescopes. " meta NAME=" Subject " CONTENT=" Andre Clayden's Online Robotic telescopes at Springbrook Observatory. " meta NAME=" Description " CONTENT=" " meta NAME=" Keywords " CONTENT=" Research,Astronomy,Springbrook,Gold Coast,Queensland,Australia,Observatory,Scientific,robotic telescope,schmidt-cassegrain,CG-11,CG-14,CCD imaging cameras,telescope,celestial photos,Nightly night sky viewing tours. " meta NAME=" Author " CONTENT=" G.Maguire for Andre Clayden. " meta http-equiv=" Content-Type " content=" text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 " base target=" " style /style /head

78. Marketplace > Uniontown, PA >
Marketplace Local Directory has local businesses, ratings, reviews and events

79. Owens Valley Radio Observatory, California Institute Of Technology
Facilities and instruments information, general information, images, and links.

80. National Optical Astronomy Observatories In Tucson, AZ | 950 N Cherry Ave, Tucso
National Optical Astronomy Observatories in Tucson, AZ Map, Phone Number, Reviews, Photos and Video Profile for Tucson National Optical Astronomy Observatories. National

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