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81. The Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory New results, papers, data, and images. http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/telescopes/vsa/ | |
82. Astronomical Tourism In Elqui Valley And San Pedro De Atacama Travel Packages in San Pedro de Atacama Desert and Elqui Valley http://www.astronomicaltourism.com/scientific-astronomy-observatories-in-chile/ | |
83. SMA: Submillimeter Array General information, facility and equipment information, proposals, resources, publications, and links. http://sma-www.harvard.edu/ | |
84. Maria Mitchell Association | Observatories The Loines Observatory 59 Milk Street Ext. Nantucket, MA 02554 (508) 2289273 Built in 1968 and 1998, the two domes of this facility house a beautifully refurbished antique 8-inch http://www.mmo.org/astronomy/observatories.html | |
85. Onsala Space Observatory Tours, facilities and instrument information, library, and seminars. http://www.oso.chalmers.se/oso/ | |
86. Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer About FUSE, headlines, news, operations, user support, and publications. http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/ | |
87. Custer Observatory Resources, events, newsletters, and directions. http://www.custerobservatory.org/ | |
88. Osservatorio Astronomico "Bellatrix" - G. Masi General and equipment information, and images. http://www.bellatrixobservatory.org/ | |
89. Debrecen Observatory Features information about publications, sunspot data, and events. Hungarian, English http://fenyi.sci.klte.hu/ |
90. Konkoly Observatory Of The Hungarian Academy Of Sciences At the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. http://www.konkoly.hu/ | |
91. Pieri Astronomy Observatory Associazione che ha lo scopo di riunire appassionati di astronomia di et inferiore ai 18 anni. Presentazione delle attivit e contatti. http://www.mclink.it/mclink/astro/ass/pao/ | |
92. Ole Rømer Observatoriet Forskere, studerende og offentligheden har adgang til dette observatorie, der ligger syd for rhus. http://oro.phys.au.dk/ | |
93. Kuiper Belt Object Found Possibly As Large As Pluto's Moon From the National Optical Astronomy Observatory Newsletter http://www.noao.edu/outreach/press/pr01/pr0110.html | |
94. Astronomy Program At Bucknell Calendar of events, image library, directions, and course offerings. http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/physics/astronomy/observatory/ | |
95. Observatoire De Haute-Provence Observing proposals, publications, photo gallery, instrument information, user s guide, and news. http://www.obs-hp.fr/ |
96. ä¸å›½ç§‘å¦é™¢ç´«é‡‘å±±å¤©æ–‡å° Basic information, projects, groups, observing stations, programs. publications, newsletters, and links. http://www.pmo.ac.cn/ | |
97. Worth Hill Observatory (UK) Tour information, latest images and events, facility information, and accommodation details. http://www.dstrange.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
98. The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh City centre observatory with lectures, exhibitions and visitors centre. Includes information on the Astronomy Technology Centre and Edinburgh University s Institute for Astronomy. http://www.roe.ac.uk/ | |
99. Instituto De AstronomÃa. Ensenada, B.C., Equipment and instrument information, general information, news and events, projects and images, and history. http://haro.astrossp.unam.mx/Opciones/text1.html | |
100. Naval Oceanography Portal General information, FAQ, tour information, history, equipment information, inexpensive digital astro imaging, and instructions on constructing an 8 inch Dobsonian. http://www.usno.navy.mil/ | |
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