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21. The Astronomer Magazine A magazine for the advanced amateur and our aim is to publish all observations of astronomical interest as soon as possible after they are made. http://www.theastronomer.org/ | |
22. Astronomy Publications The website of Mexborough Swinton Astronomical Society, a registered educational charity in South Yorkshire, England. http://www.msas.org.uk/index.php?option=com_weblinks&view=category&id=22 |
23. Astronomy - Publications Viele Studenten studieren an der Eberhard Karls Universit t T bingen in BadenW rttemberg an verschiedenen Fakult ten. Lehre und Forschung auf h chstem Niveau werden sowohl im http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/en/faculties/mathematics-and-physics/institutes/astr |
24. Astronomy Now Online UK magazine offers current news and subscription information. http://www.astronomynow.com/ | |
25. The EnviroLink Network - Astronomy Displaying 1 2 of 2 resources in Astronomy and Publications 1. Galileo - Italian Diary of Science and Global Issues Rome, Italy Galileo. Italian Diary of Science and Global http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Astronomy&topicsku=2002109191956 |
26. SkyandTelescope.com Beginner astronomer, stargazer, and telescope buyer-targeted publication. http://nightskymag.com/ |
27. Amsky - The On-line Mega-magazine For Amateur Astronomy online An open-forum electronic magazine for serious amateur astronomers. http://www.amsky.com/ | |
28. Astronomy: Publications - Category For Astronomy/Publications. UFOseek directory for Astronomy/Publications Astronomy Publications For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of transient sources. http://www.ufoseek.com/Astronomy/Publications/index.html | |
29. Cool Universe: Christine M. Roane, Writer Find Astronomy news briefs, useful links, science features, book, website, TV/movie reviews. http://www.cool-universe.com/ | |
30. Science - Astronomy - Publications - Directory Science Central Science Astronomy - Publications. For reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations of transient sources.. http://www.sciencecentral.com/category/26678 |
31. Electronic Newsletter For The History Of Astronomy (ENHA) Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft. Subscription is free. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/enha/ | |
32. Science - Astronomy - Publications - Books - Directory Science Central Science Astronomy - Publications - Books. Star of Bethlehem - an astronomer's new book shows how the Christmas star was revealed from an ancient coin.. A http://www.sciencecentral.com/category/180766 |
33. Astronomy Digest online Free monthly Astronomy e-zine with current Astronomy news, and product reviews. http://members.tripod.com/~adver/ | |
34. Publications Planetary Radar Astronomy Publications - 267 At the beginning of this project, a bibliography of radar astronomy literature, consisting of 384 items arranged http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4218/publications.htm | |
35. Be Star Newsletter Discusses information about early-type stars and especially hot, near main-sequence stars. Includes pdf downloads of the most recent issues. http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~dam3ma/benews/ | |
36. NJACE: Astronomy Publications Astronomy Magazine NASA's Planetary PhotoJournal For easy access to the publicly released images from various Solar System exploration http://www2.raritanval.edu/planetarium/reference/publications.html | |
37. Star Of Bethlehem - Legacy Of The Magi by Michael R. Molnar. Examining ancient Roman coins an astronomer found evidence that the biblical star did appear in the east in the sign of the Jews - Aries the Ram. http://www.eclipse.net/~molnar/ | |
38. Astronomy: Publications Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources Publications. Astronomy http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~pls/astronomy/pubs.html | |
39. Handbook Of Space Astronomy And Astrophysics online by Martin V. Zombeck s, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press. http://adsbit.harvard.edu/books/hsaa/ | |
40. Astronomy Publications - SPIE SPIE books provide astronomy content relating to optics and photonics, such as Photon Transfer by James R. Janesick. http://spie.org/x23243.xml |
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