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41. Astronomy Books Online Bookstore - Cosmobrain Astronomy Books Online astronomical bookstore including over 500 selected titles divided by subject. Worldwide shipping. Safe shopping guarantee. http://www.cosmobrain.com/bookstore/bookstore2.html |
42. Astronomy Publications | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting Library Advocacy Free Astronomy publications from Apeiron to Mercury. AccessMyLibrary.com Search information that libraries trust! http://www.accessmylibrary.com/subject/astronomy |
43. PhilHarrington.net A site devoted to helping amateur astronomers get more enjoyment out of their hobby. Includes advice on purchasing and using equipment as well as products. http://www.philharrington.net/ | |
44. Universal Workshop | Books By Guy Ottewell The annual Astronomical Calendar and other books by Guy Ottewell, a number of which are on astronomical subjects. http://www.universalworkshop.com | |
45. Amateur Astronomy Associations And Publications Amateur astronomy publications exist for astronomers of all levels, ages and specific interests. Some of the most popular astronomy publications include http://www.aboutseti.com/articles/associations-and-publications/index.php | |
46. Irish Astronomical Journal Independent professional journal focusing on modern astronomical knowledge and related subjects. http://star.arm.ac.uk/iaj/home.html | |
47. Miscellaneous: Astronomy Publications - Free Online Library Free Online Library Miscellaneous, Astronomy publications. Research Library Information, Publications, News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, and Reference Articles from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Miscellaneous-p1 Astronomy | |
48. Annual Reviews - Error In publication since 1963, covering significant developments regarding the Sun, stars, galaxy, cosmology, instrumentation and techniques, and history. http://astro.annualreviews.org | |
49. Astronomy Publications The website of Mexborough Swinton Astronomical Society, a registered educational charity in South Yorkshire, England. http://www.msas.org.uk/astronomy-mainmenu-5/web-links-mainmenu-8/22-astronomy-pu |
50. SpringerLink - International Journal Of Infrared And Millimeter Waves, Volume 29 A resource for rapid dissemination of the results of original research in millimeter, submillimeter, and far infrared theory, techniques, devices, systems, spectroscopy, and applications. http://www.springerlink.com/content/101850/ | |
51. Online Astronomy Publications Astronomy Magazine The Planetary Society UK Amateur Astronomy Mercury Magazine Astronomy Now OnLine Sky Telescope Magazine Astronomy Pubs by Author http://www.icstars.com/HTML/icstars/graphics/pubs/pubs1.htm | |
52. Celestial Mechanics And Dynamical Astronomy - Free Access Available An international journal concerned with the broadest range of dynamical astronomy and its applications, as well as with peripheral fields. Print and online versions. http://www.springer.com/astronomy/journal/10569 | |
53. Cassiopeia, Winter Solstice 1994 Issue, CANADIAN ASTRONOMY PUBLICATIONS CANADIAN ASTRONOMY PUBLICATIONS September 19 to December 16, 1994 If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would like to include it in this list. http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/CASCA/w94/pubs.html | |
54. Astronomy Magazine Includes astronomy and space news, sky events, reprinted articles for the magazine, and astronomy and telescope resources. http://www.astronomy.com/ | |
55. X-ray Astronomy Publications These publications are in reverse chronolgical order. Eclipsing Star System may be Slowing Down by Ejecting Gas Press release and illustration, as presented at the meeting of the http://xweb.nrl.navy.mil/xraypubs.html | |
56. SkyandTelescope.com Geared towards amateur astronomers. Astronomy news, sky charts, product reviews, in-depth articles on the science of astronomy, and weekly sky observing guides. http://skytonight.com/ |
57. Chris Howk Astronomy Publications http://www.nd.edu/~jhowk/ | |
58. Amateur Astronomy Magazine News for, by and about amateur astronomers around the world. A quarterly publication with lots of articles and pictures about all aspects of amateur astronomy. http://amateurastronomy.com | |
59. Astronomy News Astronomy Publications. SkyNews Magazine; Sky and Telescope Magazine; Astronomy Magazine; Back to top http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~cascaed/news.html | |
60. SkyNews Home Page Terence Dickinson s online information about Canadian amateur astronomers, star party listings, astrophotography articles and related photos. http://www.skynewsmagazine.com/index.html | |
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