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61. Alexa - Top Sites By Category: Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journals Top Sites. Sites ordered by popularity. The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month alexa traffic rank. The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/Science/Astronomy/Publications/Journa |
62. Home Page Promotes women s role in astronomy, now, in the past, and in the future. http://www.womanastronomer.com/ | |
63. History Of Astronomy: Publications Wolfgang R. Dick Created January 1995. Latest update 14 Feb 2002 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_pub.html | |
64. Astronomy Space Magazine Promotes astronomy and space interests and education in Ireland. Published by the Astronomy Ireland astronomy club. http://www.astronomy.ie/magazine.html |
65. MIT Haystack Observatory: Astronomy Publications The Haystack Observatory is an interdisciplinary research center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engaged in radio astronomy, geodesy, upper atmospheric http://www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/pubs/index.html | |
66. Meteorite Magazine About Meteorites And Tektites With Meteorite Hunting And Mete online; monthly Targeted towards the enjoyment, education, and preservation of meteorites, tektites, and impact structures. http://www.meteorite-times.com/ | |
67. Astronomy And Astrophotography Digital SLR astrophotography (especially Canon Digital Rebel) Building a foamlined telescope case Polar axis misalignment calculator Kodak HC-110 Developer Unofficial Resource Page http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/astromenu.html | |
68. UniGalactic Space Travel Magazine Space travel magazine covering space news, space tourism, space travel and exploration and science news. http://www.unigalactic.com/ |
69. Astronomy: Publications Astronomy. Publications Many sites maintain electronic versions of abstracts, preprints, and other astronomical publications ADS Astrophysical Data System http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~jlc/astronomy/pubs.html | |
70. Communicating Astronomy With The Public - CAP2010 CAP2010 will be held 15 19 March, 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa. http://www.communicatingastronomy.org/cap2010/ |
71. Starmaster Portable Telescopes - Links Astronomy Publications . Amateur Astronomy Magazine. Amateur Telescope Makers. Astronomy Magazine. Sky and Telescope. Back to Menu To Navigation Bars http://www.starmastertelescopes.com/links.htm | |
72. The RXTE Learning Center a forum for explaining the science the satellite RXTE does, as well as striving to introduce concepts of X-ray astronomy to the public and to provide teachers with data and lesson plans that can be used in the classroom. This NASA site also includes descriptions of discoveries RXTE has made. Ages Upper High School to adult. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xte/learning_center/ | |
73. Physlink - Physics And Astronomy Journals - Directory Of Physics And Astronomy P Science, Physics, Publications Physlink - Physics and Astronomy Journals. Directory of physics and astronomy publications. http://www.abc-directory.com/site/489407 |
74. The Sky Over Berlin online Monthly updated sky calendar with events and articles about the astronomical highlights of the month, as viewed from Berlin/Germany. Begun in July, 1992. http://www.in-berlin.de/User/jd/himmel/indexe.html |
75. EScience Astronomy Publications - Microsoft Research Vik Singh, Jim Gray, Ani R. Thakar, Alexander S. Szalay, Jordan Raddick, Bill Boroski, Svetlana Lebedeva, Brian Yanny, “ SkyServer Traffic Report – The First Five Years http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/groups/escience/astropubs.aspx |
76. Â Marcia Bartusiak - Home Meet astronomy writer Marcia Bartusiak, author of Thursday s Universe, Through a Universe Darkly, and Einstein s Unfinished Symphony. http://www.marciabartusiak.com |
77. Astronomy Equipment What types of astronomy literature would one need? Some basic astronomy guides and textbooks might be worth having. http://www.astronomyequipment.info/astronomypublications.php |
78. IOPscience::.. The Astrophysical Journal Founded in 1895 and published by the American Astronomical Society. It is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics. Quasars, pulsars, neutron stars, black holes, solar and stellar magnetic fields, X-rays, and interstellar matter. In addition, videos that complement specific issues are periodically available. http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/apj | |
79. Publications - Directory Home Science Astronomy Publications Publications The Astronomer's Telegrams For reporting and commenting on new astronomical http://science.codpex.com/Astronomy/Publications/ |
80. Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) A European Journal that publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics theoretical, observational and instrumental, independently of the techniques used to obtain the results numerical analysis, optical, radio, particles, and space vehicles. http://www.edpsciences.org/aa/ |
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