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61. CMBEASY CMBEASY is a C++ code with GUI for calculation of CMB power spectra and other density fluctuation evolution data for a given cosmology. http://www.cmbeasy.org/ | |
62. Free Astronomy Software - Download Astronomy Software - EarthWatch, Lunar Calend 1) EarthWatch 4.01 EarthWatch displays a graphical world clock with a dynamic map image of the world showing the day and night areas, a sundial, and an http://astronomy.software.datapicks.com/ | |
63. FLASH AMR Reacting Hydrodynamics The FLASH code is a reacting hydrodynamics code with adaptive mesh refinement for general astrophysical hydrodynamics problems. http://flash.uchicago.edu/ |
64. Astronomy Software, Telescope Software, Autostar Get tips about astronomy software and telescope software at Telescopes.Lifetips.com. Learn about autostar and autoguider. http://telescopes.lifetips.com/cat/61002/astronomy-software/index.html |
65. PHOEBE - PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs PHOEBE is an infrastructure for the numerical modeling and analysis of eclipsing binary stars, using a variety of models. http://phoebe.fiz.uni-lj.si/ | |
66. PV-WAVE Family Of Products - Visual Numerics Is Now Rogue Wave commercial - multiplatform Advanced visual data analysis software. http://www.vni.com/products/wave/ | |
67. Astronomy Software - Starry Night, PC, Mac, Windows, Apple | Edmund Scientific View the stars, planets universe from your desktop! Edmund Scientific carries astronomy software, including Starry Nights DK's Space and the Universe. http://www.scientificsonline.com/category.asp?c=421199 |
68. ITT Visual Information Solutions, Image Processing & Data Analysis commercial - multiplatform Data analysis, visualization, and cross-platform application development software. http://www.rsinc.com/idl/ |
69. Astronomy Software Astronomy software can be helpful and educational for amateur astronomers. Learn about astronomy software, include freeware, software reviews and astronomy software downloads. http://www.aboutseti.com/articles/amateur-astronomy/astronomy-software.php | |
70. Iris Software Free astronomical images processing software. http://www.astrosurf.com/buil/us/iris/iris.htm | |
71. Astronomy Software Astronomy Software section where you can buy astronomy software and space software like redshift, starry night and more. http://www.aerospaceguide.net/astronomysoftware/index.html | |
72. Silverfrost: Home To FTN95 commercial, demo available - Win95/98/NT A solar system simulator and planetarium, with planetary encyclopaedia. http://www.silverfrost.com | |
73. »» Astronomy Software May happiness brighten your holidays and remain with you throughout the New Year http://www.moonphases.info/category.asp?catid=18 |
74. Spacesimulator.net - 3D Engine Programming - OpenGL Tutorials - Game Development Provides tutorials on how to program a 3d engine for a space simulation. http://www.spacesimulator.net | |
75. Astronomy Software Go Astronomy Your guide to amateur astronomy planets, constellations, telescopes and more. http://www.go-astronomy.com/astronomy-software.htm | |
76. Celestia: Home A free 3D space simulator that lets you travel through the solar system and beyond to over 100,000 stars. Windows, Mac; Open source http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ | |
77. ASTRONOMY SOFTWARE ASTRONOMY SOFTWARE. In the accompanying photos are a new astronomy software package called TheSky and a sample chart view generated by the program. http://er.jsc.nasa.gov/seh/pg104s95.html | |
78. Project AstroFly Home Page freeware - Win 98/ME/2000/XP Three-dimensional models of the Milky Way neighborhood. http://www.anumajor.com/astrofly/index.html | |
79. Astronomy Software Astronomy software provides supplementary information regarding the universe to amateur and professional astronomers alike. http://www.idealastronomy.com/astronomysoftware.html |
80. Liftoff Space Shuttle Simulator :: ETI Entertainment Technologies commercial - Windows Hands-on presentations and simulations about being an astronaut and commanding the space shuttle. http://www.eti-tech.com | |
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