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  1. Buffalo Bisons (Pl) Players: Connie Mack, Dummy Hoy, Deacon White, Lady Baldwin, George Keefe, Alex Ferson, Larry Twitchell, Bert Cunningham

21. Dummy Hoy MLB Baseball Player
Welcome to the Dummy Hoy MLB Baseball Player Online Biograhpy Page. Dummy Hoy was born on May 23, 1862.
Dummy Hoy MLB Baseball Player - MLB Dummy Hoy - Player Dummy Hoy - Baseball Dummy Hoy - Dummy Hoy Bookmark Us! CFL NFL NHL MLB ...
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MLB Player Dummy Hoy - Dummy Hoy Bio
Who is Dummy Hoy? Dummy Hoy was a Major League baseball Player (MLB) who made his MLB debut in 1888-04-20. Welcome to the Dummy Hoy biography by Baseball database. Dummy Hoy was an Major League Baseball Player who was born on May 23, 1862. Dummy Hoy was born as William Ellsworth. Dummy Hoy wieght: 160 lbs. Dummy Hoy height: 66.0 inches. MLB baseball player, Dummy Hoy passed away on 12 / 15 / 1961 in OH, Cincinnati, USA
Currently we are featuring Dummy Hoy MLB statistical data. Below you will find the overall record for Dummy Hoy from the teams he managed, the number of games he worked, his winning percentage, the number of wins, the total number of losses and other personal data. An MLB Player controls all matters of team strategy on the field and team leadership, he sets the line-up and starting pitcher before each game as well as making substitutions throughout the game. There have been many Players over the years that we do not list as they were not the team Player. Enjoy the Dummy Hoy MLB historical data provided below.
MLB Baseball Player Profile for Dummy Hoy
Also known as William Ellsworth
Main A B C ... Z
Vital Statistics for Dummy Hoy Full Name:
Dummy Hoy Given Name: William Ellsworth Born: Nick Name: Birthplace: Houcktown
USA Died:
USA Height: Weight: Bats: Left

22. Dummy Hoy Athletic Career, Photos, Articles, And Videos | Fanbase
Find articles, photos, videos, and career history for Find articles, photos, videos, and career history for Dummy Hoy from Cincinnati Reds, Chicago White Sox, Louisville Colonels
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Dummy Hoy
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Edit Dummy Hoy Date of birth May 23 Date of death Dec 15, 1961 (age 99) Ht: Wt: 160 lbs. Birthplace Houcktown, OH Hometown Columbus, OH Summary William Ellsworth "Dummy" Hoy (May 23 1862 – December 15 1961) was an American center fielder in Major League Baseball who played for several teams from 1888 to 1902, most notably the Cincinnati Reds and two Washington, D.C. franchises... View Wikipedia page Add college, high school, website, and more. Add photo Add video
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Playing career Cincinnati Reds Outfielder Chicago White Sox Outfielder Louisville Colonels Outfielder Washington Senators Outfielder St. Louis Browns

23. Index
Manufacturers and exporters of dummies. India.
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CNN/SI Dummy Hoy - Profile and career statistics. The Daily Star - Article on one group's efforts to get Dummy Hoy elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • CNN/SI - Dummy Hoy - Profile and career statistics.
  • The Daily Star - Article on one group's efforts to get Dummy Hoy elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • 25. Hoy - Related Articles And Key Terms
    Wikipedia sources Chris Hoy Hoy Dummy Hoy Orkney No Es Lo Mismo Loompanics James Masterson Ethics Vicente Fox Magna Carta (band) Scapa Flow White Terror

    26. Welcome To The "Dummy" Hoy Homeplate
    Career and achievements of William Ellsworth Dummy Hoy (1862-1961), the first deaf Major League baseball player.

    27. William Hoy
    Hoy Family. William Ellsworth Hoy Dummy Hoy The Father of Baseball Sign Language
    Hoy -Hermenet Web Site Hoy Family William Ellsworth Hoy "Dummy Hoy" The Father of Baseball Sign Language Baseball Cards From 1887 Photographs of Hoy Baseball Cards Courtesy of Steve Sandy William Ellsworth Hoy Family Historian Born - May 23,1862 Houckstown, Hancock County, Ohio Occupations - Shoemaker, Farmer (Milking Cows), Major League Baseball Player, Farmer Married - October 26, 1898 Marriage took place at the Children' Home in Cincinnati, Ohio, Where Anna Grew Up Died - December 15, 1961 Cincinnati, Ohio Burial - His body was cremated and his ashes were scattered in Lytle Park located on Fourth Street in Cincinnati. Wife Anna Maria (Lowery) Hoy Born - May 11,1876 Cincinnati, Ohio Died - September 24, 1951 Cincinnati, Ohio Anna's Adopted Father - John Lowery Jr. Born - November 26, 1850 Anna's Adopted Mother - Katherine (Eagen) Lowery Born - April 7, 1849 - Ireland Died - 1886 Grandfather - John Lowery Sr. Born - 1800 - Scotland Son Carson Hoy Born - December 28, 1902 Hamilton County, Ohio Marriage - October 25, 1922 Erlanger, Kentucky

    28. Deaf News Today: Getting To Know.. William Hoy
    Dummy Hoy played in the major leagues for 7 seasons between 1888 and 1902. The first deaf player in the majors, Hoy had a .287 career batting average and more than 2,000 hits.
    Deaf News Today
    Since 2001
    Friday, June 4, 2010
    Getting to Know.. William Hoy
    "Dummy" Hoy played in the major leagues for 7 seasons between 1888 and 1902. The first deaf player in the majors, Hoy had a .287 career batting average and more than 2,000 hits. An excellent base stealer, he swiped 549 bases. He became a member of the Cincinnati Reds' Hall of Fame in 2003. Because he couldn't hear the umpire calling the balls and strikes, Hoy is often credited with creating the hand signals that umps still use. He also taught his teammates sign language. Hoy preferred the name Dummy and even corrected people who called him by his given name, William. Labels: History Sports
    Nice to meet u June 4, 2010 8:02 PM
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    30. Sports Figures And Sports Teams Du | VideoSurf Video Search
    Dummy Hoy; Dummy Taylor; Duncan Bell; Duncan Edwards; Duncan Hall; Duncan Keith; Duncan Macgillivray; Duncan Mcnichol; Duncan Milroy; Duncan O'Mahony; Duncan Tappy

    31. Objektivismus Für Dummies
    Bietet eine Einf hrung die Philosophie von Ayn Rand sowie ein Literaturverzeichnis und weiterf hrende Links.
    Objektivismus für Dummies
    Objektivismus ist die Philosphie von Ayn Rand. Dieser Grundkurs soll eine Einführung in ihr Denken liefern. Der Text basiert auf auf dem Dokument "Objectivism for Dummies" von Michael B. Duff. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors. Thank you, Michael!
    Dienstag, Februar 06, 2007
    Ayn Rands Leben wurde vor allem durch den sowjetischen Kommunismus und ihre Abneigung diesem gegenüber beeinflusst. In der Hoffnung, Philosophin und Schriftstellerin zu werden, floh sie unter enormen Strapazen aus Russland in die USA. Mit ihren Roman und ihrer Sachliteratur, wie The Fountainhead oder The Virtue Of Selfishness , hat sie ihren Ruf als große puristische Individualistin auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent bis heute erhalten können. Meine Absicht im ersten Teil meiner Vortrag ist es, den Zuhörer zu überzeugen, dass Ayn Rands Ideale auch auf dem europäischen Kontinent dringend etabliert werden müssen. Dort wurden sie bis jetzt ganz und gar vernachlässigt.
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    Am 2. Februar 1905 wurde Ayn Rand unter dem Namen Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum als erste von 3 Schwestern in einer russischen Familie in St. Petersburg geboren. Ihr Vater, Zinovy (Franz) Rosenbaum, war sowohl Chemiker als auch Apotheker und Inhaber einer Apotheke in St. Petersburg. Ihre Mutter und ihr Vater waren nicht- bekennende Juden, eine Tatsache, die Ayns Leben stark beeinflußte. Schon im Alter von 9 Jahren hatte sie eine tiefe Zuneigung zum radikalen Individualismus im Vergleich zu den dunklen russischen Märchen, die ihre zwei Schwestern liebten. Ihre Mutter Anna Rosenbaum wollte sie für Märchen begeistern und entschloss sich für Ayn ein französisches Jungenmagazin zu abonnieren, das Fortsetzungsgeschichten enthielt. Ayn war besonders von einer der Geschichten Maurice Champagnes

    32. What They Said
    You remember him, don’t you? ( ) Quite a ballplayer. In my opinion, Dummy Hoy and Tommy Leach should both be in the Hall of Fame. Do you know how many bases Dummy Hoy stole in
    What they said
    Hall of Famers on Hoy (and other quotes)
    The Glory of Their Times
    I roomed with Dummy in 1899, and we got to be good friends. He was a real fine ballplayer. When you played with him in the outfield, the thing was that you never called for a ball. You listened for him, and if he made this little squeaky sound, that meant he was going to take it.
    (...) We hardly ever had to use our fingers to talk, though most of the fellows did learn the sign language, so that when we got confused or something we could straighten it out with our hands.
    The Glory of Their Times
    Silent World
    One of the most unique features in the pantomimic line was the finger-telephone line that formed a ball-and-strike connection between Comiskey and Hoy last season.
    Deaf-mute Hoy, of the Washington base-ball club, has already made a wonderful play. At New Orleans the other day two of the home team were on bases when Werden, the heavy batter of the New Orleans nine, cracked a liner to right centre. Daly made a good effort to get the ball, but it had passed him. Not a soul on the grounds thought Hoy was in that part of the field, but it seemed he had started from centre as soon as the ball was struck, and with lightning speed shot across it, jumped in the air and pulled the ball down and made the greatest triple play ever seen on any grounds.
    Philadelphia Ledger

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    34. Dummy Hoy Baseball Stats By Baseball Almanac
    Dummy Hoy. Dummy Hoy Hitting Stats Yr Team G AB R H 2B 3B HR GRSL RBI BB IBB SO SH SF HBP GIDP AVG OBP SLG 1888 Senators 136 503 77 138 10 8 2 0 29 694811-.274.374.338 1889 Senators

    35. The Dummy Doctor
    Puppetmaker-ventriloquist-actor-ventriloquism teacher.

    36. :: Dummy Hoy's Obit
    The Only Website Dedicated To Deceased Major League Players! Where Every Player Is Safe At Home!
    The Obit For Dummy Hoy
    The New York Times, Saturday, November 16th, 1961
    The Web

    Browse The Deadball Era Home Page The Hall Of Famers A Tribute To Thurman Munson The '27 Yankees Accidents Murders Suicides Too Young To Die Grave Photo Archives Grave Site Listings Necrology By Location Obituary Listings Nice Guys Don't Always Finish Last Recent Passings Audio Vault Those Who Served Card And Photo Gallery The Mays/Chapman Incident Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers Bad To The Bone Oldies But Goodies The Page Of The Unknowns Who's The Boss Nicknames The Players Speak Death Certificates Bibliography Thanks And Links

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