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81. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Space News Redirect Page Orbiting observatory that opens a window for the most detailed X-ray view of the universe. http://chandra.nasa.gov/ |
82. Chandra X-ray Observatory Part of NASA s collection of space observatories. This one specializes in x-ray technology. http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/xml/ | |
83. CGRO Science Support Center NASA mission from 1991 to 2000 with information on the Burst And Transient Source Experiment, the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment, the Imaging Compton Telescope, and the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope. http://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/cgro/ | |
84. LAPO.it - RayTraccio A Java ray-tracer running as a applet that wants to be simple and clean but nonetheless has some advanced features. http://www.lapo.it/RayTraccio.html | |
85. Windows Raytracing Software Personal page with links to programs for modeling, Ray tracing, converting, and animating. Plus models for various ray tracers. Windows, MacOS and Unix. http://chuckr.bravepages.com/raytrac3.htm |
86. POV-Ray - The Persistence Of Vision Raytracer POV-Ray is an open-source ray tracer and computer graphics software that can create stunning photo-realistic computer-generated images and animations. (Official site) http://mac.povray.org/ | |
87. About Ray Winstone A tribute site to the charismatic British actor Ray Winstone, with biography, filmography, articles, interviews. http://www.copperlily.com/AboutRayWinstone |
88. Coby's Ray-Traced Lego Mania Coby revisits his childhood by ray-tracing his favorite Lego sets with POV-Ray. Most are Space themed sets from the early 1980s. http://tubafrog.com/lego | |
89. Slime's Home Page Slime s page Various graphics things, including a POV-Ray gallery, a custom compile of POV-Ray 3.5, and a ray-tracer in JavaScript. http://www.slimeland.com/ |
90. Every Day With Rachael Ray Magazine Official Website Rachael Ray s cooking tips and 30 Minute Meal recipes. Also travel, party and food ideas straight out of the Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine. http://www.rachaelraymag.com/ | |
91. Azure Ray | Music Videos, News, Photos, Tour Dates, Ringtones, And Lyrics | MTV Music videos, articles, downloads, and ringtones. http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/azure_ray/artist.jhtml#/music/artist/azure_ray/a | |
92. Stevie Ray Vaughan News - Topix News about Stevie Ray Vaughan continually updated from around the net. http://www.topix.com/who/stevie-ray-vaughan |
93. Unlock Austin Error Page Spotlighting the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan. http://www.unlockaustin.com/Band/Stevie Ray Vaughan | |
94. Ray City, Georgia (31645) Conditions & Forecast : Weather Underground Current weather conditions and forecast for Ray City, Georgia. http://www.wunderground.com/US/GA/Ray_City.html |
95. StarChild: Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory Information for stated mission. http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/space_level2/cgro.html | |
96. Official NASA Swift Homepage Mission information, data, coordinates network, operations, gallery, and related sites. http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/ | |
97. Silicon X-Ray Array Introduction, general features, progress, objectives and performance, and response and tools. http://www.astro.helsinki.fi/projects/sixa/sixa.html |
98. University Hospitals Radiology Department Information geared to children about x-rays and interesting x-rays of plants, shells, animals. http://www.uhrad.com/kids.htm | |
99. USUHS Radiology Chest X-Ray Review and interpretation of this standardised diagnostic procedure....... http://rad.usuhs.mil/rad/chest_review/ |
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