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Shirov Alexei: more detail | |||||||
1. Alexei Shirov. Fuoco E Fiamme Sulla Scacchiera 1997-2005, Shirov Alexei Results VachierLagrave, Maxime FRA - Gelfand, Boris ISR Gashimov, Vugar AZE - Caruana, Fabiano ITA Shirov, Alexei ESP 0-1 Svidler, Peter RUS http://www.unilibro.it/find_buy/Scheda/libreria/autore-shirov_alexei/sku-1237571 | |
2. Shirov Alexei - I Libri Di Shirov Alexei - UNILIBRO - Non Solo Libri, Unilibro T Shirov, Alexei Onischuk, Alexander 1 - 0 Spanish, Marshall Gambit Gashimov, Vugar - Volokitin, Andrei 1 - 0 Sicilian Najdorf http://www.unilibro.it/find_buy/findresult/libreria/prodotto-libro/autore-shirov | |
3. Alexei Shirov - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Shirov, Alexei (1995). Fire on Board Shirov's Best Games. Everyman Chess. ISBN 185744-150-8. Shirov, Alexei (2005). Fire on Board, Part 2 1997-2004. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Shirov | |
4. Alexei Shirov Rating World Today Style Fide Comparisons Number In 1998, Shirov had a book published called Fire on Board Shirov's Best Games. He currently lives in, and plays for, Spain. Shirov, Alexei Shirov, Alexei Shirov, Alexei http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Alexei:Shirov.html |
5. Shirov, Alexei FIDE Chess Profile - Players Arbiters Trainers FIDE World Chess Federation, Online ratings, individual calculations http://ratings.fide.com/card.phtml?event=2209390 |
6. Wcc Grischuk, Alexander(RUS) 10 Tkachiev, Vladislav(FRA) Bareev, Evgeny(RUS) 0.5-0.5 Shirov, Alexei(ESP) Back To News Page Powered by Web India http://www.chess-mate.com/tb21m.htm | |
7. Shirov, Alexei ESP FIDE Top Chess Player FIDE World Chess Federation, Online ratings, individual calculations http://ratings.fide.com/top_files.phtml?id=2209390 |
8. Shirov,_Alexei Websites, Shirov,_Alexei Sites, Shirov,_Alexei List Career highlights and biographical information. Schlagworte Board Games, Abstract, Battle Games, Chess, People, Shirov, Alexei, Alle http://www.linklistr.com/games/Shirov,_Alexei.html | |
9. Miva Merchant: Fatal Error Thousands of chess sets, chess boards, chess pieces related items. Unique chess board and chess set combinations. Wide selection of board games more http://www.chessusa.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=15-9 |
10. Download Chess Grand Master Games In PGN 22132851 2635 1990-2006 985 222 Kb Shirov, Alexei 2135-2851 2684 1992-2005 816 130 Kb Topalov, Veselin 2053-2851 2658 1988-2008 1,599 328 Kb http://chessproblem.my-free-games.com/chess/games/Download-PGN.php | |
11. Miva Merchant: Fatal Error Thousands of chess sets, chess boards, chess pieces related items. Unique chess board and chess set combinations. Wide selection of board games more http://www.chessusa.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=15-8 |
12. All Time Rankings UKR 2705 13 67 Shirov, Alexei .. LAT 2685 54 Salov, Valery .. RUS 2685 23 8-9 Topalov, Veselin .. http://chess.eusa.ed.ac.uk/Chess/Trivia/AlltimeList.html | |
13. Vladimir Kramnik Vs Alexey Shirov (2010) Viewable chess game Vladimir Kramnik vs Alexey Shirov, 2010, with discussion forum and chess analysis features. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1589970 |
14. Radisson SAS Challenge Match Shirov, Alexei (2718) Agdestein, Simen (2591) B04 Radisson SAS Challenge Match/Bergen (4) 2001 . 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 dxe5 5. Nxe5 g6 6. http://home.online.no/~eirikgu/radissonsas_games.htm |
15. Alexey Shirov Vs Vladimir Kramnik (2010) Viewable chess game Alexey Shirov vs Vladimir Kramnik, 2010, with discussion forum and chess analysis features. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1590746 |
16. Chess World Cup 2009 - Chess.com Shirov, Alexei ESP v 115 Kunte, Abhijit IND 15 Dominguez Perez, Leinier CUB v 114 Smerdon, David AUS 16 Movsesian, Sergei SVK v 113 Yu, Yangyi CHN http://www.chess.com/news/chess-world-cup-2009-1553 |
17. Australian Chess Enterprises Shirov Alexei Best Games (HB This is the product page for Shirov Alexei Best Games (HB). Detail Kalinchenko. Product ID 5170302347. Price $35.00. Available from Australian Chess Enterprises. Prices http://www.chessaustralia.com.au/index.cfm?p=detail&o=5170302347 |
18. 2004 Rating List Shirov, Alexei GM ESP 27 36 16 197207-04 6 Topalov, Veselin GM BUL 2735 0 1975-03-15 7 Morozevich, Alexander GM RUS 2732 23 1977-07-18 8 Polgar, Judit http://www.chess-poster.com/ratings/2004/2004_rating_list.htm | |
19. Chessmetrics Ratings: Shirov, Alexei These ratings, calculated for Shirov, Alexei, incorporate all games (against rated opponents) played in the year before the Date of rating , along with the ratings that http://db.chessmetrics.com/PL/PL37108.htm | |
20. Corus 2007, Wijk Aan Zee, Topalov, Veselin - Shirov, Alexei, 1-0, Gruenfeld Defe CHESS ART IMAGES, Chess VIEWER, ChessTheory VIEWER, Analysed Game, this page is dedicated to Corus 2007, Wijk aan Zee, Topalov, Veselin - Shirov, Alexei, 1-0, Gruenfeld Defense http://www.chess-theory.com/endb069_analysis_games_chess.php | |
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