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Shirov Alexei: more detail | |||||||||
41. YouTube - Israelwasaness's Channel White Shirov, Alexei Black Miezis, Normunds Result 10 ECO B43 WhiteElo 2749 BlackElo 2519 PlyCount 85 EventDate 2010.09.21 http://www.youtube.com/user/israelwasaness |
42. Chess Masters Bilbao 2009 Shirov Alexei Aronian Levon 0 - 1 round 2 Aronian Levon - Kariakin Sergey 1 - 0 Grischuk Alexander - Shirov Alexei 1 - 0 round 1 Kariakin Sergey - Shirov Alexei 0,5 http://www.usefulchess.com/others/bilbao_chess2009.html | |
43. ChessBase.com - Chess News - Corus Round 6: White Is Okay Corus Round 6 White is Okay 17.01.2004 – Chessplayers often explain the advantage Shirov, Alexei http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=1425 |
44. Linares 2001 Results And Crosstable Shirov, Alexei - 29 C11 French Defence Round 3 (February 25, 2001) Polgar, Judit - Karpov, Anatoly - 30 B17 Caro Kann Shirov, Alexei - Kasparov, Gary http://www.chess.co.uk/twic/event/linares2001/rcrlin.html | |
45. Poikovsky 2009 - ChessOK.com Gashimov Vugar Bologan Viktor 1-0 \br\Inarkiev Ernesto - Shirov Alexei 1-0 \br\Motylev Alexander - Rublevsky Sergei 1-0 \br\Naiditsch Arkadij - Onischuk Alexander 1-0 \br http://chessok.com/?p=22362 |
46. Shirov - Parties.pgn Black Shirov, Alexei D Result 10 WhiteElo 2709 BlackElo 2751 ECO D88 EventDate 2000.01.22 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Bc4 c5 8.Ne2 http://sierra117.pagesperso-orange.fr/ech10.html | |
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