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         Shirov Alexei:     more detail
  1. Spanish Chess Players: Alexei Shirov, Miguel Illescas, Arturo Pomar, Ricardo Calvo, Manuel Golmayo Torriente, Roberto Cifuentes
  2. Fire On Board: Shirov's Best Games by Alexei Shirov, 1995-08
  3. Fire on Board, part 2: 1997-2004 (Pt. 2) by Alexei Shirov, 2005-05-01
  4. Latvian Chess Players: Aron Nimzowitsch, Mikhail Tal, Evgeny Sveshnikov, Alexei Shirov, Vladimirs Petrovs, Edmar Mednis, Daniel Fridman
  5. Fire on Board: Opening Secrets Behind 1 E4 Pt. 3 by Alexei Shirov, 2007-06-20
  6. Fire on Board: Openings Secrets: Pt. III by Alexei Shirov, 2006-06-30
  7. Fire on Board Part II: 1907-2004 by Alexei Shirov, 2005-05-01

41. YouTube - Israelwasaness's Channel
White Shirov, Alexei Black Miezis, Normunds Result 10 ECO B43 WhiteElo 2749 BlackElo 2519 PlyCount 85 EventDate 2010.09.21

42. Chess Masters Bilbao 2009
Shirov Alexei Aronian Levon 0 - 1 round 2 Aronian Levon - Kariakin Sergey 1 - 0 Grischuk Alexander - Shirov Alexei 1 - 0 round 1 Kariakin Sergey - Shirov Alexei 0,5
Final Chess Masters Bilbao 2009 Chess Masters Bilbao 2010 Shanghai stage of Bilbao 2010 Bilbao 2008
September 6 - 12 , 2009
Scoring System
3 - Points per win, 1 - Point per draw, - Point per loss
Final standings:
Player Pts Rating Country Levon Aronian ARM Alexander Grischuk RUS Sergei Kariakin UKR Alexei Shirov ESP
round 6 :
Kariakin Sergey - Aronian Levon : 0,5 - 0,5
Shirov Alexei - Grischuk Alexander : 0,5 - 0,5
round 5 :
Grischuk Alexander - Kariakin Sergey : 0,5 - 0,5 Aronian Levon - Shirov Alexei : 1 - round 4 : Shirov Alexei - Kariakin Sergey : 0,5 - 0,5 Aronian Levon - Grischuk Alexander : 1 - round 3 : Kariakin Sergey - Grischuk Alexander : 1 - Shirov Alexei - Aronian Levon : : - 1 round 2 : Aronian Levon - Kariakin Sergey : 1 - Grischuk Alexander - Shirov Alexei : 1 - round 1 : Kariakin Sergey - Shirov Alexei : 0,5 - 0,5 Grischuk Alexander - Aronian Levon : 1 - Read more on tournament site Other chess news Subscribe to the chess news CHESS SOFTWARES CHESS BOOKS

43. - Chess News - Corus Round 6: White Is Okay
Corus Round 6 White is Okay 17.01.2004 – Chessplayers often explain the advantage Shirov, Alexei

44. Linares 2001 Results And Crosstable
Shirov, Alexei - 29 C11 French Defence Round 3 (February 25, 2001) Polgar, Judit - Karpov, Anatoly - 30 B17 Caro Kann Shirov, Alexei - Kasparov, Gary
Linares 2001 Results and Crosstable
The Week in Chess Sponsored by The London Chess Centre.
TWIC Home The London Chess Center Shop
SuperGM Linares ESP (ESP), 23 ii-6 iii 2001 cat. XIX (2722) Kasparov, Gary g RUS Polgar, Judit g HUN Karpov, Anatoly g RUS g HUN Shirov, Alexei g ESP Grischuk, Alexander g RUS Round 1 (February 23, 2001) - Kasparov, Gary Sicilian Najdorf Shirov, Alexei - Karpov, Anatoly Caro Kann Grischuk, Alexander - Polgar, Judit Sicilian Defence (Paulsen Variation) Round 2 (February 24, 2001) Kasparov, Gary - Polgar, Judit Sicilian Najdorf Variation, Deviations Karpov, Anatoly - Grischuk, Alexander Queen's Gambit (without Nc3) - Shirov, Alexei French Defence Round 3 (February 25, 2001) Polgar, Judit - Karpov, Anatoly Caro Kann Shirov, Alexei - Kasparov, Gary Sicilian Scheveningen Variation Grischuk, Alexander Caro Kann (Advance Variation) Round 4 (February 27, 2001) Polgar, Judit - Shirov, Alexei Sicilian Najdorf Variation, Deviations Karpov, Anatoly Queen's Indian Defence (Main Line - Deviations) Grischuk, Alexander - Kasparov, Gary

45. Poikovsky 2009 -
Gashimov Vugar Bologan Viktor 1-0 \br\Inarkiev Ernesto - Shirov Alexei 1-0 \br\Motylev Alexander - Rublevsky Sergei 1-0 \br\Naiditsch Arkadij - Onischuk Alexander 1-0 \br

46. Shirov - Parties.pgn
Black Shirov, Alexei D Result 10 WhiteElo 2709 BlackElo 2751 ECO D88 EventDate 2000.01.22 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Bc4 c5 8.Ne2
index page suivante galerie photo divers
Ivanchouk - parties.pgn [Event "Rubinstein Memorial"]
[Site "Polanica Zdroj POL"]
[Date "2000.08.24"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Black "Shirov, Alexei D"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2719"]
[BlackElo "2746"]
[ECO "D97"]
[EventDate "2000.08.17"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3 dxc4 6.Qxc4 O-O 7.e4 a6 8.Qb3 b5 9.e5 Nfd7 10.e6 fxe6 11.Be3 Nf6 12.Be2 Nc6 13.O-O Qd6 14.Rac1 Na5 15.Qc2 [Event "Keres Mem (Rapid)"] [Site "Tallinn EST"] [Date "2000.01.23"] [Round "6"] [White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"] [Black "Shirov, Alexei D"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2709"] [BlackElo "2751"] [ECO "D88"] [EventDate "2000.01.22"] O-O 9.O-O cxd4 10.cxd4 Nc6 11.Be3 Bg4 12.f3 Na5 13.Bxf7+ Rxf7 14.fxg4 [Event "8. Amber Blindfold"] [Site "Monte Carlo MNC"] [Date "1999.03.27"] [Round "10"] [White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"] [Black "Shirov, Alexei D"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2714"] [BlackElo "2726"] [ECO "B53"] 8.O-O Nc6 9.Qe2 g6 10.Rd1 Bg7 11.Na3 O-O 12.Nb5 Rfe8 13.c3 a6 14.Nxd6 exd6

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