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1. Dictionary - MSN Encarta Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions or click the Thesaurus tab to find synonyms and antonyms. http://www.encarta.msn.com/related_761563379_59.45.18/Stojko_Elvis.html?ENCMauth |
2. Elvis Stojko, Coach, Elvis Stojko: - ZoomInfo Business Information Stojko, Elvis CHUM Limited Stojko, Elvis The Epoch Times Stojko, Elvis Canadian Figure Skating Hall of Fame Stojko, Elvis http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Stojko_Elvis_3632225.aspx | |
3. Elvis Stojko: - ZoomInfo Business Information Stojko, Elvis Country House Stojko, Elvis The Trenton Figure Skating Club Stojko, Elvis General Mills Inc Stojko, Elvis http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Stojko_Elvis_1431095777.aspx | |
4. Stojko, Elvis : Male Figure Skaters : Ice Skaters - Mega Net Learn about Stojko's involvement in martial arts, or browse quotes from the skater. Includes recent results and a chat room for Stojko fans. http://www.mega-net.net/sports/all_sports/sports_a-z/sports_i-j/ice_skating/ice_ | |
5. Skaters > Men > Stojko, Elvis Contents News About Elvis Skating Info Multimedia Weekly Features Interactive Trivia The Challenge Links Awards Merchandise Misc Spotlight Movie Email Me Elvis Stojko forum FANatic http://www.einet.net/directory/356821/Stojko_Elvis.htm |
6. Elvis Stojko Biography | Canadiand And World Champion Figure Skater Research site with photo and biography of champion figure skater Elvis Stojko. http://www.canada-heros.com/stojko_elvis.html |
7. Elvis Stojko Mosaics Picture montages by Lisa T., some accompanied by sound. http://www.angelfire.com/wi/StojkoMosaic/ | |
8. Elvis Stojko - Through The Years Fan site by Lisa D. Includes competitive history and photos through 2002, as well as links to other sites about the skater. http://www3.sympatico.ca/luckiest1/ | |
9. Elvis Stojko King Of The Ice Fan page by Brigitte offering brief information, quotes, and links. http://gitta.tripod.com/Elvis-Stojko.html |
10. Elvis Stojko - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Canoe.ca (2005). SLAM! Presents Elvis Stojko. Retrieved July 2, 2005. Brenda Gorman (2005). Stojko, Elvis. Retrieved July 2, 2005. External links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Stojko | |
11. Elvis Stojko - The Official Site Welcome to the Elvis Stojko official website. A site dedicated to all my fans over the years. At Elvis Stojko .net I can share with you my past my present and my future. http://elvisstojko.net/ | |
12. Elvis Stojko Quotes, Trivia And Photos At Celebrina.com Elvis Stojko at Bestzilla — Bestzilla Celebrity Directory - Elvis Stojko Elvis Stojko at CelebIrony.com — CelebIrony - Elvis Stojko pictures and information http://www.celebrina.com/elvis-stojko.html |
13. Elvis STojko Page A fan site containing a brief biography and links. http://members.tripod.com/Carol_Skirvin/stojko/estojko.html | |
14. Stojko, Elvis - Astro-Databank, Elvis Stojko Horoscope, Born 22 March 1972 In Ne Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Elvis Stojko born on 22 March 1972 Newmarket, Ontario http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Stojko,_Elvis | |
15. StarBios Report For Elvis Stojko StarBios Report for Elvis Stojko Elvis Stojko, born 1972 March 22 at 1200PM, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada (44N03 79W28 5W) House System koch http://www.adze.com/Celebrities/ElvisStojko.htm?page=3 |
16. Dragon's Lair: An Elvis Stojko Site Fan site includes games, information, schedules and photo gallery http://elvisstojko.tripod.com/ | |
17. Stojko, Elvis Biography - S9.com 1972 Elvis Stojko, born on the 22nd of March in New Market, Ontario. He is a Canadian figure skating world champion.1991 - At the World Championships, he became the first person http://www.s9.com/Biography/Stojko-Elvis | |
18. Digital Journal: A Global Digital Media Network DigitalJournal.com delivers news and information from thousands of Digital Journalists based in 175 countries around the world. Join Digital Journal to report news, upload photos http://www.digitaljournal.com/print/article/281710 |
19. Elvis Stojko Elvis Stojko Elvis Stojko was born in Newmarket Ontario and now he lives in Richmond Hill, Ontario. He was born on March 22, 1972 and is 5 7, 156 lb.. http://www.spebb.k12.nf.ca/projects/elvis.html | |
20. Elvis Stojko News Archive Links to news articles and photos of the figure skater for the 2001-02 and 2002-03 seasons. http://www.network54.com/Realm/ElvisDB | |
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