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Urmanov Alexei: more detail |
21. The Skater Chibis Webpage Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin, Alexander Abt, Ilya Kulik, Evgeny Plushenko. (Pose copied from a superdeformed Sailor Moon image) Welcome to the Skater Chibis Webpage! http://www.reocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/4990/ |
22. Worlds URMANOV Alexei RUS 2 KULIK Ilya RUS 3 MILLOT Eric FRA 4 WEISS Michael USA 5 LANGDON Jeffrey CAN 6 TOBEL Laurent FRA 7 HONDA http://www.kuliks-krew.com/events/worlds97.shtml | |
23. Alexei Urmanov Urmanov, Alexei Birthplace St. Petersburg, Russia Height 180 cm Birth Date 197311-17 000000.0 http://alexei-urmanov.epik.com/ | |
24. Alexei Mishin - 6.0 Book about coach who made Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin, Evgeny Plushenko http://www.brooklynantiques.com/Figure/mishin_6.htm | |
25. Figure Skating - Alexei Urmanov (Russia) : Season Totals Figure Skating Alexei Urmanov (Russia) season totals. aleksey urmanov, alexei urmanov http://www.the-sports.org/figure-skating-urmanov-alexei-results-identity-s26-c2- |
26. Alexei Mishin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alexei Nikolaevich Mishin is a Russian former figure skater and a current coach. Among Mishin's current and former students are Olympic champions Alexei Urmanov, Alexei http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Mishin | |
27. ToddEldredge.net - Todd Eldredge Official Website Pres 5.8, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9, 5.9 EX This Is The Moment Major Competitors Takeshi Honda, Jeff Langdon, Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin, Viacheslav Zagorodniuk, http://www.toddeldredge.net/archives/1996-1997.shtml | |
28. Tamara Moskvina: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Among Mishin's current and former students are Olympic champions Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin, and Evgeni Plushenko. Mishin also runs summer seminars http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Tamara_Moskvina | |
29. Alexei Urmanov: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Alexei Yevgenyevich Urmanov ' onMouseout='HidePop( 7464 )' href= http//www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Saint_Petersburg Leningrad http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Alexei_Urmanov | |
30. Russian Nationals Alexei Urmanov ; Alexei Yagudin ; Yevgeny Pliushenko ; Ruslan Novoseltsev ; Oleg Tataurov ; Alexander Abt ; Sergei Rylov ; Igor Sinyutin ; Roman Serov ; Pavel Kersha http://www.kuliks-krew.com/events/rus97.shtml | |
31. Amy's Skating Photos - Skate America 1996 Alexei Urmanov Alexei Mishin SCOB962-16 Eric Millot SCOB96-2-17 Todd Eldredge SCOB96-2-19 Alexei Yagudin SCOB96-2-20 Alexei Yagudin SCOB96-2-21 Jennifer Robinson http://www242.pair.com/amossman/PHOTOS/sa96.html | |
32. I Need To Do Double Quad, Says Plushenko | Reuters Take (Alexei) Urmanov, (Alexei) Yagudin at 2002 Salt Lake City did two quadruples. Some (of my) jumps were not very clean but second triple Axle of Lysacek was not clean 100 percent http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE61J2T720100220 | |
33. Olympic Ice Skating Trainer Visits Spectrum Rink | National Ice Skating Associat Among Mishin’s current and former students are Olympic champions Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin, and Evgeni Plushenko. Guildford Spectrum's Fran Everist said “Mr Mishin http://www.iceskating.org.uk/node/3051 | |
34. U Biography Urmanov, Alexei @ Ullman, Tracey @ Utada, Hikaru @ Utada, Hikaru @ Uspenskii, P. D. @ Uhle, Max @ Uccello, Paolo @ Ure, Midge @ Ulanova, Galina @ Urban http://www.iaswww.com/apr/Reference/Biography/U/ | |
35. Open Figure Alexei Urmanov Alexei Yagudin Takeshi Honda Ladies Maria Butyrskaya Michelle Kwan Surya Bonaly Vanessa Gusmeroli Chisato Shiina (She is Junior Ladies, but She won the National http://www.theartsroom.com/figure_e/99comp/open/index.html | |
36. Barry Mittan .:. Coaches And Other Related Skating Photographs Urmanov, Alexei Vasiliev, Oleg http://www.jbmittan.com/otherslist.htm | |
37. Alexei Urmanov Facts - Freebase Facts and figures about Alexei Urmanov, taken from Freebase, the world's database. http://www.freebase.com/view/en/alexei_urmanov |
38. Skaters Ice Skating Skating Urmanov, Alexei; Belbin, Tanith and Agosto, Benjamin; Sawyer, Shawn; Weir, Johnny; TowlerGreen, Phillipa and Poole, Phillip; Winkler, Kati and Lohse, Rene http://www.iaswww.com/apr/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
39. Team Page Cheer and debate with http://www.faniq.com/figure-skating/sasha-cohen/ | |
40. The Skater Chibis Webpage: Links More of these cartoons, but of my favourite skater, Alexei Urmanov. Alexei Urmanov My personal fan page dedicated to my favourite skater. Also contains my artwork and poetry about http://www.reocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/4990/links.htm | |
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