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Yagudin Alexei: more detail |
1. Biographies Of Alexei Yagudin Biographies of Yagudin Alexei and more Yagudin Alexei biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/8584-Yagudin_Alexei.html | |
2. Alexei Yagudin, RUS: - ZoomInfo Business Information Yagudin, Alexei Russian Yagudin, Alexei Honda S.A Yagudin, Alexei Salt Lake City Alexei Yagudin LP Yagudin, Alexei http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Yagudin_Alexei_22329934.aspx | |
3. Alexei Yagudin, Salt Lake City Alexei Yagudin LP: - ZoomInfo Business Informatio Yagudin, Alexei Imperial Ice Stars Yagudin, Alexei Russian Yagudin, Alexei Honda S.A Yagudin, Alexei http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Yagudin_Alexei_31419514.aspx | |
4. Skaters > Men > Yagudin, Alexei Discussion group for fans of Olympic Champion and four time World Champion Alexei Yagudin. http://www.einet.net/directory/356826/Yagudin_Alexei.htm |
5. Yagudin, Alexei : Male Figure Skaters : Ice Skaters - Mega Net Features a profile, photos from various programs, skating stats and quotes. Join other fans at the message board. http://www.mega-net.net/sports/all_sports/sports_a-z/sports_i-j/ice_skating/ice_ | |
7. Yagudin, Alexei Photos, biographie, comp titions, r sultats et liens. http://vivalexei.ifrance.com/ |
8. Alexei Yagudin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Yagudin, Alexei Alternative names Yagudin, Alexei Konstantinovich Short description Russian figure skater Date of birth March 18, 1980 Place of birth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Yagudin | |
9. Biography-center - Letter Y • Yabuki Sugataro • Yagudin Alexei • Yalow Rosalyn • Yalow Rosalyn S. • Yalow Rosalyn Sussman • Yamashita Yasuhiro • Yang Chen Ning • Yang Yang http://www.biography-center.com/y.html |
10. Alexei Fan site includes photos, skating schedule, and results. http://alexeiyagudin.homestead.com/Alexei.html | |
11. The Unofficial Alexei Yagudin Website Website dedicated to 2002 Olympic gold medallist figure skater Alexei Yagudin, featuring news, biography, schedule, records, programs, music, articles, a large photo gallery and http://ayunofficial2002.t35.com/ |
12. Ice Galaxie 2 Ice Galaxie 2. Alexi Yagudin. Alexei Yagudin is an Olympic Gold medallist, fourtime World Champion and three-time European Champion and World Professional Champion. http://www.skating.nf.ca/icegalaxie2/yags.html | |
13. Àëåêñåé ßãóäèí Contains news, photos, articles, and wallpaper. In Russian. http://www.yagudin.spb.ru/ | |
14. YouTube - 2002 Salt Lake City Alexei Yagudin LP Alexei Yagudin's 2002 Olympic Long Program to music from Man in the Iron Mask http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UFHvSWmY0c |
15. More Alexei Autographs More Alexei Autographs Here are a few more autographs I got from Alexei He signed this photo and the program at the Boston Ice Chips 2001 show http://www.angelfire.com/sports/yagudin/alexeiautographs2.html | |
16. Alyosha's Page Fan site includes screenshots, video, and audio. http://alyoshaspage.com | |
17. Yagudin, Alexei - Astro-Databank, Alexei Yagudin Horoscope, Born 18 March 1980 I Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Alexei Yagudin born on 18 March 1980 Leningrad, Russia http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Yagudin,_Alexei | |
18. Andrei Griazev - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alexei Yagudin Alexei Mishin Tatiana Mishina A. Kislukhin Choreographer Mikhail Pochitalin Skating club CSKA Moscow Retired 2009 ISU personal best scores http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Griazev | |
19. Alexei Yagudin Message Board - Alexei Yagudin Talk Discussion forum for fans of the skater. http://serenitynow.proboards22.com/index.cgi?board=AlexeiYagudin |
20. Alexei Konstantinovich Yagudin Biography - S9.com 1980 Born on the 18th of March in Saint Petersburg, Russia.1994 - He began competing internationally, and won the World Junior Figure Skating Championships. 1998 - Won his first http://www.s9.com/Biography/Yagudin-Alexei | |
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