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Zivanovic Trifun: more detail |
21. SOS, Missouri - Wolfner Library: You Say It How? Zivanovic, Trifun (TRIFən zə-V N-ə-vik) Zlomsowitch, Keith (ZLOM-sə-wich) Zlozower, Neil (ZLŌ-zou-ər) Zmed, Adrian (zə-MED) http://www.sos.mo.gov/wolfner/sayhow/?id=z |
22. Team DuPage Competition Results | DuPage FSC Website ZIVANOVIC Trifun SCG FNR 26 27 OTHMAN Jamal SUI FNR 27 28 MURVANIDZE Vakhtang GEO FNR 28 29 URBAS Gregor SLO FNR 29 30 HAN Jong In PRK FNR 30 http://www.dupagefsc.org/Committees/TeamDuPage/Results/2006/2006Olympics.htm | |
23. Trifun Zivanovic - Burbank, CA | MyLifeâ„¢ Looking for Trifun Zivanovic of Burbank? Find Trifun and other old friends with MyLifeâ„¢'s powerful people search engine. http://www.mylife.com/c-2805498617 | |
24. XX Olympic Winter Games 2006 - Men ZIVANOVIC Trifun SCG 23 URBAS Gregor SLO 24 BERNTSSON Kristoffer SWE 25 LAMBIEL Stephane SUI 26 OTHMAN Jamal SUI 27 KOVALEVSKI Anton UKR 28 LYSACEK Evan http://www.isufs.org/results/owg2006/CAT001EN.HTM |
25. Figure Skating At The 2006 Winter Olympics – Men's Singles - Wikipedia, The Fr Zivanovic, Trifun Trifun Zivanovic Serbia and Montenegro 53.40 29.44 23.96 5.04 4.57 4.71 4.82 4.82 0 12 27 Othman, Jamal Jamal Othman Switzerland 52.18 24.46 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_skating_at_the_2006_Winter_Olympics_–_Men' | |
26. International Skating Union Final Results MEN 1 LIU Anthony AUS 2.0 2 1 2 ZIVANOVIC Trifun USA 2.5 1 2 3 MEYER Sven GER 4.5 3 3 4 GRZEGORZYK http://ww2.isu.org/figure/events/9899/schaf98.html | |
27. Barry Mittan .:. Men's Skating Photographs By Barry Mittan Zelenka, Karel (ITA) Zhang, Min (CHN) Zinkowski, Ethan (USA) Zivanovic, Trifun (SCG, USA) Zuber, Michael (USA) Zubot, Darryl (CAN) http://www.jbmittan.com/menslist.htm | |
28. Alexa - Top Sites By Category: Sports/Skating/Ice Skating/Skaters Zivanovic, Trifun (1) Taylor, Katy (2) Torvill and Dean (5) http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters |
29. Country Page Lolovic, Jelena Alpine Skiing Milenkovic, Aleksandar Cross Country Trmcic, Marija Alpine Skiing Vukovic, Zelimir Alpine Skiing Zivanovic, Trifun Figure Skating http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/files/olympics/2006/country_SCG.html?SITE=TXDAM& |
30. Skaters Ice Skating Skating Zivanovic, Trifun; Drobiazko, Margarita and Vanagas, Povilas; Kazakova, Oksana and Dmitriev, Artur; Taylor, Katy; Cousins, Steven; Lysacek, Evan; Yagudin, Alexei http://www.iaswww.com/apr/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
31. Trifun Zivanovic Just so you know, for some topics we license content from Who2, ADAM True Knowledge. http://sports.kosmix.com/topic/Trifun_Zivanovic | |
32. Welcome To The Pickwick Center zivanovic, trifun 17 4 6 10 ransom, gene 72 1 2 3 41 0 1 1 snider, jesse 87 0 1 1 2min 24 0 0 0 2min sultanian, levon 71 1 3 4 2min 61 0 0 0 2min voskanian, allen 0 0 0 34 0 0 http://www.pickwickgardens.com/sqs/dsk.aspx?tabindex=8&tabid=111 |
33. 2006 Olympic Winter Games ZIVANOVIC Trifun SCG FNR 26 27 OTHMAN Jamal SUI FNR 27 28 MURVANIDZE Vakhtang GEO FNR 28 29 URBAS Gregor SLO FNR 29 30 HAN Jong In PRK FNR 30 http://www.usfigureskating.org/content/events/200506/olympics/men-free.htm | |
34. Sven Zivanovic - , | MyLifeâ„¢ Join Now View the Full Sven Zivanovic Profile. Register for FREE at MyLife to Svetlana Zivanovic Trifun Zivanovic V Zivanovic Vera Zivanovic http://www.mylife.com/svenzivanovic | |
35. St. Petersburg Times | Tampabay.com | Know It Now. Lolovic, Jelena Alpine Skiing Milenkovic, Aleksandar Cross Country Trmcic, Marija Alpine Skiing Vukovic, Zelimir Alpine Skiing Zivanovic, Trifun Figure Skating http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/files/olympics/2006/country_SCG.html?SITE=FLPET& |
36. Welcome To The Pickwick Center zivanovic, trifun 17 2 2 4 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 droogs 2 g a t pm aber, brett 22 2 1 0 battaglia, frank 5 0 2 0 betpolice, kelly http://www.pickwickgardens.com/sqs/dsk.aspx?tabindex=9&tabid=110 |
37. 2006 Olympic Winter Games ZIVANOVIC Trifun SCG FNR 26 27 OTHMAN Jamal SUI FNR 27 28 MURVANIDZE Vakhtang GEO FNR 28 29 URBAS Gregor SLO FNR 29 30 HAN Jong In PRK FNR 30 http://www.usfigureskating.org/content/events/200506/olympics/mens-short.htm | |
38. Olympic Country Short Track Radjenovic Vuk Bobsleigh Trmcic Marija Alpine Skiing Trninic Andrej Bobsleigh Vukovic Zelimir Alpine Skiing Zivanovic Trifun Figure Skating http://olympic.ad-astro.com/en/country/list_1.html?country=69 |
39. Biography Denise Kuchiki, Reflections On Ice Michelle Kwan Skates Zivanovic, Trifun Reflections on Ice Michelle Kwan Skates to the Music of Disney s Mulan 1998 Stojko, Elvis Champions on Ice 1996 Candeloro, Philippe http://www.torrentreactor.net/actor/1556859/Kuchiki-Denise |
40. Evan LYSACEKÂ Â Â |Â Â Â DuPage FSC Website ZIVANOVIC Trifun SCG FNR 26 27 OTHMAN Jamal SUI FNR 27 28 MURVANIDZE Vakhtang GEO FNR 28 29 URBAS Gregor SLO FNR 29 30 HAN Jong In PRK FNR 30 http://www.dupagefsc.org/Committees/TeamDuPage/SK8RHighlight/Sk8rHighlightMAIN.h | |
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