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Van Dyken Amy: more detail |
1. Van Dyken Amy Van Dyken Amy. Swimming and Diving, Athletes, Van Dyken Amy 2FOUR8ONE is a surf clothing, street wear, urban label from the coolest hangout in Australia Byron Bay! http://www.2481.com.au/lc/van_dyken_amy/4311/1 |
2. Van Dyken Amy - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Amy Deloris Van Dyken was born February 15, 1973, in Englewood, Colorado, the daughter of Don Van Dyken, president of a computer software company, and Becky Van Dyken. http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/23383,,,,van_dyken_amy,haslo.html | |
3. Van Dyken, Amy (Amy Van Dyken, Pan Pacs, Hardy) @ WeekendBoater.com Van Dyken, Amy. Includes Olympic, Asthma, Laser Hair Removal Nyc, Recruiting Software, Staffing Software, Truck Accident Lawyer, Hall, Applicant Tracking, Pleural Mesothelioma and http://www.weekendboater.com/Van_Dyken,_Amy/ | |
4. Women In Sports â FactMonster.com Van Dyken, Amy, swimming; Vare, Glenna Collett, golf; Wagner, Lisa bowling; Waitz, Grete, running; Walsh, Stella, runner; Webb, Karrie, golf; White, Willye, track and field http://www.factmonster.com/spot/whmbios7.html |
5. Van Dyken, Amy Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/van dyken, amy |
6. Alexa - Top Sites By Category: Sports/Events/Olympics/Swimming Phelps, Michael (2) Popov, Alexander (0) Quann, Megan (0) Swimming and Diving (1,576) Thorpe, Ian (3) Torres, Dara (4) Van Dyken, Amy (0) Weissm ller, Johnny (1) http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/Sports/Events/Olympics/Swimming |
7. Results VAN DYKEN, Amy USA 25.18 4 VAN ALMSICK, Franziska GER 25.40 5 MARTINO, Angel USA 25.46 6 LU, Bin CHN 25.52 7 POSTMA, Angela NED 25.55 8 MINAMOTO, Sumika JPN 25.85 1991 Perth http://www.scmsom.se/results/50 m Freestyle Women Long Course.htm | |
8. Van Dyken, Amy Synonyms, Van Dyken, Amy Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for van dyken, amy Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see van dyken, amy on http://thesaurus.com/browse/van dyken, amy |
9. Swimnetwork - Swimming For Life - Bob Schaller, Ph.D., Senior Writer Commentary Swimnetwork senior writer Bob Schaller tells us how his life was changed by the sport of swimming and how it can be a great foundation for life in this week's Swimnetwork column! http://www.swimnetwork.com/News/Swimming/Blogs/Bob-Schaller/2010/05/Swimming-for | |
10. Amy Van Dyken - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Amy Van Dyken (born February 15, 1973 in Englewood, Colorado) is an American swimmer who has six career Olympic gold medals. Four of these gold medals came in the 1996 Summer Olympics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Van_Dyken | |
12. Amy Van Dyken Pictures Find your Amy Van Dyken pictures at Picsearch.com! We have over a billion indexed images in our directory, and it continually expands. http://www.picsearch.com/pictures/athletes, female/sport legends/amy van dyken.h | |
13. Olympic: Definition From Answers.com International Olympic Committee; Olympia Introduction (city, Washington) Louganis, Gregory (American diver) Van Dyken, Amy (American swimmer) Wilma (1977 Drama Film) http://www.answers.com/topic/olympic |
14. Van Dyken, Amy Free Study Guides, Book Notes, Book Reviews More Pay it forward Tell others about Novelguide.com http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/nspf_04/nspf_04_00592.html |
15. ASTHMATICS SAY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM UNFAIR. - Free Online Library Swimmer Amy Van Dyken Amy Van Dyken (born February 15, 1973 in Englewood, Colorado) is an American swimmer who has six career Olympic gold medals. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/ASTHMATICS SAY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM UNFAIR.(SPORTS | |
16. SW - 27_Women_50_Free 20 AUG 2006 1024 Women's 50m Freestyle 50m Nage Libre Femmes TOTAL RANKING CLASSEMENT TOTAL Heats S ries WR 24.13DE BRUIJN Inge Sydney (AUS) 22 SEP 2000 NED CR 25.03 VAN DYKEN Amy http://www.omegatiming.com/swimming/racearchives/2006/victoria_2006/2006_Pan_Pac |
17. Athletes Van Dyken Amy ABILIO COUTO Marathon Hall of Fame Honoree Brazillian open water swimmer who http://www.2481.com.au/lc/athletes/4092/1 | |
18. American Century Championship - Complete Celebrity Stats Van Dyken, Amy 26.00 2004 79-28-36-36 100-Am 2005 77-20-20-16-56 $880 Totals $880 Van Patten, Vince 79.00 1990 26 84 76 http://tahoecelebritygolf.com/tournamentstats/complete-uz.html | |
19. Van Dyken Amy - Women's Sports Foundation DONATE NOW Be the change you wish to see. Make a contribution to help ensure Equal Play for all. More http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/Content/Athletes/V/Van-Dyken-Amy.aspx | |
20. Amy Van Dyken, University Hall Of Fame Member, CSTV: - ZoomInfo Business Informa Van Dyken, Amy Aquatics International Van Dyken, Amy BigSpeak Inc Van Dyken, Amy Year Van Dyken, Amy http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Van Dyken_Amy_70312379.aspx | |
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