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Van Dyken Amy: more detail |
21. Amy Van Dyken: Definition From Answers.com Amy Born 1973. American swimmer who won four Olympic gold medals in 1996, the most ever won by an American woman at one Olympic Games. http://www.answers.com/topic/van-dyken-amy |
22. Amy Van Dyken INTRODUCTION Amy Van Dyken is a swimmer training for the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. There is a very good chance that she will make the team and will then go on for the gold. http://www.ncsu.edu/ligon/olympics/Van.Dyken/amy.van.dyken.html | |
23. Amy Van Dyken - Chronology - Team, Olympic, Swimming, Meter, Medals, And Champio 1973 Born February 15 in Englewood, Colorado 1979 Takes up swimming on doctor's advice, to help with asthma 199091 Becomes star of Cherry Creek High School swim team http://sports.jrank.org/pages/5026/Van-Dyken-Amy-Chronology.html |
24. Bibliography Bibliography 1) Benner, Bill. Once a Weakling, now a Star. Star News Online. http//www.starnews.com/olympics/0305SN_amy.html/ (14 May. 1996). http://www.ncsu.edu/ligon/olympics/Van.Dyken/amy.bib.html |
25. Amygdala | Define Amygdala At Dictionary.com Anatomy . 1. an almondshaped part, as a tonsil. 2. a ganglion of the limbic system adjoining the temporal lobe of the brain and involved in emotions of fear and aggression http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Amygdala |
26. Chat Transcript Olympic Swimmer Amy Van Dyken On Managing Asthma - CNN CNN The following edited transcript features a chat with Olympic swimmer Amy Van Dyken, who has lived with asthma since childhood. Van Dyken won four gold medals in the 1996 http://articles.cnn.com/1999-10-27/health/9910_27_chat.vandyken_1_inhaler-sereve |
27. Amy Van Dyken Biography, Videos, Relationships - FamousWhy Amy Van Dyken (Amy Deloris Van Dyken) was born on Thursday, February 15, 1973 in Englewood and she is a famous swimmer/diver from United States http://people.famouswhy.com/amy_van_dyken/ | |
28. Amy Van Dyken - BigSpeak Motivational Speakers Bureau More About Amy Van Dyken . . . Amy Van Dyken has graced the cover of several newspapers and magazines, including USA Today, Newsweek, Time, Swimming World magazine, and Sports http://www.bigspeak.com/amy-van-dyken.html |
29. Amy Van Dyken Biography Summary | BookRags.com Amy Van Dyken summary with 11 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries, analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/Amy_Van_Dyken |
30. Amy Van Dyken Links : Websites, Official Sites And Fan Sites - FamousWhy - Famou Amy Van Dyken (Amy Deloris Van Dyken) was born on Thursday, February 15, 1973 in Englewood and she is a famous swimmer/diver from United States http://people.famouswhy.com/amy_van_dyken/directory.html | |
31. Swimnetwork- Swimming News Articles Archive Swimnetwork delivers articles from various swimming news sources. Our swimming news archive collection allows you to read about important past swimming events. http://www.swimnetwork.com/News/News-Archive.aspx?d=200812 |
32. Obituary — Throop Funeral Home, Inc., Coopersville Surviving are her husband Robert; children Michael (Gina) Nawrocki, Michele (Phil) Van Dyken, Amy (Joe) Armock, Felicia (Troy) Horling, Therese (Scott) Alt, Bob Nawrocki and http://throopfh.com/obituary.php?Obituary_ID=7 |
33. Van Dyken, Amy - Facta Facta on tietosanakirja. Factassa on n.130 000 artikkelia, jotka l ytyv t helposti lykk ll ja nopealla hakutoiminnolla. Tekij noikeudet on hankittu sopimuksin http://www.facta.fi/tietosanakirja/215187 |
34. List Of Multiple Olympic Gold Medalists - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Van Dyken, Amy Amy Van Dyken United States Swimming 1996–2000 Summer F 6 0 0 6 31 Ono, Takashi Takashi Ono Japan Gymnastics 1952–1964 Summer M 5 4 4 13 32 Osburn, Carl Carl Osburn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_gold_medalists | |
35. Amy Lowell | Define Amy Lowell At Dictionary.com , 1856–1943, political scientist and educator president of Harvard University 1909–33. 2. his sister, Amy, 1874–1925, U.S. poet and critic. 3. James Russell, 1819–91 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/amy lowell?r=14 |
36. Regardless Of Age, Time Is Of The Essence - The Washington Post | HighBeam Resea Article Van Dyken, Amy (1973—) Women in World History A Biographical Encyclopedia; 700+ words after the Olympics. Van Dyken was chosen from among cereal box http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-545730.html |
37. Swimming For Champions - Fun Facts, Questions, Answers, Information Amy Van Dyken Amy Van Diken Van Dyken Van Diken Amy Vandiken Amy Vandyken. Amy also has an asthma problem. At the 1996 Atlanta Games, she became the first American woman http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Swimming-for-Champions-40235.html | |
38. SPEEDO Introduces Fastskin -- The Fastest Swimsuit Ever Made. - Free Online Libr (USA) and Amy Van Dyken Amy Van Dyken (born February 15, 1973 in Englewood, Colorado) is an American swimmer who has six career Olympic gold medals. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/SPEEDO Introduces Fastskin -- the Fastest Swimsuit | |
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