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         Baudelaire Charles:     more books (100)
  1. The Violence of Modernity: Baudelaire, Irony, and the Politics of Form (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society) by Debarati Sanyal, 2006-06-06
  2. Baudelaire, Sartre and Camus by Garnet Rees, 1976-01-01
  3. Oeuvres Complètes de Charles Baudelaire by Charles Baudelaire, 1961-01-01
  4. Paris Spleen and La Fanfarlo by Charles Baudelaire, 2008-09-30
  5. Selected Poems from "Flowers of Evil" (Dover Thrift Editions) by Charles Baudelaire, 1995-04-13
  6. Baudelaire in English (Poets in Translation, Penguin) by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire, 1998-06-01
  7. Les Fleurs Du Mal - Flowers of Evil by Charles ; Dillon, George ; Millay, Edna St. Vincent Baudelaire, 1962
  8. Charles Baudelaire by Walter Benjamin, Jean Lacoste, 2002-03-19
  9. Selected Letters of Charles Baudelaire: The Conquest of Solitude by Charles Baudelaire, 1986-05-01
  10. Charles Baudelaire (seghers) (French Edition) by L. Decaunes, 1952-06
  11. Charles Baudelaire (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
  12. Baudelaire Rimbaud Verlaine: Selected Verse and Prose Poems by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, et all 2000-12-01
  13. Los Paraisos Artificiales (Spanish Edition) by Charles Baudelaire, 1993-09
  14. Letters of Charles Baudelaire to His Mother, 1833-1866 Eighteen Thirty-Three - Eighteen Sixty-Six by Charles Baudelaire, 1971-06

41. : : : : : Charles Baudelaire : : : : :
Biograf a, archivo fotogr fico y fragmentos de algunos textos del autor.

42. Baudelaire, Charles 1821-1867 [WorldCat Identities]
Les fleurs du mal by Charles Baudelaire ( Book ) 1,435 editions published between 1855 and 2009 in
Wed Sep 1 02:18:59 2010 UTC lccn-n79-18694 Poets, French19th century Authors, French19th century Art criticsFrance lccn-n79-29745 Poe, Edgar Allan trl lccn-n50-19712 Pichois, Claude edt lccn-n90-657447 edt lccn-n79-43496 Verlaine, Paul oth lccn-n79-54799 Rimbaud, Arthur lccn-n79-45066 trl lccn-n79-79291 aui lccn-n84-136788 Le Dantec, Y.-G edt lccn-n79-132137 Debussy, Claude Kemp, Friedhelm edt Baudelaire, Charles Baudelaire, Charles French poetry Spanish language materials French literature Artists' books Aesthetics, French Salon (Exhibition : Paris, France) Adaptations Art and literature City and town life Intellectual life Imagist poetry Surrealism Technique Song cycles Criticism and interpretation Music Bibliography Authors, French Romanticism Diaries Contemporaries Songs (High voice) with piano Art appreciation Modernism (Literature) Poetry Conference proceedings Art Symbolism Exhibition catalogs Aesthetics Prose poems, French Rimbaud, Arthur,1854-1891 Verlaine, Paul,1844-1896 FranceParis Fleurs du mal (Baudelaire, Charles) Art criticism Poe, Edgar Allan,1809-1849 French literature Records and correspondence Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)

43. The Poem Of Hashish
The complete text of Baudelaire s Poem of Hashish the translation is (appropriately enough) Aleister Crowley s.
The Herb Dangerous
Part III
The Poem of Hashish
by Charles Baudelaire
translated by Aleister Crowley
Those who know how to observe themselves, and who preserve the memory of their impressions, those who, like Hoffmann, have known how to construct their spiritual barometer, have sometimes had to note in the observatory of their mind find seasons, happy days, delicious minutes. There are days when man awakes with a young and vigorous genius. Though his eyelids be scarcely released from the slumber which sealed them, the exterior world shows itself to him with a powerful relief, a clearness of contour, and a richness of colour which are admirable. The moral world opens out its vast perspective, full of new clarities. grace; Among the drugs most efficient in creating what I call the artificial ideal, leaving on one side liquors, which rapidly excite gross frenzy and lay flat all spiritual force, and the perfumes, whose excessive use, while rendering more subtle man's imagination, wear out gradually his physical forces; the two most energetic substances, the most convenient and the most handy, are hashish and opium. The analysis of the mysterious effect and the diseased pleasures which these drugs beget, of the inevitable chastisement which results from their prolonged use, and finally the immortality necessarily employed in this pursuit of a false ideal, constitutes the subject of this study.

44. Charles Baudelaire
A small selection of poems by Charles Baudelaire. English alongside the French originals, with translator s notes.
Charles Baudelaire
Les chats
Au lecteur


Sed non satiata
To the reader


... Other Baudelaire sites
Les chats
Les chats puissants et doux, orgueil de la maison,
Ils prennent en songeant les nobles attitudes
Et des parcelles d'or, ainsi qu'un sable fin,
Fevered lovers and austere thinkers
Love equally, in their ripe season Cats powerful and gentle, pride of the house Like them they feel the cold, like them are sedentary Friends of science and sensuality They seek the silence and the horror of the shadows Erebus had taken them for its funeral coursers Could they to servitude incline their pride. Dreaming, they take on noble postures Great sphinxes stretched out in the depths of emptiness Seeming to fall asleep into an endless dream. Their fertile loins are full of magic sparks And nuggets of gold like fine sand Vaguely bestar their mystic pupils.
Au lecteur
Occupent nos esprits et travaillent nos corps, Et nous alimentons nos aimables remords, Comme les mendiants nourissent leur vermine. Nous nous faisons payer grassement nos aveux

45. Excerpt, Baudelaire, Selected Poems From Les Fleurs Du Mal
Three poems in French and English include an excerpt from Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du Mal, translated by Norman Shapiro.

Biografia essenziale dell autore, con la possibilit di consultare online l edizione completa de I fiori del male in lingua italiana.
CHARLES BAUDELAIRE BIOGRAFIA Charles Baudelaire nasce a Parigi, in una casa del Quartiere Latino, il 9 aprile del 1821. Il padre, gi sessantenne, muore nel 1827 e la madre, Caroline Dufas, ancora giovane, sposa il tenente colonnello, e in seguito generale, Jacques Aupick, il quale, a causa della propria freddezza e rigidit e anche del perbenismo borghese, si guadagner lodio del figliastro.
Baudelaire frequenta prima il Collge Royal di Lione e poi il Collge Louis-le-Grand della sua citt, scuola da dove viene espulso nel 1839. Ha gi capito e deciso che la vocazione irreprimibile deve essere quella del poeta e delluomo di lettere, del dandy e del flneur. Ma questa vocazione viene contrastata con forza soprattutto dal comandante Aupick, che preferirebbe una professione borghese, pi tranquilla e meno scandalosa e inutile.
Nel 1841, spinto dalla famiglia, Baudelaire si imbarca su una nave diretta a Calcutta, ma dopo soli dieci mesi interrompe il viaggio per fare ritorno a Parigi, dove, ormai maggiorenne, entra in possesso delleredit paterna (centomila franchi), che gli permette di vivere per qualche tempo in grande libert.
il suo periodo di maggiore felicit e il pi memorabile della sua esistenza: abita in un bellissimo appartamento nel quartiere pi alla moda di Parigi, veste in maniera ricercata, frequenta i migliori letterati dellepoca. Intanto, nella primavera del 1842, conosce Jeanne Duval, unattrice meticcia che gli star, tra alti e bassi, vicina per sempre.

47. L Uomo E Il Mare
Testo originale e versione tradotta dell opera dell autore, con analisi testuale della poesia.

48. Baudelaire Charles Books
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49. Baudelaire: Fleurs Du Mal; Thomas Hilberer, Universität Tübingen
Eingeleitet durch ein Zitat von Emile Verhaeren zu Les Fleurs du mal .
Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du Mal
Dr. Thomas Hilberer

Fachfremde Studierende sind willkommen.
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Donnerstags, 9-11 Uhr; Beginn: 19.4.2007; Neuer Raum: 226!
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50. Baudelaire, Charles | Baudelaire, Charles Information | HighBeam Research - FREE
Baudelaire, Charles Research Baudelaire, Charles articles at Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia.

51. Les Phares, Charles Baudelaire -- Traducció De Xavier Benguerel
Traducci catalana d aquest poema, per Xavier Benguerel, acompanyada del text original i de diverses il lustracions.
Rubens, fleuve d'oubli, jardin de la paresse,
Comme l'air dans le ciel et la mer dans la mer;
Des glaciers et des pins qui ferment leur pays;
Comme des papillons, errent en flamboyant,
Goya, cauchemar plein de choses inconnues,
De vieilles au miroir et d'enfants toutes nues,
Ces extases, ces cris, ces pleurs, ces Te Deum
Un appel de chasseurs perdus dans les grands bois!
com la mar dins la mar i l'aire dins l'espai; Leonardo da Vinci, mirall profund ple d'ombra, carregat de misteri, surten en la penombra Rembrandt, trist hospital ple de gent que murmura, i amb un gran crucifix decorat solament, i d'un raig hivernal travessat bruscament; poderosos fantasmes que quan es colga el dia s'esquincen el sudari estirallant els dits; ires de boxador, gran cor que l'orgull rebla, que has sabut recollir la beutat dels criats, com papallones erren, fulgents, amunt i avall, que escampen la follia pels giravolts del ball;

52. Poets House - Titles By Baudelaire, Charles
Author Baudelaire, Charles Title Baudelaire Publisher Knopf/Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Ed/Trans Translated by Richard Howard. Edited by Peter Washington, Charles

53. L'invitation Au Voyage, Charles Baudelaire -- Traducció De Xavier Benguerel
Traducci catalana d aquest poema per Xavier Benguerel, acompanyada del text original i il lustrada amb una pintura de Matisse.
Mon enfant, ma sour,
Aimer et mourir
Au pays qui te ressemble!
Pour mon esprit ont les charmes
Des meubles luisants,
Polis par les ans,
Les plus rares fleurs
Aux vagues senteurs de l'ambre,
Les riches plafonds,
Les miroirs profonds, La splendeur orientale, Tout y parlerait Sa douce langue natale. Vois sur ces canaux Dormir ces vaisseaux Dont l'humeur est vagabonde; C'est pour assouvir Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde. D'hyacinthe et d'or; Le monde s'endort Germaneta, infant, de fer junts un llarg viatge! Estimar a desdir, Aquells sols mullats d'uns cels emboirats que entre plors fulgura. luxe, calma i voluptat. Llustrosos moblats, pels anys patinats, ens ornarien la cambra; flors de rars colors mesclant les sentors als vagues perfums de l'ambre, opulents plafons, els miralls pregons, l'oriental espectacle, parlaria tot al cor

54. Baudelaire, Charles Encyclopedia Topics |
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55. Charles Baudelaire Criticism
Charles Baudelaire Criticism and Essays Baudelaire, Charles 18211867. French poet, critic, translator, novella and short fiction writer, diarist, and dramatist.

56. Charles Baudelaire - Kalliope
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59. Baudelaire, Charles Pierre Definition Of Baudelaire, Charles Pierre In The Free
Baudelaire, Charles . Born Apr. 9, 1821, in Paris; died there Aug. 31, 1867. French poet. Born into the family of a participant in the Great French Revolution., Charles Pierre

60. Charles Baudelaire —
Encyclopedia Baudelaire, Charles. Baudelaire, Charles (sh rl bōdl r') , 1821 – 67, French poet and critic. His poetry, classical in form, introduced symbolism (see
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    Baudelaire, Charles
    Baudelaire, Charles key , French poet and critic. His poetry, classical in form, introduced symbolism (see symbolists ) by establishing symbolic correspondences among sensory images (e.g., colors, sounds, scents). The only volume of his poems published in his lifetime, Les Fleurs du mal (1857, enlarged 1861, 1868; several Eng. tr., The Flowers of Evil ), was publicly condemned as obscene, and six of the poems were suppressed. Later recognized as a masterpiece, the volume is especially remarkable for the brilliant phrasing, rhythm, and expressiveness of its lyrics. Baudelaire's erratic personality was marked by moodiness, rebelliousness, and an intense religious mysticism. His life was burdened with debts, misunderstanding, illness, and excesses, and his work unremittingly reflects inner despair. The main theme is the inseparable nature of beauty and corruption. A collection of poetic prose pieces was published posthumously as (1869). As poet and critic Baudelaire earned distinction in literary circles. Believing criticism to be a function of the poet, he wrote perceptive appraisals of his contemporaries. His criticism was collected posthumously in

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