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Davidson Avram: more books (114) | ||||||||||
21. Results For Author Davidson, Avram How I Collaborated with Jack London, Ambrose Bierce, Sinclair Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Margaret, Others. Davidson, Avram New York Review of Science Fiction 17 http://web08.library.tamu.edu/search/author/6531/ |
22. "Bibliographie De Davidson Avram" Bibliographie de Davidson Avram LISTE DES OUVRAGES ECRITS PAR DAVIDSON AVRAM (USA, 1923 1986) http://www.allsf.net/Autrauteurs/D/Davidson.htm | |
23. FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION: STORIES (by Date) Issue Date Author Story Title Type Comments 1963 JUL Davidson, Avram Introduction to Robert A. Heinlein's Glory Road in Heinlein, Robert A. http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/bibliography/fsfstorieswhen196303.htm |
24. Henriette Davidson Avram, 1917-2006. No. 4.25.2006-44. « Librarian Henriette Davidson Avram is credited with the development and implementation of MARC (machine readable cataloging) as a national and international standard in the early 1970s. http://librarian.lishost.org/?p=358 |
25. Rogue Dragon - SHOP.COM by Davidson Avram Paperback (Idea Design Works Llc; Aug 15 2009) at SHOP.COM http://www.shop.com/Rogue Dragon -251973743-o .xhtml | |
26. Davidson, Avram (Harper's Magazine) October 2010. AMERICAN ELECTRA Feminism’s Ritual Matricide By Susan Faludi. THIRTY DAYS AS A CUBAN Pinching Pesos and Dropping Pounds in Havana By Patrick Symmes http://harpers.org/subjects/AvramDavidson |
27. Books Authors D Davidson, Avram @ Forbidden Planet Adventures In Unhistory. Order on request. Expected delivery time is 21 days. http://forbiddenplanet.com/books/authors/d/davidson-avram/ |
28. Davidson, Avram At DustyBookS - Search For Avram Davidson Books, Used Books, Out Davidson, Avram at Dustybooks, Search for Davidson, Avram books, used books, out of print Avram Davidson books, rare books, books online, book search, children's books http://www.dustybooks.co.uk/davidson-avram.html | |
29. Davidson, Avram (Harper's Magazine) October 2010. AMERICAN ELECTRA Feminism’s Ritual Matricide By Susan Faludi. THIRTY DAYS AS A CUBAN Pinching Pesos and Dropping Pounds in Havana By Patrick Symmes http://www.harpers.org/subjects/AvramDavidson/SubjectOf/Review |
30. Welcome To KOSMIC.ORG! November 12th, 2004 It's been years but I'm going to start working on the site again. The archives are still up at http//kosmic.darkscape.net/archives/ and I am going to try http://ad.kosmic.org/ | |
31. Davidson, Avram - Los Mejores Relatos De Fantasia I T tulo original Magic for Sale Traducci n Cesar Terr n 1983 by Avram Davidson 1985, Ediciones Mart nez Roca, S. A. Gran v a 774 Barcelona http://www.scribd.com/doc/12301251/Davidson-Avram-Los-Mejores-Relatos-de-Fantasi |
32. Recommended Reading: Reviews (D) Davidson, Avram. The Avram Davidson Treasury * When reviewing collections and anthologies, there are two approaches that are commonly used 1) if it is a short book, to http://www.panix.com/userdirs/mlk/sf/reviews/d.xml | |
33. Avram Davidson - Old Earth Books Limekiller. Edited by Grania Davis Henry Wessells. Introductions by Lucius Shepard Peter S. Beagle with afterwords by Grania Davis Ethan Davidson http://www.oldearthbooks.com/davidson.htm | |
34. Davidson Avram Los Mejores Relatos De Fantasia I - Download From Rapidshare Davidson Avram Los Mejores Relatos de Fantasia I – download file from Rapidshare. File details Added to base 20 Jan 2010 Last checked 20 Jan 2010 http://rapiddigger.com/download/davidson-avram-los-mejores-relatos-de-fantasia-i | |
35. Davidson Avram .rar - Download From Rapidshare.com - INeedFile.com File Davidson Avram .rar download from rapidshare, size 421Kb, INeedFile.com, Rapidshare Files http://ineedfile.com/download/8467663-davidson-avram-rar |
36. Express Downloads FULLDavidson-Avram-Los-Mejores-Relatos-de-Fantasia-I-pdf. Updated 20 October 2010 http://express-downloads.com/search.php?id=101005&search=Davidson Avram Los |
37. Results For Subject DAVIDSON, AVRAM Avram Davidson. Mulcahy, Kevin in Cowart, David, ed. TwentiethCentury American Science-Fiction Writer, Part 1 A-L. Detroit Gale, 1981. pp. 109-112. http://web08.library.tamu.edu/search/subject/751/ |
38. Davidson Avram - Los Mejores Relatos De Fantasia I .pdf - Download From Rapidsha File Davidson Avram Los Mejores Relatos de Fantasia I .pdf download from rapidshare, size 462Kb, - INeedFile.com, Rapidshare Files http://ineedfile.com/download/15138991-davidson-avram-los-mejores-relatos-de-fan |
39. Memorial ObituariesPumphrey Funeral HomeAvram, Henriette Memorial for Henriette Davidson Avram Born in New York, NY on Oct. 7, 1919 Departed on Apr. 22, 2006 and resided in California, MD. Service May 1, 2006 http://obit.pumphreyfuneralhome.com/obitdisplay.html?id=306205&listing=All |
40. People Search Results For Henriette Avram - Free People Search Directory - ISear and other people matching 'Henriette Davidson Avram' on search.intelius.com http://search.intelius.com/q/Henriette-Davidson-Avram |
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