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         Doderer Heimito Von:     more books (100)
  1. The Demons. Volumes One and Two. 2 Volume Set. by Heimito Von Doderer, 1961-01-01
  2. Das Doderer-Buch: E. Ausw. aus d. Werk Heimito von Doderers (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1976
  3. Die Dämonen. Nach der Chronik des Sektionsrates Geyrenhoff. by Heimito von Doderer, 1995-10-01
  4. Von Figur zu Figur: Briefe an Ivar Ivask uber Literatur und Kritik (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1996
  5. Die Wasserfälle von Slunj. by Heimito von Doderer, 1995-10-01
  6. Das letzte Abenteuer: Ein Ritter-Roman (Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1981
  7. Heimito von Doderer: Das Leben, das Umfeld des Werks in Fotos und Dokumenten (German Edition) by Wolfgang Fleischer, 1995
  8. Das erzählerische Werk in neun Bänden. by Heimito von Doderer, 1997-08-01
  9. Der Grenzwald. by Heimito von Doderer, 1967-01-01
  10. Die erleuchteten Fenster oder die Menschwerdung des Amtsrates Julius Zihal. Ein Umweg. by Heimito von Doderer, 1995-10-01
  11. Ein Mord, den jeder begeht. by Heimito von Doderer, 1995-10-01
  12. Der Oger und andere Kurzgeschichten (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1986
  13. Die sibirische Klarheit: Texte aus der Gefangenschaft (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1991
  14. Briefwechsel, 1928-1962 (German Edition) by Heimito von Doderer, 1986

1. Doderer, Heimito Von
Person Made of Porcelain And Other Stories (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought), The Secret of the Empire A Novel of the Russian Civil War (Studies in Austrian
Doderer, Heimito Von
Average customer rating: Person Made of Porcelain And Other Stories (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought)
Heimito von Doderer
Manufacturer: Ariadne Press (CA)
ProductGroup: Book
Binding: Paperback
Average customer rating: The Secret of the Empire: A Novel of the Russian Civil War (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Thought : Translation Series)

Heimito Von Doderer , John S. Barrett , and Heimito Von Doderer
Manufacturer: Ariadne Press (CA)
ProductGroup: Book
Binding: Paperback ASIN: Average customer rating: The Lighted Windows, Or, the Humanization of the Bureaucrat Julius Zihal (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought Translation Series) Heimito Von Doderer Manufacturer: Ariadne Press (CA) ProductGroup: Book Binding: Paperback ASIN: Average customer rating: The Demons 2 Volume Set He
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier : Tome 2, Armes médiévales offensives et défensives
Authors: Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Catalog: Book Media: Relié Release Date: 09 April, 2004 Publisher: Heimdal Rechercher des articles similaires par rubrique: Thèmes - Histoire et Actualité - Divers Thèmes - Dictionnaires, langues et encyclopédies - Divers

2. - Doderer Heimito Von
Doderer, Heimito von Dodge, David Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge Doig, Ivan Domokos, Alex Donaldson, Stephen R. Donleavy, J. P. Donne, John
18 Treffer zu
Autor: doderer heimito von
Sprache: Deutsch
Ende Sortieren nach... Titel (von Z-A) Titel (von A-Z) Autor (von Z-A) Autor (von A-Z) Heimito von Doderer Die Strudlhofstiege oder Melzer und die Tiefe der Jahre Sofort lieferbar Taschenbuch
14,90 EUR* in den Warenkorb Heimito von Doderer Die Merowinger oder Die totale Familie Sofort lieferbar Gebundene Ausgabe
24,90 EUR* in den Warenkorb Heimito von Doderer Die Strudlhofstiege oder Melzer und die Tiefe der Jahre Sofort lieferbar Gebundene Ausgabe (Oktober 1995)
34,90 EUR* in den Warenkorb Heimito von Doderer Die erleuchteten Fenster oder die Menschwerdung des Amtsrates Julius Zihal Sofort lieferbar Gebundene Ausgabe (Oktober 1995)
24,90 EUR* in den Warenkorb Heimito von Doderer Die Dämonen Sofort lieferbar Gebundene Ausgabe (Oktober 1995)
39,90 EUR* in den Warenkorb Heimito von Doderer Die Dämonen Sofort lieferbar Taschenbuch (Oktober 1985)
21,00 EUR*

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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Doderer, Heimito von Authors, Estonian 20th century Correspondence Prisoners of war Fiction World War, 1914-1918 Prisoners and prisons, Austrian Fiction ... Contact

4. Letteratura - Novità Dalla Germania - C-E - Doderer, Heimito Von - Goethe-Ins
. 13 cm of textual records. 25 photographs.......Record No. SC332. Main Entry. Doderer, Heimito von, 18961966. Title. Heimito von Doderer fonds. Dates. 1951-1970. Physical Home Autori tedeschi tradotti in italiano ... C-E > Doderer, Heimito von
Doderer, Heimito von
Nato il 5 settembre 1896 a Hadersdorf-Weidlingau, Austria
Morto il 23 dicembre 1966 a Vienna
Inizia gli studi giuridici a Vienna
Soldato di fanteria in Galizia e Bucovina; prigioniero di guerra dei russi in Siberia; inizia l’attività letteraria
Ritorna a Vienna
Studia storia e psicologia a Vienna; pubblica i primi articoli su diversi quotidiani
Consegue il dottorato di ricerca e termina gli studi
Matrimonio con Leopoldine Hasterlik, ebrea battezzata con rito cattolico
Ingresso nella NSDAP
Trasferimento a Dachau
Separazione dalla moglie e ritorno a Vienna Conversione al cattolicesimo Soldato della Wehrmacht; prigioniero di guerra in Norvegia Ritorno in Austria; attività di scrittore indipendente Matrimonio con Maria Emma Thoma; soggiorni saltuari a Landshut

5. Der Grenzwald (Doderer, Heimito Von) - Testberichte Und Preisvergleich Von Shops
Heimito von Doderer (5 September 1896, in Weidlingau (now a part of HadersdorfWeidlingau, Penzing), near Vienna - 23 December 1966, Vienna) was a famous Austrian writer.

6. Doderer, Heimito Von - Astro-Databank, Heimito Von Doderer Horoscope, Born 5 Sep
Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Heimito Von Doderer born on 5 September 1896 Weidlingau, AustriaHungary,_Heimito_Von
Doderer, Heimito Von
From Astro-Databank
Jump to: navigation search Heimito Von Doderer natal chart (Placidus) natal chart English style (Equal houses) Heimito Von Doderer Name Doderer, Heimito Von Gender : M born on 5 September 1896 at 10:00 (= 10:00 AM ) Place Weidlingau, Austria-Hungary, Timezone MET h1e (is standard time) Data source BC/BR in hand Rodden Rating AA Astrology data Asc. add Heimito Von Doderer to 'my astro'
Austrian novelist, a foremost writer of the post-war years. He wrote 11 novels which give an evocative and unsentimental portrait of Vienna before and after WW II, including "The Studlohof Steps," 1951 and "The Demons," 1961, with which he established his reputation. He stresses a theme of characters who are unable to accept the complexities of modern life who take refuge in a private world. Doderer died on 12/23/1966 of cancer, Vienna, Austria. Link to Wikipedia biography
  • Death by Disease 23 December 1966 (Age 70, of cancer)
Source Notes
B.R. in hand from Steinbrecher
  • Vocation : Sports : Games - Bridge/ Chess/ Other Vocation : Miscellaneous : Utilities/Phone/Cable/TV (Utilities) Vocation : Business/Marketing : Product Marketing (Marketing) Vocation : Writers : Fiction Notable : Book Collection : Culture Collection Diagnoses : Major Diseases : Cancer
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7. Slunj: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
A county is a land area of local government within a country. A county may have cities and towns within its area. Originally, in continental Europe, a county was the land under
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Slunj County County A county is a land area of local government within a country. A county may have cities and towns within its area. Originally, in continental Europe, a county was the land under the jurisdiction of a count .Counties are called earls in post-Celtic Britain,...
Karlovac County Karlovac county is a county in central Croatia, with the administrative center in Karlovac.The city of Karlovac is another fort from the times of the Military Frontier...
Location Mayor Mayor In many countries, a mayor is the highest ranking officer in a municipal government.In many systems, the mayor is an elected politician who serves as chief executive officer and/or ceremonial official of many types of municipalities...
Ivan Bogović (HDZ) Surface Surface In mathematics, specifically in topology, a surface is a two-dimensional topological manifold. The most familiar examples are those that arise as the boundaries of solid objects in ordinary three-dimensional Euclidean space R
(km²) 392 km² Population Population A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. The area that is used to define the population is such that inter-breeding is possible between any pair within the area and more probable than cross-breeding with individuals from other...

8. Heimito Von Doderer-Gesellschaft E.V.
Die im Jahre 1995 gegr ndete Heimito von Doderer-Gesellschaft widmet sich der F rderung und Pr sentation des Werkes Heimito von Doderers.

9. Doderer, Heimito Von
Doderer, Heimito von (b. Sept. 6, 1896, Weidlingau, near Vienna, Austriad. Dec. 23, 1966, Vienna), Austrian novelist who achieved international fame with his novel of postWorld
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Doderer, Heimito von
(b . Sept. 6, 1896, Weidlingau, near Vienna, Austriad. Dec. 23, 1966, Vienna), Austrian novelist who achieved international fame with his novel of post-World War I Vienna, The Demons ), on which he had worked since 1931. It explores the society and mood of Vienna in 1926-27 in a many-layered web of detail and complex characters. Doderer served as an officer in the Imperial Austrian Dragoons in World War I and was captured by the Russians, spending several years in Siberia working as a lumberjack before repatriation in 1920. He received a doctorate in history from the University of Vienna in 1925. An involved psychological thriller, Ein Mord, den jeder begeht Every Man a Murderer ), and several other novels attracted little attention. In the 1930s Doderer was briefly a member of the then-outlawed National Socialist Party in Austria, which he described in a book of reminiscences, Tangenten (1964; "Tangents"). In World War II he was a Luftwaffe captain. Die Strudlhofstiege (1951; "The Strudlhof Stairs"), which covered the Vienna scene in 1910-11 and 1923-25, sets the stage for

10. Doderer, Heimito Von: Ein Mord Den Jeder Begeht Referat - Hausaufgaben / Referat
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Titel / Referat: Doderer, Heimito von: Ein Mord den jeder begeht
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Heimito von Doderer
Heimito von Doderer starb am 23. Dezember 1966 in Wien. Inhalt: +: Biografie und Zusammenfassung sind gelungen. -: Jegliche Interpretation fehlt. ein mord den jeder begeht + inhalt doderer heimito von doderer: ein mord, den ein jeder begeht interpretation heimito von doderer ein mord den jeder begeht inhalt ein mord den jeder begeht doderer ... Referat melden!

11. Doderer
Wichtige Lebensdaten, Werke.
Heimito von Doderer
eigentl. Franz Carl Heimito Ritter von Doderer
*5. September 1896 Hadersdorf-Weidlingau
bei Wien +23. Dezember 1966 Wien (Darmkrebs) Ehrengrab: Wien, Grinzinger Friedhof
Jüngstes von sechs Kindern des Architekten und Bauunternehmers Wilhelm Carl Gustav Ritter von Doderer (1854-1932) und seiner Frau Louise ( Willy ), geb. von Hügel (1862-1946); protestantische Familie, die eine Generation zuvor den Erbadel erhalten hatte. Die Urgroßmutter väterlicherseits war eine Halbschwester Nikolaus Lenaus. Der Vater wirkte in leitender Position beim Bau der Karawankenbahn, des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals, der Stadtbahn und bei der Wienflussregulierung mit. Die Doderers waren eine der reichsten Familien in Österreich-Ungarn, die aber im 1. Weltkrieg einen Großteil ihres Vermögens verlor. Geschwister Heimitos: Ilse (1882-1979), Almuth (1884-1978), Wilhelm ( Immo , 1886-1975), Helga (1887-1927), Astri (1893-1989). Name: Reminiszenz aus einem Spanien-Urlaub ( "Jaimito" : eingedeutsche Koseform für Jaime).

12. Every Man A Murderer - DODERER, Heimito Von | Between The Covers Rare Books
First American edition. Fine in lightly worn, very near fine dustwrapper. Unconventional mystery by the noted German novelist. BTC 50199
Home About Us Site Map Help ... Shopping Cart Images+Detail Item Info DODERER, Heimito von Every Man a Murderer New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1964. First American edition. Fine in lightly worn, very near fine dustwrapper. Unconventional mystery by the noted German novelist. [BTC #50199] More Results Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above... DODERER, Heimito von Every Man a Murderer ENGLAND, George Allan BLOCH, Robert ... Dora Myrl: The Lady Detective Book Bargains Our staff cat, Admiral Muffin, has selected thousands of books for special discount from all areas of our stock. Baseball Photography Children's Books Books Into Film ... Travels in Arabia Deserta ORIG. $450.00 SALE $315.00 On Collecting... Views, anecdotes and insights into the world of antiquarian books by the BTC staff and distinguished guests. Just Added Book Catalogs Galore The Bookshop in Old New Castle Bookselling in Hard Times: "Will work for rare books" The Between the Covers Blog ... Organized Labor Goes Feline Introductory Articles What the hell kind of website is this anyway?

13. Every Man A Murderer - DODERER, Heimito Von | Between The Covers Rare Books
First American edition. Fine in fine dustwrapper. Unconventional mystery by the noted German novelist. A lovely copy. BTC 109941
Home About Us Site Map Help ... Shopping Cart Images+Detail Item Info DODERER, Heimito von Every Man a Murderer New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1964. First American edition. Fine in fine dustwrapper. Unconventional mystery by the noted German novelist. A lovely copy. [BTC #109941] More Results Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above... DODERER, Heimito von Every Man a Murderer ENGLAND, George Allan BLOCH, Robert ... Dora Myrl: The Lady Detective Book Bargains Our staff cat, Admiral Muffin, has selected thousands of books for special discount from all areas of our stock. Plays Books Into Film Aviation Anthologies ... John Carstairs: Space Detective ORIG. $75.00 SALE $52.50 On Collecting... Views, anecdotes and insights into the world of antiquarian books by the BTC staff and distinguished guests. Just Added Book Catalogs Galore The Bookshop in Old New Castle Bookselling in Hard Times: "Will work for rare books" The Between the Covers Blog ... Organized Labor Goes Feline Introductory Articles What the hell kind of website is this anyway?

14. Doderer, Heimito Von: Konvolut Von 5 Werken
LotDoderer, Heimito von Konvolut von 5 Werken, Lot Number3132, Starting Bid€80, AuctioneerGalerie Bassenge, AuctionValuable Books, Autographs, Decor. Prints, Date100 AM

15. Doderer, Heimito Von: 3 Werke In Erstenm Ausgaben
LotDoderer, Heimito von 3 Werke in erstenm Ausgaben, Lot Number3131, Starting Bid€80, AuctioneerGalerie Bassenge, AuctionValuable Books, Autographs, Decor. Prints, Date1

16. Facts About Doderer, Heimito Von, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's Encyclope
Facts about Doderer, Heimito von, (1896–1966). Austrian novelist Heimito von Doderer achieved international fame with his novel of postWorld War I Vienna, Die D monen (1956
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Doderer Heimito von on Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Heimito von English Help Come work with us! is hiring »
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18. Doderer, Heimito Von Pseudonym: René Stangeler
ATTENTION all AEIOU articles and many more are available at AustriaForum Das sterreichische Wissensnetz;internal&action=_setlanguag

19. Doderer, Heimito Von, 1896-1966. Letters To Walter Grossmann: Guide.
MS Ger 170.1 Doderer, Heimito von, 18961966. Letters to Walter Grossmann Guide. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Harvard University Library
: Online Archival Search Information System Frames Version
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MS Ger 170.1
Doderer, Heimito von, 1896-1966. Letters to Walter Grossmann: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Call No.: MS Ger 170.1
Creator: Doderer, Heimito von, 1896-1966.
Title: Letters to Walter Grossmann,
Quantity: 1 v. (.1 linear ft.)
Abstract: Letters to librarian Walter Grossmann from Austrian writer Heimito von Doderer concerning literary matters.
Acquisition Information:
Gift of Mr. Walter Grossmann, 97 Waverley Street, Belmont, Massachusetts; received: 1968 Nov.
Historical Note
Doderer was an Austrian writer. Grossmann was a librarian at Widener Library, Harvard University. Robert Pick was an Austrian-born novelist, editor and translator.
Arranged chronologically.
Scope and Content
Includes 12 letters from Doderer to Grossman concerning the latter's book review of his novel Die Strudlhofsteige

20. Doderer, Heimito Von, 1896-1966. Letters To Henry Caraway Hatfield: Guide.
MS Ger 170 Doderer, Heimito von, 18961966. Letters to Henry Caraway Hatfield Guide. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Harvard University Library
: Online Archival Search Information System Frames Version
Questions or Comments
MS Ger 170
Doderer, Heimito von, 1896-1966. Letters to Henry Caraway Hatfield: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Call No.: MS Ger 170
Creator: Doderer, Heimito von, 1896-1966.
Title: Letters to Henry Caraway Hatfield,
Quantity: 1 v. (.1 linear ft.)
Abstract: Letters to American scholar and critic of German literature Henry Caraway Hatfield from Austrian writer Heimito von Doderer concerning their literary research and publications.
Acquisition Information:
Gift of Mr. Henry C. Hatfield, 410 Boylston Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; received: 1967 July 7.
Historical Note
Doderer was an Austrian writer. Hatfield (Harvard graduate, 1933) was an American scholar, a German literary critic, and a Harvard faculty member in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.
Arranged chronologically.

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