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1. John Dos Passos (1896-1970) American Writer. (18961970) American writer. John Dos Passos was one of the greatest writers of his time. His works include One Man's Initiation (1917), Three Soldiers (1922), and Manhattan http://classiclit.about.com/od/dospassosjohn/Dos_Passos_John.htm | |
2. Dos Passos, John U.S.A. The 42nd Parallel / 1919 / The Big Money (Library of America), Manhattan Transfer, The Big Money Volume Three of the U.S.A. Trilogy, The 42nd Parallel Volume One of http://www.artistactoractress.com/author/d/dos_passos_john.html | |
3. John Dos Passos - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Dos Passos, John Alternative names Dos Passos, John Roderigo (full name) Short description Novelist, playwright, poet, journalist, painter Date of birth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dos_Passos | |
4. Dos Passos, John Roderigo Dos Passos, John Roderigo Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2009. Read Dos Passos, John Roderigo at Questia library. http://www.questia.com/read/117015398 | |
5. One Man's Initiation: 1917, John Dos Passos, 1920 First novel based largely on Dos Passos own wartime experiences in France and Italy and published in London in 1920. http://www.eldritchpress.org/wwone/initiation.html | |
6. Dos Passos, John Definition Of Dos Passos, John In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Dos Passos, John (Roderigo) http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dos Passos, John |
7. Bookfinder.US: Dos Passos John The Breaking Point Hemingway, Dos Passos and the Murder of Jose Robles Stephen Koch 1582432805 April 2005 Hardcover From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. http://www.bookfinder.us/Literature___Fiction/Authors_A-Z/Dos_Passos__John.html | |
8. Ross Lockridge, Jr. On John Dos Passos A statement of some reasons for using U.S.A. by John Dos Passos as a representative of the modern American novel (1943) by Ross Lockridge, Jr. http://www.raintreecounty.com/DosPasso.html | |
9. Facts About Dos Passos, John, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Facts about Dos Passos, John, (1896–1970). U.S. author John Dos Passos was a social historian who championed the underdog. He was also the creator of a fresh and original http://www.britannica.com/facts/11/783290/ | |
10. American Passages - Unit 11. Modernist Portraits: Authors The American Passages A Literary Survey web site offers a brief biography of Dos Passos, artifacts, teaching tips, discussion questions, and an instructor s guide. http://www.learner.org/amerpass/unit11/authors-8.html | |
11. Dos Passos, John | Define Dos Passos, John At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Dos Passos, John (dohs pas ohs) A twentieth-century American author best known for the three novels that make up U.S.A ., a complex and technically http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dos passos, john |
12. The Men Who Made The Nation. - DOS PASSOS, JOHN, The Men Who Made The Nation.; DOS PASSOS, JOHN,. Offered by Authors Artists http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/aut/1403.shtml | |
13. John Dos Passos Per Daniel Aaron Chapter 15 of Aaron s Writers on the Left, which discusses Dos Passos s early career. http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/aaron-chap15.html | |
14. Dos Passos, John - Capitalism, Manhattan, Characters, Theme, And Narrative (US, 1896–1970) U.S.A., first published as three books then in one volume in 1938, is on an epic scale. It includes contemporary newspaper extracts, and ‘streamof-consciousness http://www.jrank.org/literature/pages/18703/Dos-Passos-John.html |
15. John Dos Passos, Three Soldiers About the electronic version Three Soldiers Dos Passos, John By the University of Virginia American Studies Program 20022003. Digitized and first spell-checked Aaron Mark http://xroads.virginia.edu/~Hyper/DosPassos/header.html | |
16. Dos Passos, John Synonyms, Dos Passos, John Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for dos passos, john Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. http://thesaurus.com/browse/dos passos, john |
17. DOS PASSOS, John. One Man's Initiation. DOS PASSOS, John. One Man's Initiation. London George Allen and Unwin Ltd. (1920). First Edition, Second Issue with flat on page 35. Important first novel by Passos http://www.babylonrevisitedrarebooks.com/7039.html | |
18. Dos Passos John Randolph Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia Research Dos Passos John Randolph and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/dos-passos-john-randolph.jsp |
19. John Randolph Dos Passos — FactMonster.com More on John Randolph Dos Passos from Fact Monster John Dos Passos John Dos Passos novelist Born 1/14/1896 Birthplace American novelist who wrote the trilogies http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0815936.html | |
20. Buy Dos Passos John This story stems directly from the author's experience as an ambulance driver during World War I. It shows how the war destroys Fuselli, Chrisfield and Andrews, men...... http://jdwright.us/D/Dos-Passos---John/ | |
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