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Duff Alan: more books (85) | |||||||||
1. Duff, Alan Drama Techniques in Language Learning A Resource Book of Communication Activities for Language Teachers (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers), Once Were Warriors, The Inward http://www.artistactoractress.com/author/d/duff_alan.html | |
2. Duff, Alan; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/duff_alan.html | |
3. Alan Duff, Northern Midlands Business Association Inc: - ZoomInfo Business Infor Duff, Alan Duff Consulting Duff, Alan jacobsconsultancy.com Duff, Alan The New York Times Company Duff, Alan http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Duff_Alan_1268516241.aspx | |
4. Alan Duff, NZ Book Council: - ZoomInfo Business Information Duff, Alan Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Duff, Alan Duff Associates Inc. Duff, Alan Wick Academy Duff, Alan http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Duff_Alan_1098824461.aspx | |
5. Browsing Author - Duff, Alan | SCALE SCALE Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Education - 101 E. Weaver Street Carrboro, NC 27510 - T http://www.readwriteact.org/materials/authors/individuals/duff_alan/ |
6. New Zealand Book Council IN BRIEF. Alan Duff is a novelist, columnist, advocate and businessman. His first published novel, Once Were Warriors, was a huge success, and was subsequently made into a feature http://www.bookcouncil.org.nz/writers/duffalan.html |
7. Forlaget Modtryk Om Alan Duff og udgivelser p Modtryk. http://www.modtryk.dk/index.phtml?forfatterid=0006 |
8. Alan Duff - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Interview with Alan Duff; Alan Duff's Once Were Warriors Social and Political Contexts; Literary Encyclopedia; Alan Duff at the Internet Movie Database http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Duff | |
9. Alibris: 9781574530186, Once Were Warriors, Hardcover (1995) by Duff, Alan, and Paratene, Rawiri http://www.alibris.com/search/books/isbn/1574530186 |
10. Alan Duff: An Interview With The Author Of Once Were Warriors Alan Duff, an interview with the New Zealand author of Once Were Warriors, One Night Out Stealing and now, What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted? http://members.optusnet.com.au/~waldrenm/duff.html | |
11. Beyond Words:Certificate Reading And Listening Skills | An-Najah Libraries DUFF, Alan The University Press http://libraries.najah.edu/node/7118 |
12. Duff Alan, Tetra Pak | Spoke Duff Alan, Tetra Pak of Tetra Pak''s information including email, business address, business phone, biography, title, company, jobs and associations, coworkers, and other http://www.spoke.com/info/p73g36N/DuffAlan |
13. State Ward / Alan Duff | National Library Of Australia Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author Duff, Alan, 1950; Format Book; 129 p. ill. ; 20 cm. http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1836856 |
14. Chegg.com: Once Were Warriors By | 0679761810 | 9780679761815 Rent and Save a ton on Once Were Warriors by Duff, Alan.ISBN 0679761810 EAN 9780679761815 http://www.chegg.com/details/once-were-warriors/0679761810/ | |
15. Browse Topics: Duff, Alan You selected Duff%2c%20alan 0 items Click on a title to see more details about an item, or click on the topic covered for a list of other titles for a topic. http://www.infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/sublist.cfm?subName=DUFF%2C%20ALAN |
16. TV Today | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/13/2010 Aug 13, 2010 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (3 p.m., NBC10) Actress Hilary Duff; Alan Jackson performs; American Idol castoff Andrew Garcia. The Oprah Winfrey Show (4 p.m., 6ABC http://www.philly.com/inquirer/magazine/20100813_TV_Today.html |
17. Tubular Dropper For Micro-titration - Patent 3276847 Duff, Alan A. Hayward, Norman G. 222/420, 206/229, 206/372 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3276847.html |
18. The Ellen Show(Hilary Duff,Alan Jackson)Apr16,2010 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在 Alan Duff/Alan Maley Publisher Oxford University Press Components Teacher's resource book Reviewed by Carla Wilson Review date January 2008 Summary http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY1OTQwMzIw.html |
19. Mcconnellduffalan | LibraryThing LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers http://www.librarything.com/author/mcconnellduffalan |
20. Chegg.com: Duff One Night Out Stealing By | 0824816846 | 9780824816841 Rent and Save a ton on Duff One Night Out Stealing by Duff, Alan.ISBN 0824816846 EAN 9780824816841 http://www.chegg.com/details/duff-one-night-out-stealing/0824816846/ | |
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