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  1. Theodor Fontane (Dichter uber ihre Dichtungen) (German Edition) by Theodor Fontane, 1973
  2. Theodor Fontane, Schach von Wuthenow (Erlauterungen und Dokumente) (German Edition)
  3. Theodor Fontane Die Poggenpuhls (Blackwell's German Texts) by Derrick Barlow, 1957
  4. Theodor Fontane: Eine Biographie by Gustav Sichelschmidt, 1995
  5. Geliebter Herzensmann. Emilie und Theodor Fontane. by Gisela Heller, 2002-07-01
  6. The Influence Of Walter Scott On The Novels Of Theodor Fontane (1922) by Lambert Armour Shears, 2010-09-10
  7. Theodor Fontane (Abt. D, Literaturgeschichte) (German Edition) by Charlotte Jolles, 1983
  8. Theodor Fontanes Berliner Doppelroman, "Die Poggenpuhls" und "Mathilde Mohring": Ein Erzahlkunstwerk zwischen Tradition und Moderne (Kasseler Studien zur ... Literaturgeschichte) (German Edition) by Harald Tanzer, 1997
  9. Zum Geschichtsdenken Theodor Fontanes und Thomas Manns: oder Geschichtskritik in "Der Stechlin" und "Doktor Faustus" by Birger Solheim, 2004
  10. Romanfiguren Theodor Fontanes in andragogischer Sicht (Helicon) (German Edition) by Klaus Dieckhoff, 1994
  11. Theodor Fontanes Irrungen, Wirrungen: Die 'Erste Seite' Als Schlussel Zum Werk (Germanic Studies in America) by Gunter H. Hertling, 1986-05
  12. --auch nur ein Bild: Krankheit und Tod in ausgewahlten Texten Theodor Fontanes (Argument-Sonderband) (German Edition) by Hiltrud Bontrup, 2000
  13. Theodor Fontane by Christian Andree, 2004-01-31
  14. Theodor Fontane: Leben und Werk in Texten und Bildern (Insel Taschenbuch) (German Edition) by Otto Drude, 1994

21. Fontane, Theodor - Potsdamer Str. 134c (TV 1982) - IMDb
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Theodor Fontane
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23. Herr Von Ribbeck Auf Ribbeck Im Havelland - Website Der Familie Von Ribbeck
In Ribbeck gab und gibt es wirklich einen Birnbaum und auch die Familie ist wieder zur ckgekehrt. Unbekannte Versionen des Gedichts.
Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland,
Ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand,
Und kam die goldene Herbsteszeit
Und die Birnen leuchteten weit und breit,
Da stopfte, wenn's Mittag vom Turme scholl,
Der von Ribbeck sich beide Taschen voll,
Und kam in Pantinen ein Junge daher,
So rief er: Junge, wiste 'ne Beer?
Und kam ein Mdel, so rief er: Ltt Dirn,
Kumm man rwer, ick hebb 'ne Birn.
So ging es viel Jahre, bis lobesam Der von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck zu sterben kam....
Willkommen in Ribbeck im Havelland auf der Seite der Familie von Ribbeck
Wieder lieferbar und neu aufgelegt: Das Gedichtbuch Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland: signiert mit Widmung - ein persnliches Geschenk fr Liebhaber Der Birnenhain in Ribbeck - in Ribbeck gibt es wieder eingezunte Birnbume Neues Caf in Ribbeck - Cafe Theodor erffnet Schloss Ribbeck wieder erffnet Im Juli 2009 wurde das ehemalige Gutshaus der Familie von Ribbeck nach umfassender Renovierung wiedererffnet mehr Die Ribbecksche Birne ist auferstanden .... Den Verdiensten des Pomologen Dr. Artur Steinhauser ist es zu verdanken, dass wir ein Blick in die Vergangenheit werfen knnen. Welche Birnensorte wohl tatschlich vor ca. 300 Jahren im Garten stand und ob es diese heute wieder geben kann (und vielleicht schon gbt) mehr von Ribbecks Essigproduktion In der alten Brennerei wird aus eigenen Birnen kstlicher Balsamessig hergestellt. Ribbecks Birnenbalsam ist bereits weit ber die Grenzen des Havellandes hinaus bekannt.

24. Fontane, Theodor - Mann, Thomas, Heroine, And German
(German, 1819–98) Fontane was born in Neuruppin; he left his family's business to become a journalist in Berlin in 1849. His novels brought a new realism to German fiction and had

25. Edition TEXT 1 / Theodor Fontane / Der Stechlin / Kritische Ausgabe
Information ber eine vom Institut f r Textkritik e.V., Heidelberg, herausgegebene historisch-kritische Edition des Romans von Fontane.
edition TEXT 1
Theodor Fontane
Der Stechlin. Roman Kritische Ausgabe. Hrsg. v. Peter Staengle in Zusammenarbeit mit Roland Reuß. 406 Seiten, Fadenheftung, broschiert Die von Roland Reuß und Peter Staengle erarbeitete Ausgabe von Fontanes »Der Stechlin« erfüllt ein Desiderat. Sie umfaßt erstmals sämtliche autorisierten Drucke des Romans in buchstaben- und zeichengetreuer Wiedergabe; zum ersten Mal vollständig mitgeteilt werden die Korrekturen, die Fontane in den verschiedenen Publikationen seines Romans vorgenommen hat. Damit ist die Grundlage geschaffen für die Edition der handschriftlichen Überlieferung. Eine kritische Edition des überlieferten Manuskriptmaterials, im Rahmen der »edition TEXT«, ist in Vorbereitung. »Stechlin« lautete der Titel, unter dem der Roman zunächst publiziert wurde: in der Zeitschrift »Über Land und Meer«, die den Text fortsetzungsweise in wöchentlich bzw. zweiwöchentlich erscheinenden Nummern (ab Oktober 1897) sowie in einer Monatsausgabe (ab Dezember 1897) brachte. Die Drucklegung des Buches »Der Stechlin« hat Fontane noch sorgfältig überwacht; seinem Sohn Friedrich, in dessen Verlag der Roman herauskam, teilte er nicht ohne Zufriedenheit mit: »Ich habe gestern und heut 4 Bogen von den Aushängebogen gelesen und dabei den angenehmen Eindruck gehabt, daß Hayns Erben [= Druckerei] ihre Sache ganz gut gemacht haben.«

26. Effi Briest - Der Roman Von Theodor Fontane Als Online Buch
Freies Online-Buch mit allen 36 Kapiteln.

27. Fontane, Theodor
Fontane, Theodor (b. Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburgd. Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin), writer who is considered the first master of modern Realistic fiction in Germany.
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Fontane, Theodor
(b . Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburgd. Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin), writer who is considered the first master of modern Realistic fiction in Germany. He began his literary career in 1848 as a journalist, serving for several years in England as correspondent for two Prussian newspapers. From this position he wrote several books on English life, including Ein Sommer in London (1854; "A Summer in London") and Jenseits des Tweed Across the Tweed: A Tour of Mid-Victorian Scotland ). From 1860 to 1870 he wrote for the conservative newspaper Kreuzzeitung, and between 1862 and 1882 he published a four-volume account of his travels in the March of Brandenburg. He combined historical and anecdotal material with descriptions of the Prussian landscape and the seats of historic families. He also wrote popular ballads, (1850; "Men and Heroes") and Balladen (1861; "Ballads"), stirring celebrations of heroic and dramatic events, some drawn from Prussian history. Fontane produced his best work after he became the drama critic for the liberal newspaper Vossische Zeitung and was freed from the earlier conservative restraint. Turning to the novel late in life, he wrote, at the age of 56

28. Bibliotheca Augustana
Online-Text in der Bibliotheca Augustana.
Theodor Fontane
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29. Fontane, Theodor
German novelist. His best work, such as the historical novel Vor den Sturm/Before the Storm (1878), a critical but sympathetic account of Prussian aristocratic life, and Effi Fontane

30. Fontane, Theodor
Den tyska litteraturens fr mste realist l t livet ga rum i dialogerna. Han visade ven att en sjukling kan skriva sig frisk, skriver Bodil Zalesky i ett portr tt av Fontane i DN.

31. Biographical Note. Fontane, Theodor. 1917. Trials And Tribulations. Vol. XV, Par
Biographical Note. Fontane, Theodor. 1917. Trials and Tribulations. Vol. XV, Part 4. Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction
Select Search World Factbook Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Bartlett's Quotations Respectfully Quoted Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Fiction Harvard Classics Theodor Fontane Trials and Tribulations ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD Theodor Fontane Trials and Tribulations. The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction. Biographical Note T HEODOR F ONTANE, though ranking as one of the greatest of German novelists, was by race entirely of French Huguenot stock. He was born at Neu-Ruppin, near Berlin, on December 30, 1819. His father, the son of a Gascon drawing-master at the court of Prussia, was an apothecary; but his happy-go-lucky disposition and his passion for gambling hindered his success in business. The mother was able and practical, but was unable to keep up the family fortunes, and the marriage was finally dissolved.
W. A. N.

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Internet's largest family Christmas website featuring Letters to Santa, Santa's Journal, Operation Santa Search, thousands of Christmas songs and stories and so much more.

34. Theodor Fontane —
Encyclopedia Fontane, Theodor. Fontane, Theodor (tā'ōd r f nt 'n u) , 1819–98, German writer. Although he is primarily important as a novelist, he did not begin to write
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    Fontane, Theodor
    Fontane, Theodor u key Gedichte (1851) and Balladen (1861), as well as accounts of his travels and his experiences as a war correspondent and prisoner during the Franco-Prussian War. He was also a drama critic for many years. The first master of the realistic novel in Germany, he wrote perceptive novels revealing the state of contemporary Berlin society and delineating the characters of its inhabitants. They include L'Adultera (1882, tr. The Woman Taken in Adultery, Irrungen, Wirrungen (1888, tr. Trials and Tribulations, Frau Jenny Treibel (1893, tr. 1968, 1976), and his masterpiece, Effi Briest (1895, tr. 1976). He also wrote short novels and the autobiographical Meine Kinderjahre (1894, tr. of extracts, My Childhood Days, See studies by H. Garland (1980); A. Bance (1982); and G. A. Craig (2000). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

35. Fontane, Theodor: Von Zwanzig Bis Dreissig
LotFontane, Theodor Von Zwanzig bis Dreissig, Lot Number1605, Starting Bid€120, AuctioneerGalerie Bassenge, AuctionValuable Books, Autographs, Decor. Prints, Date100

36. Effi Briest By | 0140447660 | 9780140447668
Rent and Save a ton on Effi Briest by Fontane, Theodor Chambers, Helen Rorrison, Hugh Fontane, Theodor.ISBN 0140447660 EAN 9780140447668
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Effi Briest
Chambers, Helen
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Fontane, Theodor
Fontane, Theodor
SUMMARY In 1919 Thomas Mann hailed Effi Briest (1895) as one of "the six most significant novels ever written". Set in Bismarck's Germany, Fontane's luminous tale of a socially suitable but emotionally disastrous match between the enchanting seventeen-year-old Effi and an austere, workaholic civil servant twice her age, is at once touching and unsettling. Fontane's taut, ironic narrative depicts a world where sexuality and the enjoyment of life are stifled by narrow-mindedness and circumstance. Considered by many to be the pinnacle of the nineteenth-century German novel, Effi Briest is a tale of adultery that ranks with Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina and brilliantly demonstrates the truth of the author's comment and "women's stories are generally far more interesting".

37. Fontane, Theodor
Theodor Fontane (December 30, 1819 – September 20, 1898) was a nineteenth century German novelist and poet. He was the first German realist writer of significance.
Fontane, Theodor
From New World Encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Previous (Theodicy) Next (Theodor Herzl) Theodor Fontane Born December, 30, 1819
Neuruppin, Germany Died September 20, 1898
Theodor Fontane (December 30, 1819 – September 20, 1898) was a nineteenth century German novelist and poet. He was the first German realist writer of significance. Realism eschewed some of the excesses of Romanticism , focusing less on the heroic individual, instead preferring to depict social reality, especially the social problems that face the common man. Fontane's most enduring work, Effi Briest, addresses the problem of adultery and the consequences for his heroine in nineteenth century society.
Fontane was born in Neuruppin into a Huguenot family. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to an apothecary, his father's profession, subsequently becoming an apothecary himself, and in 1839, at the age of 20, wrote his first work (Heinrichs IV. erste Liebe, now lost). His further education was in Leipzig, where he came into contact with the progressives of the Vormärz. Fontane's first published work, "Sibling Love," appeared in the

38. Theodor Fontane (German Writer) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Facts about Fontane, Theodor, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Fontane, Theodor Facts about Theodor Fontane Berlin newspapers, as discussed in Berlin (Germany
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Theodor Fontane
Table of Contents: Theodor Fontane Article Article Related Articles Related Articles External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Theodor Fontane He began his literary career in 1848 as a journalist, serving for several years in England as correspondent for two Prussian newspapers. From this position he wrote several books on English life, including Ein Sommer in London Jenseits des Tweed Across the Tweed: A Tour of Mid-Victorian Scotland ). From 1860 to 1870 he wrote for the conservative newspaper

39. Fontane, Theodor - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History
Full Name Theodor Fontane. Nationality German Activity German writer. Born 3012-1819 Died 20-09-1898

40. Irrungen, Wirrungen By | 3150089719 | 9783150089712
Rent and Save a ton on Irrungen, Wirrungen by Fontane, Theodor.ISBN 3150089719 EAN 9783150089712
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  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
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EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: Reclam jun., Verlag GmbH, Philip (01/01/2005) PAGES: This product is not available.
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