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21. Www.annefrank.com: Who Is Anne Frank? at The Anne Frank Center USA Brief biography, timeline, diary excerpts and scrapbook for the German-Jewish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. http://www.annefrank.com/who-is-anne-frank/ |
22. Frank Anne Books Frank anne Read more about Frank anne here! http://www.chhs.org/frank anne.html | |
23. THE INSPIRATION OF ANNE FRANK Article from The New Times, September 1989, discusses the impact Anne Frank s diary has had on people around the world. Bibliography, links. http://www.angelfire.com/pq/prophits/annefrank.html | |
24. Frank, Anne - Astro-Databank, Anne Frank Horoscope, Born 12 June 1929 In Frankfu Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Anne Frank born on 12 June 1929 Frankfurt AuMain, Germany http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Frank,_Anne | |
25. Fourth Grade English & Math Proficiency Levels At Frank Anne School | SchoolMatt Fourth Grade English Math Proficiency Frank Anne School – Review the 4th Grade English Math proficiency levels at Frank Anne School, Philadelphia PA. http://www.schoolmatters.com/schools.aspx/q/page=sl/sid=16042/midx=GradeC4 |
26. Anne Frank-Fonds Administers the copyright to Anne Frank s writings. Provides an introduction to the diaries and other information. http://www.annefrank.ch/ | |
27. Fifth Grade English & Math Proficiency Levels At Frank Anne School | SchoolMatte Fifth Grade English Math Proficiency Frank Anne School – Review the 5th Grade English Math proficiency levels at Frank Anne School, Philadelphia PA. http://www.schoolmatters.com/schools.aspx/q/page=sl/sid=16042/midx=GradeD5 |
28. Anne Frank And Oscar Schindler In Memoriam Narrative of events in the Diary of Anne Frank. http://www.auschwitz.dk/Annefrank.htm | |
29. Frank, Anne - Fun Facts And Information Fun Facts about Frank Anne. Interesting factoids, information and answers. http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Literature/Frank-Anne-8907.html | |
30. This Page Does Not / No Longer Exist The house where Anne Frank hid with education projects and activities, chronology, photos, and overview of her diary. http://www.annefrank.org/content.asp?pid=1&lid=1&setlanguage=2 |
31. Frank, Anne - Definition Of Frank, Anne In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free frank (fr ngk) adj. Clearly manifest; clinically evident. frank. Etymology L, francus, forthright. obvious or clinically evident, such as the unequivocal presence of a http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Frank, Anne |
32. The Diary Of A Young Girl By Anne Frank Study Guide & Literature Essays | GradeS Summary and analysis, includes a biography, quiz, and background information. http://www.gradesaver.com/the-diary-of-a-young-girl-by-anne-frank/ | |
33. Anne Frank Zentrum: Das Tagebuch Der Anne Frank - Ausstellungen Und Bildungsarbe Die Partnerorganisation des Anne-Frank-Hauses in Amsterdam bietet Informationsveranstaltungen, Trainings- und Qualifizierungsma nahmen im Bereich der interkulturellen und antirassistischen Bildungsarbeit und p dagogische Materialien. Einige Angebote richten sich speziell an Jugendgruppen. http://www.annefrank.de/ | |
34. Frank Anne - Salt Lake City, UT | MyLife™ Find Frank Anne and other old friends with our powerful people search tool. MyLife™. Find Everyone from Your Past. http://www.mylife.com/frankanne | |
35. Anne Frank Tagebuch Im Unterricht - Willkommen Bietet Links und Tipps sowie Materialien f r den Unterricht, eine Literaturliste ist ebenfalls vorhanden. http://www.geschichtsunterricht-online.de/annefrank/ | |
36. Frank, Anne KidsKonnect has kids homework and educational help a safe Internet gateway for kids created maintained by educators. KidsKonnect links to a variety of sites on different http://www.kidskonnect.com/subject-index/21-people/138-frank-anne.html | |
37. Anne Frank Werkstukwijzer - Unieke Online Bronnenbank Voor Scholieren Informationen ber ihr Leben sowie Berichte ber die Geschehnisse des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Deutschland. http://www.annefrankguide.net/ |
38. Frank, Anne | Define Frank, Anne At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Frank, Anne definition A teenage Dutch Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis for two years in World War II . She lived with her family and several friends in http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Frank, Anne |
39. :: Anne Frank Page :: Biographie :.. Der Autor hat Informationen zu den Themen Biographie, Charakterisierung, Zeittafel, Tagebuch, Textausz ge, Die Helfer, Das Anne Frank Haus, Bildergalerie, Literatur und Links zusammengetragen. Auch ein G stebuch steht zur Verf gung - nur die Startseite funktioniert n i c h t . http://home.arcor.de/annefrank/biographie.htm | |
40. Frank, Anne | Define Frank, Anne At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Frank, Anne definition A teenage Dutch Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis for two years in World War II . She lived with her family and several friends in http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/frank, anne?qsrc=2446 |
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