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Hollingshead Greg: more books (21) | ||
21. - Owen Sound Public Library Hollingshead, Greg. Bedlam. (HarperCollins, $34.95). FIC HOLLI An extraordinary novel that tells the story of three people caught up in the turmoil of the late 18th century. http://www.owensound.library.on.ca/page.php?PageID=53 |
22. Hollingshead, Greg If anyone needs healing, it's Tim Wakelin, freelance journalist and recent widower. When he comes to the small Canadian mining town of Grant, Wakelin thinks it's to do a story http://literature.idoneos.com/index.php/Authors,_A-Z/(_H_)/Hollingshead,_Greg | |
23. Quilt Sara Hollingshead. Greg Owen . Pontotoc County — Janna Kelly . Pottawatomie County — Jennifer Burch. Lenora Winsett . Pushmataha County — Kathy Boone. Amy Bumpas http://countyext.okstate.edu/blaine/blainecounty/quiltcounty.htm | |
24. The Writers' Union Of Canada - Greg Hollingshead Biography, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/ww_profile.asp?mem=396&L=H |
25. MR. HOLLINGSHEAD (Greg Hollingshead) | MySpace MySpace profile for Greg Hollingshead. Find friends, share photos, keep in touch with classmates, and meet new people on MySpace. http://www.myspace.com/rebel134 |
26. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:HOLLINGSHEAD, GREG A Roaring Success Interview with the author after winning the 1995 Governor General's Award for fiction. Governor General Award Winner Greg Hollingshead - RealAudio excerpt of http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/ob592i.htm | |
27. Greg Hollingshead (b.1947, D.----) - Curriculum Vitae (CV) An academic directory and search engine POSITION(S) / JOB TITLE(S) http://www.getcited.org/mbrz/10010845 | |
28. Emma Hollingshead, University Of Indianapolis: - ZoomInfo Business Information Hollingshead, Greg The Writing Studio Hollingshead, Greg HarperCollins Hollingshead, Greg Scotiabank Giller Prize http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Hollingshead_Emma_1322987946.aspx | |
29. Ellen Hollingshead, Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board: - ZoomInfo Bu Hollingshead, Greg DHS Hollingshead, Greg Harmonics Limited Inc Hollingshead, Greg The Writing Studio Hollingshead, Greg http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Hollingshead_Ellen_1183242503.aspx | |
30. KGNU BOARD MINUTES MINUTES OF KGNU BOARD MEETING 12/13/05. Members of the Board present Kit Hollingshead, Greg O’Brian, Marge Taniwaki, Steven BoemkerSherman, David Kane, Paul Misho, Janaki http://kgnu.org/board/minutes/0512mins.html | |
31. Browse Inside Bedlam By Hollingshead, Greg Browse Inside Bedlam, by Hollingshead, Greg, a Trade paperback from , an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers http://browseinside.harpercollins.ca/index.aspx?isbn13=9780006392828 |
32. Greg Hollingshead - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com The Roaring Girl 1995 (winner of the 1995 Governor General's Award for Fiction) The Healer - 1998; Bedlam - 2004; Hollingshead, Greg Hollingshead, Greg http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/greg-hollingshead | |
33. Browse Inside The Roaring Girl By Hollingshead, Greg Browse Inside The Roaring Girl, by Hollingshead, Greg, a Trade paperback from Phyllis Bruce Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers http://browseinside.harpercollins.ca/index.aspx?isbn13=9780006393580 |
34. Enrique Maita - Enzo Peluso | LinkedIn LinkedIn Directory http://www.linkedin.com/directory/people/Recent-01-15-6.html |
35. What's New Hollingshead, Greg Sex Male National Origin Canada Era Late 20th Century Born 1947 Awards Governor General's http://litmed.med.nyu.edu/People?action=view&id=2818 |
36. Greg Hollingshead Biography - The Banff Centre Greg Hollingshead. Greg Hollingshead grew up in Woodbridge, Ontario. Since 1976, he has published more than five dozen stories and essays in magazines and anthologies in Canada, the http://www.banffcentre.ca/faculty/faculty_member.aspx?facid=4 |
37. Greg Hollingshead - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Greg Hollingshead Biography The Banff Centre Greg Hollingshead. Greg Hollingshead grew up in Woodbridge, Ontario. His books, the story collection White Buick and the novel http://www.123people.com/s/greg hollingshead |
38. Greg Hollingshead (b.1947, D.----) Books An academic directory and search engine Author 0 0 Hollingshead, Greg. (1992 http://www.getcited.org/mbrx/PT/2/MBR/10010845 | |
39. Www.ualberta.ca ENGLISH 694 STUDIES IN LITERARY TECHNIQUES Writing Narrative Section B1 M 14001650 (Half-year course, second term)*3(3-0-0) G. Hollingshead greg.hollingshead@ualberta.ca http://www.ualberta.ca/~englishd/e694bb.htm | |
40. Birth Announcements - Al.com Hollingshead, Greg and Rebekah named their daughter, born June 4 at Huntsville Hospital, Dacey Jene Hollingshead. Grandparents are Gene and Myra Peresich. http://www.al.com/living/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/living/1213434928126780 |
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