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21. "The Pomegranate," By Kawabata Yasunari | Asia For Educators | Columbia Universi Kawabata Yasunari (18891972) was the first Japanese writer to win the Nobel Prize in literature. It was awarded in 1968, and coincided with the http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/special/japan_1950_kawabata.htm | |
22. La Casa Delle Belle Addormentate Presenta il racconto con una dettagliata recensione. http://it.passado.com/blogEntry.aspx?entry_id=158074 |
23. Sensei's Library: Kawabata Yasunari Sensei's Library, page Kawabata Yasunari, keywords People. SL is a large WikiWikiWeb about the game of Go (Baduk, Weiqi). It's a collaboration and community site. Everyone can http://senseis.xmp.net/?KawabataYasunari |
24. Kawabata Yasunari - World Literature Forum The man ought to have his own thread. I'd give it to him for the slim two pages of Love Suicides in Palmof-the-Hand Stories alone. http://www.worldliteratureforum.com/forum/writers/7504-kawabata-yasunari.html | |
25. Yasunari Kawabata Biografia Propone una biografia, informazioni sui libri dello scrittore, alcune fotografie. http://www.zam.it/home.php?id_autore=234 |
26. Kawabata Yasunari (Japanese Author) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Kawabata Yasunari (Japanese author), June 11, 1899ÅŒsaka, Japan April 16, 1972ZushiJapanese novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968. His melancholic lyricism echoes http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/313587/Kawabata-Yasunari | |
27. Kawabata Yasunari: Bibliografia Per Yama No Oto Kawabata Yasunari la bibliografia di una tesi di laurea su Yama no oto http://www.studiamo.it/kawabata-yasunari/kawabata-bibliografia.html | |
28. Kawabata Yasunari Propone la tesi di laurea di Giorgio Boccia, discussa presso la facolt di Scienze della Formazione dell Universit degli Studi di Firenze, nell anno accademico 2002-2003. http://www.studiamo.it/kawabata-yasunari/kawabata.html | |
29. Kawabata Yasunari Essay on Kawabata Yasunari and his fiction This is a paper that I delivered at a professional meeting in the middle '70s, then was never published, but still seems to me to be a http://www.washburn.edu/reference/bridge24/Kawabata.html | |
30. Yasunari Kawabata: Biography From Answers.com Kawabata Yasunari (born June 11, 1899, O saka, Japan — died April 16, 1972, Zushi) Japanese novelist http://www.answers.com/topic/yasunari-kawabata |
31. Poemas Poema de Luis Antonio de Villena dedicado al autor japon s. http://www.poeticas.com.ar/Biblioteca/Poemas_de_Villena/Poemario/kawabata.html |
32. Kawabata Yasunari Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Research Kawabata Yasunari and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/kawabata-yasunari.jsp?l=K&p=1 |
33. "Yasunari Kawabata Y Las Formas De La Ausencia", Miguel Sardegna - Axolotl 01 Art culo de Miguel ngel A. Sardegna sobre el autor. http://www.revistaaxolotl.com.ar/sent01.html | |
34. Kawabata, Yasunari Definition Of Kawabata, Yasunari In The Free Online Encyclope Kawabata, Yasunari (y s n `rē k w `b t ), 1899–1972, Japanese novelist. His first major work was The Izu Dancer, (1925). He came to be a leader of the school of Japanese http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Kawabata, Yasunari |
35. Yama No Oto Info ber den Film von Mikio Naruse, der auf dem Roman Ein Kirschbaum im Winter von Yasunari Kawabata basiert. http://www.xenix.ch/archiv/mai99/00005.html | |
36. Kawabata Yasunari - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Kawabata Yasunari Scholarly books, journals and articles Kawabata Yasunari at Questia, world's largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better research http://www.questia.com/library/literature/literature-of-specific-countries/other |
37. Der Wassergeist : Textarchiv : Berliner Zeitung Archiv Dem japanischen Literaturnobelpreistr ger Yasunari Kawabata zum 100. Geburtstag. Beitrag von Manuela Reichart in BerlinOnline. http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/archiv/.bin/dump.fcgi/1999/0612/maga |
38. Yasunari Kawabata — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Kawabata, Yasunari. Kawabata, Yasunari (y s OO n 'rē k w 'b t ) , 1899 – 1972, Japanese novelist. His first major work was The Izu Dancer, (1925). http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0827221.html |
39. Kawabata, Yasunari - Definition Of Kawabata, Yasunari By The Free Online Diction Ka wa ba ta (k wb t), Yasunari 1899-1972. Japanese writer whose novels, including Thousand Cranes (1959), often concern alienated, lonely individuals in search of beauty and http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Kawabata, Yasunari |
40. Kawabata Yasunari | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Kawabata Yasunari, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Kawabata Yasunari. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kawabata-Yasunari/107817069251822 | |
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