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1. Knight_Etheridge_tn By Calisha Brooks Tennessee State University, Tennessee. I. Introduction. Etheridge Knight's prison poetry, by means of its temporal/spatial references and movements, liberates http://ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/knight_etheridge_tn.htm |
2. Knight, Etheridge The Essential Etheridge Knight (Pittsburgh Poetry Series), Poems from Prison., Belly Song and Other Poems, Black Voices from Prison, Poems and Annotations Trilogy, New Letters http://www.artistactoractress.com/author/k/knight_etheridge.html | |
3. Knight, Etheridge; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/knight_etheridge.html | |
4. MWP: Etheridge Knight (1931-1991) Etheridge Knight. This article is not yet available. Please try again later. Add Information to this page http://www.olemiss.edu/mwp/dir/knight_etheridge/index.html | |
5. Knight, Etheridge. BELLY SONG. At Bookfever.com Knight, Etheridge. BELLY SONG. Detroit Broadside Press, (1973.) at bookfever.com http://www.bookfever.com/Book_Listing/Knight_Etheridge_BELLY_SONG_book_36333.htm |
6. Etheridge Knight- Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More An Academy of American Poets poetry exhibit, including a brief biography and an audio recording of the poet reading one of his poems. http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/158 | |
7. Oxford AASC: Knight, Etheridge At A Glance Sex Male. Born Corinth, Mississippi, United States 19 April 1931 Died http://www.oxfordaasc.com/article/aag/834 | |
8. Etheridge Knight Poems Knight KNIGHT ETHERIDGE Knight poem idge to you. show is It institutions and the the who oppress government and not people. And poetry, I know the reason.. http://fenwolfchile.pluto.ro/etheridge-knight.html | |
9. Etheridge Knight Knight, Etheridge Born April 19, 1931, in Corinth, Mississippi Died March 10, 1991, in Indianapolis, Indiana Vocations Poet, Orator, Editor Geographic Connection to http://www.pabook.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/bios/Knight__Etheridge.html |
10. Etheridge Knight Poems Lord she's gone done left me done packed / up and splitand I with no way to make. poems by Etheridge Knight Etheridge Knight poem The Idea Of Ancestry http://www.poemsabout.org/poems-by-etheridge-knight/ | |
11. Etheridge Knight | LibraryThing Books by Etheridge Knight The Essential Etheridge Knight (Pitt Poetry Series), Poems from Prison., Born of a Woman, Black voices from prison, The Idea of Ancestry (included in The http://www.librarything.com/author/knightetheridge |
12. Long, Talita G Bibliography and Exhibitions MONOGRAPHS AND SOLO EXHIBITIONS Knight, Etheridge and TALITA LONG (illus.). For Black Poets who Think of Suicide. http://aavad.com/artistbibliog.cfm?id=1999 |
13. Knight, Etheridge Summary | BookRags.com Knight, Etheridge. Knight, Etheridge summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/knight-etheridge-eb/ |
14. Project MUSE - Callaloo - Belly Song: (for The Daytop Family) Knight, Etheridge. Belly Song (for the Daytop Family) Callaloo Volume 19, Number 4, Fall 1996, pp. 953-955 The Johns Hopkins University Press http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/callaloo/v019/19.4knight01.html |
15. The Biography Of Etheridge Knight - Life Story The biography of Etheridge Knight life story .. poetry Biography Poems http://www.poemhunter.com/etheridge-knight/biography/ |
16. Knight, Etheridge | Knight, Etheridge Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Tri Knight, Etheridge Research Knight, Etheridge articles at HighBeam.com. Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O52-KnightEtheridge.html |
17. Links On "Etheridge Knight" | Facebook Etheridge Knight Etheridge Knight Inc programs and activities include an annual arts festival, theater, and year round arts programming. The upcoming 19th Annual Etheridge Knight http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=154638772309 |
18. Etheridge Knight | Etheridge Knight Wiki | Etheridgeknight.com Etheridge Knight Wiki Knight was born to a poor family in rural Corinth, Mississippi, but spent time growing up in Paducah, Kentucky. He was one of seven children. Knight decided http://www.etheridgeknight.com/?page=2 |
19. Knight, Etheridge (1931-1991) | The Black Past: Remembered And Reclaimed An Online Reference Guide to African American History. Quintard Taylor. Scott and Dorothy Bullitt Professor of American History. University of Washington, Seattle http://www.blackpast.org/?q=aah/knight-etheridge-1931-1991 |
20. African American Collections Knight, Etheridge. Born of a woman new and selected poems / Etheridge Knight. http://dpg.lib.berkeley.edu/webdb/african/african?date=&item=594 |
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