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21. Pete Knight (rodeo) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Kroetsch, Robert (1986) Seed Catalogue, Turnstone Press, Winnipeg ISBN 088801-109-1; MacEwan, Grant (1952) Between the Red and the Rockies, University of Toronto Press, Toronto ISBN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Knight_(rodeo) | |
22. Thomas Kroetsch - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com My Genealogy Home PageInformation about Margaret Ann Desboro Margaret Ann Desboro744. She married Calistus Aloysious Kroetsch, son of Martin Edmund Louis Kroetsch. Robert James http://www.123people.com/s/thomas kroetsch |
23. University Of Windsor - RAMPIKE Magazine - English - Welcome Dewdney, Umberto Eco, Martin Esslin, Raymond Federman, James Gray, Tomson Highway, Linda Hutcheon, Susan Holbrook, Thomas King, Al Purdy, Julia Kristeva, Robert Kroetsch, Robert http://www.uwindsor.ca/rampike |
24. Chegg.com: Badlands By | 0773760857 | 9780773760851 Rent and Save a ton on Badlands by Kroetsch, Robert.ISBN 0773760857 EAN 9780773760851 http://www.chegg.com/details/badlands/0773760857/ | |
25. Chegg.com: Seed Catalogue By | 0888011091 | 9780888011091 Rent and Save a ton on Seed Catalogue by Kroetsch, Robert.ISBN 0888011091 EAN 9780888011091 http://www.chegg.com/details/seed-catalogue/0888011091/ | |
26. Kroetsch, Robert (Vol. 132) - Laurie Ricou (review Date Autumn 1995): Contempora Kroetsch, Robert (Vol. 132) Laurie Ricou (review date Autumn 1995) Contemporary Literary Criticism http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/kroetsch-robert/laurie-ric |
27. Kroetsch, Robert (Vol. 132) - David Williams (essay Date Summer 1996): Contempor Kroetsch, Robert (Vol. 132) David Williams (essay date Summer 1996) Contemporary Literary Criticism http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/kroetsch-robert/david-will |
28. A Little About Kroetsch, Robert Northwest Passages is an online bookstore specializing in selling Canadian Literature. We ship individual and course orders world wide. Established 1996 http://www.nwpassages.com/profile_book.asp?ISBN=0888643721 onclick=sa_mpTC(event |
29. The Canadian Encyclopedia Robert Kroetsch, writer, editor, teacher (b at Heisler, Alta 26 June 1927). He grew up on his father's farm and studied at U of A and U of Iowa. He taught at State University of NY http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0004379 |
30. Kroetsch, Robert (Paul) - Contemporary Novelists | HighBeam Research - FREE Tria Kroetsch, Robert (Paul) find Contemporary Novelists articles. div id= bedoc-text h1KROETSCH, Robert (Paul)/h1 pbNationality/b Canadian. bBorn/b Heisler, Alb http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3401500355.html |
31. Kroetsch, Robert - NeWest Press NeWest Press puts podcast fans in touch with new and established authors, who read from their books and discuss the ins and outs of being Canadian authors. Keep up to date on http://www.newestpress.com/catalog/authors/kroetsch-robert.html |
32. Badlands - KROETSCH, ROBERT Badlands; KROETSCH, ROBERT. Offered by Steven Temple Books (ABAC/ILAB) http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/stev/18858.shtml | |
33. Kroetsch, Robert Field notes 18 a continuing poem the collected poetry of Robert Kroetsch (Spectrum poetry series) by Robert Kroetsch from Beaufort Books http://literature.idoneos.com/index.php/Authors,_A-Z/(_K_)/Kroetsch,_Robert | |
34. Robert Kroetsch (Canadian Author) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Robert Kroetsch (Canadian author), Email is the email address you used when you registered. Password is case sensitive. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/323721/Robert-Kroetsch | |
35. Robert Kroetsch Bader,Rudolf 222-233 IN Kroetsch-Robert (ed. pref.); Nischik-Reingard-M. (ed.). Gaining Ground European Critics on Canadian Literature. Edmonton NeWest, 1985. 303 pp. http://classes.uleth.ca/200102/engl3700a/robert_kroetsch.htm | |
36. Results For Subject KROETSCH, ROBERT Dinosaurs in the Badlands Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park and Robert Kroetsch's Badlands. Stefanelli, Maria A. in De Riz, Francesca B./Zorzi, Rosella M., eds http://web08.library.tamu.edu/search/subject/13870/ |
37. The Second Story Used Books - Rare, Used, And Out-of-print Books Wear to edges and corners. Dustjacket has wear, rubbing, closed tear on bottom spine edge, closed tear on top front edge, foredge worn through. Signed by author with inscription to http://www.secondstorybooks.ca/si/018327.html | |
38. Browse Subject: Kroetsch, Robert, 1927- | The Online Books Page Kroetsch, Robert, 1927Filed under Kroetsch, Robert, 1927-Northern Love An Exploration of Canadian Masculinity (Edmonton AU Press, c2008), by Paul Nonnekes (PDF with commentary http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lcsubc&key=Kroe |
39. Frederick Kroetsch: - ZoomInfo Business Information Kroetsch, Robert Royal Society of Canada Kroetsch, Robert Sage Hill Writing Experience Kroetsch, Robert Concordia University http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Kroetsch_Frederick_1372839391.aspx | |
40. Canadian Literary And Art Archives - Robert Kroetsch Special Collections KROETSCH, ROBERT, 1927Robert Kroetsch fonds. 19, 1936 - 2003. 19.8275 m of textual records. - 2967 photographs. - 13 sound recordings. - 11 videocassettes. http://www.ucalgary.ca/lib-old/SpecColl/kroetsch.htm | |
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