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Kropp Paul: more books (88) | |||||
21. The Writers' Union Of Canada - Paul Kropp Profile, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/ww_profile.asp?mem=476&L=K |
22. Paul Kropp From Abilene, Texas Has Been Located By SpotaPerson Amazon.com Printed Books Kropp, Paul amazon.com Moonkid and Prometheus (Gemini Books) by Paul Kropp (Mass Market Paperback - June 1, 1997) http://www.spotaperson.com/p/tx/Abilene/Paul/Kropp/ |
23. All Quiet On The Western Front Book Notes Summary | Erich Maria Remarque | BookR Albert Kropp Paul's clearthinking classmate and best friend from school. He is Paul's closest friend next to Kat. He loses his leg due to an injury, and is hospitalized at the http://www.bookrags.com/notes/aq/CHR.htm |
24. Canadian Authors For Kids: Paul Kropp An elementary school student tells what he has learned about the author. http://www.daemonworks.ca/projects/LiteracyAlive/gallery/kropp.htm | |
25. Paul Kropp Udgivelser p forlaget Tellerup. http://tellerup.dk/?forfatter=152 |
26. Chegg.com: Foul Shot By | 1897039255 | 9781897039250 Rent and Save a ton on Foul Shot by Kropp, Paul Doherty, Catherine.ISBN 1897039255 EAN 9781897039250 http://www.chegg.com/details/foul-shot/1897039255/ | |
27. Crystal Kropp Paul | Facebook Specializing in rare books, outof-print books, used books, secondhand books, and other hard-to-find books, as well as a large selection of vintage sheet music http://www.facebook.com/crystalkropppaul | |
28. Paul Kropp: Books By Paul Kropp @ BookFinder.com Search engine that finds the best buys from among 150 million new, used, rare, and outof-print books for sale, including books by Paul Kropp. http://www.bookfinder.com/author/paul-kropp/ |
29. Raising A Reader: Make Your Child A Reader For Life - KROPP, PAUL Raising a Reader Make Your Child a Reader for Life; KROPP, PAUL. Offered by The Elephant's Foot Books http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/ele/3601.shtml | |
30. Paul Kropp: Books By Paul Kropp (2/2) @ BookFinder.com Search engine that finds the best buys from among 150 million new, used, rare, and outof-print books for sale, including books by Paul Kropp (2/2). http://www.bookfinder.com/author/paul-kropp/2/ |
31. The Countess And Me | Books | Kropp, Paul | 9781550416800 | Rent Buy Sell Textbo eCampus.com Book Rent Buy Sell The Countess and Me by Kropp, Paul - 9781550416800, Price $5.85. Textbooks - Easy. Fast. Cheap! http://www.ecampus.com/book/9781550416800 |
32. Amy's Wish (Kropp, Paul. Encounters Series.) By Paul Kropp | LibraryThing All about Amy's Wish (Kropp, Paul. Encounters Series.) by Paul Kropp. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers http://www.librarything.com/work/1789073 |
33. CM Magazine: Behind The Door. Behind the Door. (HIP Edge). Paul Kropp. Toronto, ON HIP Books, 2008. 109 pp., pbk., $12.95. ISBN 9781-897039-26-7. Grades 7-10 / Ages 12-15. http://umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol14/no16/behindthedoor.html | |
34. List High Interest/Low Readibilty by Kropp, Paul Danger At 20 Fathoms by Hanson, Ed Deadly Game by Lorimer, Janet Deer Hunting by Frahm, Randy Desert Ordeal by Hanson, Ed Dirt Bike by Kropp, Paul http://mgrn.evansville.edu/2005fall.htm | |
35. No Way At BiggerBooks.com - Kropp, Paul; Gulland, Sandra; Mohammed, Affie , 9780 A young boy, upset by his parents' separation, turns to shoplifting which eventually leads to a brush with the law. http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9780884368212 |
36. Countess And Me Books: Buy In India @ Books.rediff.com Countess And Me by Kropp Paul Format Paperback Price Rs.1800 Imported Edition. Seller Papa Media Free Shipping. Delivery in 30 days. Offered by 3 sellers in Hardcover http://books.rediff.com/book/author-kropp-paul | |
37. Kropp Forbes, Malcolm Gagn , Michel Johnson, Jeff Kohn, Harold Kropp, Paul Lawrence, David Nicewicz, David Waters, Marcey You, Wei Physical Polymer/Materials http://www.chem.unc.edu/research/index.html?display=organic&content=kropp |
38. Teenreads.com - 2009 Quick Picks For Reluctant Young Adult Readers 2009 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastestgrowing division of the American Library Association (ALA http://www.teenreads.com/features/2009-yalsa-reluctant.asp |
39. Booktalks Quick And Simple Kropp, Paul Stephen SNOW GHOST New York EMC Publishing, 1984. IL YA . RL 3.5 ISBN 0884369641 Martin Kematch is not exactly the best student. As a matter of fact, he could be http://nancykeane.com/booktalks/kropp_snow.htm | |
40. Book Reviews KROPP, Paul Avalanche (1897039-07-7), 91 p. Avalanche is a gripping story of fifteen school friends who set out on a ski trip/overnight camping expedition into the British http://www.hip-books.com/resources.php?p=172 |
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