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1. Kunitz, Stanley : Authors K : 20th Century - Mega Net Atlantic Monthly recounts the career of this Pulitzer Prize winning poet and introduces his 1995 collection Passing Through the Later Poems. http://www.mega-net.net/library/humanities/literature/by_country/north_america/u | |
2. Kunitz, Stanley; Bibliography ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/kunitz_stanley/books.html | |
3. Kunitz, Stanley; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/kunitz_stanley.html | |
4. Stanley Kunitz- Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph, and selected poems. http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/2 | |
5. Stanley Kunitz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Kunitz, Stanley Alternative names Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon Short description Poet Date of birth July 29, 1905 Place of birth Worcester, Massachusetts, United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kunitz | |
6. Www.Cross-CulturalCommunications.com One of America's greatest poets. Most poets dry up at 50. For him to be writing poems at 90 is just incredible. From the fron inside flap, Mark Strand 6 1/2x8 3/4, 64 pp Poetry http://www.cross-culturalcommunications.com/si/CCC02B.2.html | |
7. Worcester Area Writers - Stanley Kunitz - Bio A SC Home Library Home Worcester Area Writers Home. Stanley Kunitz. Stanley Kunitz was born with poetry flowing through his veins. His love of words, and interest in writing was http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Library/Archives/WAuthors/kunitz/bio.html | |
8. Kunitz, Stanley Definition Of Kunitz, Stanley In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Kunitz, Stanley (Jasspon) (born July 29, 1905, Worcester, Mass., U.S.âdied May 14, 2006, New York, N.Y.) U.S. poet. He worked as an editor while contributing verse to http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Kunitz, Stanley |
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10. Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About US poet and editor. He is known for his finely crafted poetry, as in Selected Poems 1928â1958 (1959), which won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, and his exploration of the http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon |
11. Stanley Kunitz Kunitz, Stanley Born July 29, 1905, in Worcester, Massachusetts Died May 14, 2006, in New York City, New York Vocations Poet, Nonfiction Writer, Translator, Essayist, and Editor http://www.pabook.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/bios/Kunitz__Stanley.html |
12. Pulitzer-Winning Poet Stanley Kunitz Dies - Washingtonpost.com May 16, 2006 Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia obituaries, appreciations and death notices. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/15/AR2006051501665. |
13. Poets House - Titles By Kunitz, Stanley Author Kunitz, Stanley Title Passing Through Publisher CrossCultural Communications Ed/Trans Translated by Adam Szyper Pub. Date Fall 1998 http://www.poetshouse.org/author.asp?author=Kunitz, Stanley |
14. Poems Of Akhmatova: Izbrannye Stikhi | Book | Kunitz, Stanley | 9780395860038 | eCampus.com Student Marketplace Book Rent Buy Sell Poems of Akhmatova Izbrannye Stikhi by Kunitz, Stanley - 9780395860038, Price $2.40. Textbooks - Easy. Fast. Cheap! http://www.ecampus.com/marketplace/9780395860038 |
15. Stanley Kunitz Choose another writer in this calendar by name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. TimeSearch for Books and Writers http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/kunitz.htm | |
16. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:KUNITZ, STANLEY Stanley Kunitz The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph, and selected poems. http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/oj366i.htm | |
17. Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon Definition Of Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon In The Free Online Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon (ky `nÄts), 1905â2006, American poet, teacher, and editor, b. Worcester, Mass. He graduated from Harvard (B.A., 1926; M.A., 1927), worked as a journalist http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon |
18. Poems Of Akhmatova: Izbrannye Stikhi - Max Hayward - Kunitz, Stanley - Anna Akhm Witness to the international and domestic chaos of the first half of the twentieth century, Anna Akhmatova (18881966) chronicled Russia's troubled times in poems of sharp beauty http://www.longitudebooks.com/find/p/75568/printable/1 |
19. Passing Through: The Later Poems New And Selected - KUNITZ, Stanley | Between Th KUNITZ, Stanley Passing Through The Later Poems New and Selected http://www.betweenthecovers.com/btc/item/99848/ | |
20. Kunitz, Stanley 1905â - Critical Essay By Richard Vine Summary | BookRags.com Kunitz, Stanley 1905â Critical Essay by Richard Vine. Kunitz, Stanley 1905â - Critical Essay by Richard Vine summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research http://www.bookrags.com/criticism/kunitz-stanley-1905_3/ |
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