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41. "Deryni Series" Part 10 "Deryni Rising" Quiz - Kurtz , Katherine Here is a quiz concerning one of my all time favorite series, The Deryni Series by Katherine Kurtz. This quiz asks questions concerning Volume I of The Chronicles of the Deryni. http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/Literature/Deryni-Series-Part-10-Deryni-Ris | |
42. Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's Gargoyle. - Free Online Library Free Online Library Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's gargoyle.(Book Review, Young Adult Review, Brief Article) by Kliatt ; Business Publishing industry Library and information http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's gargoyle-a01071244 | |
43. Welcome To Wildside Press - Subscribe to our Newsletter. Enter your Email address below and press the GO button. Subscribe Unsubscribe http://www.wildsidebooks.com/KURTZ-Katherine_c_449.html | |
44. Alpha Ralpha Boulevard: Katherine Kurtz Katherine Kurtz Other Kurtz links Kurtz page Bibliography Series. The Bishop's Heir Dagger Magic, A Novel of The Adept May 1995, Ace Hardcover ISBN0441-00149-1 (Amazon.com ordering http://www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFK/Kurtz,Katherine.php3 | |
45. Kurtz, Katherine : The Overlook Connection Press And Bookstore The Overlook Connection Press and Bookstore Kurtz, Katherine Movies TV,Art Books,Fantasy,Anthologies,Magazines,Science Fiction,Horror,Biographies Memoirs,Mystery http://overlookconnection.com/catalog/kurtz-katherine-m-539.html | |
46. Katherine Kurtz Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris, Katherine Kurtz. Katherine Kurtz has been writing fantasy novels for well over three decades. She is married and until last year made her home in Ireland, in a mildly haunted gothic http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Kurtz, Katherine | |
47. Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's Gargoyle - Book Review | Kliatt | Find Articles Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's gargoyle Book Review from Kliatt provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_3_36/ai_107124419/ | |
48. Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's Gargoyle.(Book Review)(Young Adult Review)(Brief Kurtz, Katherine. St. Patrick's gargoyle.(Book Review)(Young Adult Review)(Brief Article) find Kliatt articles. div id= bedoc-text Berkley, Ace. 291p. c2001. 0-441-00905 http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-107124419.html |
49. The Adept | Book | Kurtz, Katherine (Author); Harris, Deborah Turner (Author) | eCampus.com Student Marketplace Book Rent Buy Sell The Adept by Kurtz, Katherine (Author); Harris, Deborah Turner (Author) - 9780441003433, Price $0.01. Textbooks - Easy http://www.ecampus.com/marketplace/9780441003433 | |
50. Quotes By Ermest Kurtz & Katherine Ketchman. An Ermest Kurtz & Katherine Ketchma Spirituality points, always, beyond beyond the ordinary, beyond possession, beyond the narrow confines of the self, and above all - beyond expectations. http://blog.gaiam.com/quotes/authors/ermest-kurtz-katherine-ketchman | |
51. Katherine Kurtz Katherine Kurtz Message Board Science fiction site filled with tons of information about books, TV shows, and movies. http://www.allscifi.com/Board.asp?BoardID=9443 |
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54. Guests Kurtz, Katherine Katherine Kurtz is Westercon 51 Writer Guest of Honor, best known for the Deryni, Camber, King Kelson, and Heirs of Saint Camber Trilogies. http://www.westercon.org/sandiego/html/guests_61.html | |
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