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81. ARKHAM Lovecraftian Dark Metal Groupe fran ais influenc par Lovecraft. http://arkham.oc.free.fr/ | |
82. The Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath -- By Guerrilla Productions A feature length animated adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft s 1926 fantasy novel. Targeted release is October 2002. http://www.petting-zoo.org/Movies_Dreamquest.html | |
83. *** Your Title Here *** Contains fiction, nonfiction, art, and an online journal. Includes scholarly essays about the life and fiction of HP Lovecraft, and Lovecraftian fiction. http://www.ans.com.au/~jgwr | |
84. Redirection Par Meta Refresh Original graphic works by Francois Launet, a. k. a. Goomi. illustrations for the Wraith and Kult role-playing games, visions around Lovecraft and other gothic dileriums. http://www.macguff.fr/goomi | |
85. Alirburia Una p gina con textos de Algernon Blackwood, Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen y Robert Bloch. http://alirburia.8m.com/index.html | |
86. Stephen Hickman, Artist And Illustrator Of Fantasy And Science Fiction Stephen Hickman s high-tech science fiction, and illustrations of Tolkien, Pharazar, and Lovecraft. http://www.stephenhickman.com/ | |
87. Back Slash, King Of The Potato People Includes filks based on Babylon 5, cartoons, Star Trek, Lovecraft, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show; http://users.erols.com/backslash/ | |
88. The Vision Bleak, The Vision Bleak Allen B. Konstanz and Ulf Theodor Schwadorf celebrate creepy and haunting entertainment inspired by the Horror-Novels and -Movies of Max Schreck, John Carpenter, Friedrich Murnau, H.P.Lovecraft or George Romero. http://www.the-vision-bleak.de/ | |
89. Atlas Games: Charting New Realms Of Imagination Auto-combat card game featuring weapons and horror characters from the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu Mythos. http://www.atlas-games.com/cthulhu/index.php |
90. Yog-Sothoth - YSDC Front Page Also known as CthulhuFan.com , this web site is dedicated to Chaosium s game, Call of Cthulhu . Roleplaying in the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft. http://www.yog-sothoth.com/ | |
91. Propping Up The Mythos A guide to making objects from the stories of H.P. Lovecraft. Resource for making props for Call of Cthulhu or Cthulhu Live games. http://www.miskatonic.net/pickman/mythos/ | |
92. Delta Green: A War Of Attrition Using Call Of Cthulhu 5.0 A site for Keepers of Delta Green, offering scenario ideas, characters, and definitions for novices, experts, or Lovecraft fans of all types. http://www.angelfire.com/games5/deltagreen/ | |
93. The Cthangband Home Page Variant influenced by H.P. Lovecraft. Overview, known bug list, source, and executables for a variety of platforms. http://www.visi.com/~thornley/david/cthangband/ | |
94. Lurking Fear - The Band Folk/punk band from the mid 80s with songs influenced by H.P. Lovecraft. History, lyrics, and sound files. http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/madchester/latin/497/ | |
95. Anchorhead Rated 5/5 by Carl Muckenhoupt. Lovecraft-inspired gothic horror at its best. http://www.wurb.com/if/game/17 | |
96. Code Danahu Illustrations du monde de Lovecraft pour d corer des fiches de personnages ou servir d images d ambiance. http://membres.multimania.fr/codedanahu/index2.htm |
97. Le Refuge Lieu de rencontre. Des pages sur Cthulhu, Warhammer, Elric, Netrunner (cartes) et Guilde (cartes). Le site contient galement un annuaire de joueurs et des inspirations (Tolkien, Lovecraft et Herbert). http://membres.multimania.fr/oharius/ |
98. L'Alba Dei Miti - Gioco Di Ruolo Ispirato Al Richiamo Di Cthulhu GdR Play by Chat di tipo investigativo, liberamente ispirato ai racconti di H.P.Lovecraft ed al GdR Il Richiamo di Cthulhu. http://www.albadeimiti.org/ |
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