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1. Martorell, Joanot; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/martorell_joanot.html | |
2. Libri.de - Martorell Joanot Mar a Martorell; Joanot Martorell; Antonio Martos Ortiz; Andr s Marzo; Vicente Juan Masip; Marc Mateu; Ismael Merlo; Jos Francisco Molina; Francisco de Moncada, 3rd Marquis of Aitona http://www.libri.de/shop/action/advancedSearch/moreBy/martorell_joanot.html | |
3. Martorell, Joanot - CanalSocial - Enciclopedia GER La Biblioteca Virtual Joan Llu s Vives s fruit d'un conveni entre la Universitat d'Alacant i la Xarxa d'universitats que forma l'Institut Joan Llu s Vives. En aquesta http://canalsocial.net/biografia/biografiacontenido.asp?nom=MARTORELL, JOANOT |
4. Historical Fiction Martorell, Joanot: Tirant Lo Blanc, LIT, V1. 16 Jan 2009 - Mo Historical Fiction Martorell, Joanot Tirant Lo Blanc, LIT, v1. 16 Jan 2009 Other Books http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36513 |
5. Noms Propres : Martorell (Joanot) Joanot Martorell (1413 – 1468) was the Valencian author of the novel Tirant lo Blanch, which is written in the Catalan language (Martorell calls it the Valencian vernacular vulgar http://www.bibenligne.org/index6051.html | |
6. Tirantloblanc_obra Introducci a l autor del Tirant lo Blanc i estudi d aquesta obra cabdal de la literatura catalana del segle XV. http://www.tinet.cat/bdt/tirant/capitols/Tot_obra.html | |
7. Prova3 Ampli dossier sobre aquesta obra cl ssica, el seu entorn hist ric i el g nere de la literatura cavalleresca. http://www.upv.es/tirant/novela/intro.html | |
8. MARTORELL, JOANOT: All His Books And Works In His Libreria House Of The Book It buys all the books of MARTORELL, JOANOT home of the Book, your space of sale of books.Buy books in your online bookshop of confidence. http://www.casadellibro.com/libros/martorell-joanot/martorell32joanot/en_gb |
9. Joanot Martorell Fragments d aquest llibre de Josep Guia, publicat per l editorial Afers, on l autor argumenta l atribuci de l autoria de Tirant lo Blanc a Joan Ro s de Corella, contra l opini general. http://www.escriptors.cat/autors/martorellj/ |
10. The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc By Martà Joan De Galba And Joanot Martorell - Martorell, Joanot, 14151468 Translator Rudder, Robert S. Title The White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc Language English LoC Class PC Language and Literatures Romance languages Italian http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/378 | |
11. Tirant Lo Blanch [Universitat De València] - Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cerva Consulta en l nia dels microfilms del manuscrit incunable de 1490 de Val ncia, de l impressor Nicolau Spindeler. http://lluisvives.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/jlv/092550620579709074 |
12. The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc : Galba, Marti Joan De (-1490) Martorell, Joan Tirant lo Blanc is the best European novel of the fifteenth century, says Damaso Alonso in his excellent study.(1) Miguel de Cervantes, writing from the http://www.archive.org/details/The_White_Knight |
13. Caplletra. N M.23 (tardor De 1997) Revista de Filologia. Aquest n mero est dedicat ntegrament al Tirant lo Blanc. http://www.lluisvives.com/servlet/SirveObras/jlv/57948387581575917287279/index.h |
14. Canadian Content > Authors Canadian Content explores Martorell, Joanot. Includes free listings and information about Martorell, Joanot from the CanConDir. http://www.canadiancontent.net/dir/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/Martorell,_Joan |
15. Biblioteca Multim Dia Tirant Lo Blanc Text de l obra, apunts biogr fics de l autor, quadres cronol gics, tradici textual (manuscrita, impresa i virtual), relaci d estudis, traduccions i adaptacions, cerca de concordances, bibliografia i selecci de documents. http://cervantesvirtual.com/bib_obra/Tirant/ |
16. Tirant Lo Blanc. By: Martorell, Joanot; De Galba, Marti Joan; Rosenthal, David H Nonfiction Books for sale 0805238522 First Thus. DJ has slight edgewear. http://www.ioffer.com/i/151726171 |
17. Pagina Inicial Aproximaci a diversos aspectes de la novel la de Joanot Martorell, per Ant nia Carr (de l ILCC de la UdG). http://www.xtec.cat/~acarre/tirant.htm |
18. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:MARTORELL, JOANOT Project Gutenberg Edition of The White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc Links for downloading online version of The White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell and Mart Joan de http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/oj449i.htm | |
19. Tirant Lo Blanc - Text Versi digital ntegra d aquesta obra cl ssica catalana, novel la escrita per Joanot Martorell i publicada l any 1490. http://www.tinet.cat/bdt/tirant/ | |
20. Cannot Find Project Gutenberg Author Martorell, Joanot Sorry, we don't know of any Gutenberg titles by Martorell, Joanot. If you'd like a broader search, try looking up this author on The Online Books Page, which is a little more http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Martorell, Joanot |
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