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         Ovid:     more books (100)
  1. Amores, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris (Oxford Classical Texts) (Latin Edition) by Ovid, 1994-09-15
  2. Why Are We Reading Ovid's Handbook on Rape?: Teaching and Learning at a Women's College by Madeleine Kahn, 2006-01
  3. Shakespeare and Ovid (Clarendon Paperbacks) by Jonathan Bate, 1994-12-01
  4. Ovid and the Renaissance Body
  5. Ovid Renewed: Ovidian Influences on Literature and Art from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century (Volume 0)
  6. Shakespeare's Ovid: The Metamorphoses in the Plays and Poems
  7. Ovid: Dichter und Werk (German Edition) by Niklas Holzberg, 1997
  8. The Love Books of Ovid (The Loves, The Art of Love, Love's Cure, and The Art of Beauty) by Ovid, 2006-01-01
  9. The Metamorphoses (Penguin Classics) by Ovid, 2002-03-28
  10. Ovid II: The Art of Love and Other Poems (Loeb Classical Library) by J. H. (translation) Mozley, 1985
  11. Shapeshifters: Tales from Ovid's Metamorphoses by Adrian Mitchell, 2010-03-23
  12. Ovid: Ibis (Bristol Phoenix Press - Classic Translations)
  13. Ovid's Poetry of Exile by Ovid, 1989-10-01
  14. The Rhetoric of the Body from Ovid to Shakespeare (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture) by Lynn Enterline, 2006-12-14

61. Ovid - Definition Of Ovid By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclope
Ov id (v d) Originally Publius ovidius Naso. 43 b.c.a.d. 17. Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love (c. 1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses (c. a.d. 8).

62. Ovid - Crystainks
ovid. Publius ovidius Naso (Sulmona, March 20, 43 BC Tomis, now Constanta AD 17) Roman poet known to the Englishspeaking world as ovid, wrote on topics of love, abandoned
Ovid Publius Ovidius Naso (Sulmona, March 20, 43 BC ­ Tomis, now Constanta AD 17) Roman poet known to the English-speaking world as Ovid, wrote on topics of love, abandoned women, and mythological transformations. Ranked alongside Virgil and Horace as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature, Ovid was generally considered the greatest master of the elegiac couplet. His poetry, largely imitated during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, had a decisive influence on European art and literature for centuries. Ovid wrote in elegiac couplets, with two exceptions: his lost Medea, whose two fragments are in iambic trimeter and anapests, respectively, and his great Metamorphoses, which he wrote in dactylic hexameter, the meter of Virgil's Aeneid and Homer's epics. Ovid offers an epic unlike those of his predecessors, a chronological account of the cosmos from creation to his own day, incorporating many myths and legends about supernatural transformations from the Greek and Roman traditions. Augustus banished Ovid in AD 8 to Tomis on the Black Sea for reasons that remain mysterious. Ovid himself wrote that it was because of an error and a carmen ­ a mistake and a poem (Tr. 2.207). The error itself is uncertain. Ovid may have had an affair with a female relative of Augustus, or withheld knowledge of such an affair. The carmen, however, is probably his Ars Amatoria, a didactic poem offering amatory advice to Roman men and women, which had been in circulation for several years.

63. Ovide B.S.
Empresa especializada en el alquiler de material audiovisual.

64. Ovid Wine
ovid Napa Valley is a winery in the St. Helena appellation, within Napa Valley. The Metamorphoses, Book the First work of latin poet Publius ovidius Naso inspired our red wine

65. Ovid > Publius Ovidius Naso - Biographie Und Lebenslauf
Enth lt eine Biografie und weiterf hrende Verkn pfungen zum Thema.
cantors homepage Menü überspringen Startseite Person ... Wovon Ovid
Publius Ovidius Naso
Geb. 20. 3. 43 v. Chr. Sulmo (heute Sulmona, etwa 120 km östlich von Rom);
gest. um 17 n. Chr. Tomi (dem heutigen rumänischen Constanta am Schwarzen Meer). Ovid gehörte durch Geburt dem alten italischen Landadel an. Als Sohn wohlhabender Eltern studierte er bei den angesehensten Lehrern der Rhetorik; der ehrgeizige Vater eröffnete ihm den Weg zur Senatorenlaufbahn. Ovid machte aber keinen Gebrauch davon, er gehörte nur einem nicht näher bekannten Dreimännerkollegium an, war ferner wegen seiner guten juristischen Kenntnisse Mitglied des Centumviralgerichtshofs und Einzelrichter in Zivilsachen; seine Abkehr von der Politik begründete er schließlich mit schwacher Gesundheit und Unfähigkeit zu angestrengter Arbeit - er verkehrte lieber in Dichterkreisen, war mit Sextus Propertius befreundet, veröffentlichte seine ersten Gedichte, als er noch kaum ein- oder zweimal rasiert ist . Sein großes Thema ist die Liebe. Im Jahre 8 n. Chr. wird er plötzlich durch kaiserliches Edikt ohne Gerichtsverhandlung ans Schwarze Meer, in die tiefste Provinz verbannt; über die Gründe der Verbannung gibt es nur Vermutungen. Hier entstehen Klagelieder, Poesie der Sehnsucht nach Rom, er besingt den nördlichen Winter und die Liebenswürdigkeit der Barbaren. Aber auch ein Lobgedicht auf Augustus und Tiberius brachte ihm keine Begnadigung, er starb im Exil.

66. Ovid | Define Ovid At
–noun ( Publius ovidius Naso ), 43 b.c.–a.d. 17?, Roman poet. Use ovid in a Sentence See images of ovid Search ovid on the Web —Related forms O vid i an / oʊˈvɪd i

67. KIRKE - Ovid Im WWW
Enth lt einen Lebenslauf des Dichters und weiterf hrende Links zu den Themen Leben und Werk, Texte und bersetzungen und schlie lich Rezeption in der Kunst.

68. The Works Of Ovid
Now Shipping! The Sacred Texts DVDROM 9.0 own the wisdom of the ages! Sign up for sacred-texts updates by email

69. Sheldrake Point
Located on Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes region. Open to visitors and providing history, events, wine list, location, and contact information.
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    Sheldrake Point's 2008 Late Harvest Riesling has been awarded " Best Sweet Riesling in the World " and "Best American Riesling" at the 2010 Canberra International Riesling Challenge in Canberra, Australia. This is our second trophy from Canberra. Our 2004 (January) Riesling Ice Wine was awarded "Best North American Riesling" at the 2005 competition. are located on the shores of Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of New York state. Arrive by boat, bike or car and take in the scenic lakeside location surrounded by rolling hills, vineyards, and gardens. Take a very short stroll across the road from our boat dock to dine on a meal of wine-inspired seasonal cuisine at Simply Red Bistro. Discover us, our wines, and our Bistro - we are a hidden gem.
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70. Ovid Bell Press: Home
The ovid Bell Press, Inc A Publication Printing Company. The ovid Bell Press, Inc, founded in 1924, is a familyowned publication printer serving publishers of magazines and

71. Family Medicine Clerkship - Intro To EBM And BUMC Medline Plus/Ovid
Boston University Medical Center presents a web-based tutorial for students undertaking the Family Medicine clerkship, with guidelines for searching primary medical literature and online databases.
Family Medicine Clerkship Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine and BUMC Medline Plus/Ovid. A brief overview of evidence based medicine. (Optional) Complete this during Week 1 This interactive BUMC MEDLINE Plus/Ovid Tutorial is designed to show you step-by-step the basic components of a MEDLINE database search using the BUMC MEDLINE Plus/Ovid Web Gateway. This tutorial should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. Complete this on Monday of Week 2 and work up to "Using Hedges or Filters". This Evidence Based Medicine tutorial will show you how to search for evidence in the primary medical literature, using the MEDLINE database on the BUMC MEDLINE Plus/OVID system. This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the basics of searching BUMC MEDLINE Plus/OVID. Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine
Searching Medline on BUMC Medline Plus/Ovid
Searching for Evidence in the Primary Medical Literature

72. Ovid Web Search Guide
Medical College of Georgia.
Ovid Web Search Guide
Entering your Subject
The Ovid system defaults to a subject search unless another search command is selected. The buttons at the top of the screen allow a change to search by author, title words or journal title. The databases available through the Ovid system, are indexed using controlled vocabulary. This means that the people who assign the subject terms to each citation may only choose from a list of official terms.
So that users of the system do not have to know each of the terms, and its exact wording, the system provides help. For example, if a user types in a search for, breast cancer, the system would use its mapping function to bring up a ranked list of relevant terms. Note : Mapping is useful, but not full proof. Be sure to try other terms if the results seem unrelated. You may then choose one of the terms, or if none of the listed terms are applicable you may choose the last option, BREAST CANCER (Search as Keyword) which will look for that phrase in the titles and abstracts.
Exploding a search term retrieves the citations indexed with the term as well as any indexed with any of the more narrow terms located under the term in the hierarchy. To view the tree hierarchy for a term, click on the term (see example below). For example, an exploded search for breast neoplasms would also retrieve articles indexed under the three narrower terms listed below it .

73. Ovidtutorial. (Page 1)
Advanced Journal Literature Search Tutorial Instructions. Louis Calder Memorial Library - University of Miami School of Medicine.
Advanced Journal Literature Search Tutorial

  • Select Search Options (1 through 34)
  • Begin at the first option (1. Choose a Database) and scroll down through all following options
  • Use back to the top link to return to this page as needed.
  • Use linked items in text to cross reference information.
Choose a Database Change Databases Define Your Search Topic Identify Individual Concepts ... Logoff 1. Choose a Database back to top
  • After you login, a list of all available databases will appear, from which you will be prompted to choose one to search. If you are doing a comprehensive search, you may want to consider searching for your topic in multiple databases, one at a time.
  • Click directly on the desired database name to begin.
  • If you need more information, click the "i" icon to the left of any database name to display its field guide. The field guides include sample records, a list of searchable fields, and producer information. If you click "i," you will need to click your Web browser's Back button to return to the database list.
    We will select the most recent segment of MEDLINE.

74. FDP Kreisverband Ravensburg
Der Ortsverband der Liberalen stellt sich vor mit Personendaten, Terminen und Pressemitteilungen.

75. FDP KV Tuebingen
Der Ortsverband der Liberalen stellt sich vor mit Personendaten.ärten/Kirchentellinsfurt&kvi

76. FDP KV Tuebingen
Der Stadtverband der Liberalen stellt sich vor mit Personendaten, Terminen und Pressemitteilungen.übingen&kvid=Tuebingen

77. Head Lice - Head Lice Treatments For Children
Head Lice Treatments for children, plus advice on resistance, anti lice shampoo, such as rid, nix, ovide, and how to remove nits.
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78. Welcome To Owosso Speedway
Located in ovid, this 3/8 mile, asphalt, oval track features modified and stock car racing events. Schedule, standings, race results, driver profiles and links.
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79. Welcome - Pybliographer
A tool for managing bibliographic databases. It currently supports BibTeX, ISI, Medline, ovid and Refer formats. It can be used for searching, editing, and reformatting.
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pybliographer 1.2.14 released pybliographer 1.2.13 and python-bibtex 1.2.5 pybliographer 1.2.12 is out pybliographer 1.2.11 is out ... pyblio 1.3.4 is out
What is Pybliographer?
Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases, with the following features:
  • a user-friendly Gnome interface for editing, searching, inserting your citations in LyX Kile and searching external databases like PubMed , Web of Science, Citeseer, and more. powerful APIs to integrate these features into your own custom application, with your own specific database schema.
Pybliographer is licenced under the GNU GPL , and available with its source code for free. It is the resulting work of many people
This project is looking for a new maintainer
Please contact the mailing list if you are interested.

80. Owosso And Shiawassee County's Top Selling Real Estate Company!
Real estate sales and marketing for Shiawassee County including Owosso, Corruna, Perry, Durand, ovid,and Vernon.

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