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81. Poetry Of Edgar Allan Poe, Full-text; The Raven, At Everypoet.com E-text of The Raven. http://www.everypoet.com/archive/poetry/Edgar_Allen_Poe/edgar_allen_poe_the_rave | |
82. "The Raven" - Halloween - Salon.com Read by Basil Rathbone. Available in MP3 and RealAudio formats. http://archive.salon.com/audio/poetry/2000/10/31/poe/ | |
83. Edgar Allan Poe Society Of Baltimore - Works - Tales - The Thousand-and-Second T Short story parody of the Arabian Nights tales by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1850. http://www.eapoe.org/works/tales/schzdc.htm | |
84. More About Edgar Allan Poe HTML etexts of several short stories. http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Edgar_Allan_Poe/ | |
85. The Fall Of The House Of Usher Presentation notes, background information and themes. http://www.watershedonline.ca/literature/Poe/pousher.html | |
86. The Gold Bug--Introduction Essay by Arthur Paul Patterson. http://www.watershedonline.ca/literature/Poe/goldbug/pogoldbug.html | |
87. Watershed Online: Essay by Arthur Paul Patterson. http://www.watershedonline.ca/literature/Poe/pit/PitAndPendulum.html | |
88. Edgar Allan Poe Biography Pictures Portrait Books Online Forum Annotated texts of the books. http://www.selfknowledge.com/347au.htm |
89. The Facts In The Case Of M. Valdemar/Edgar Allan Poe At Doyle and Macdonald. http://www.sff.net/people/DoyleMacdonald/l_valdem.htm | |
90. Edgar Allan Poe, 1809-1849 Tales. Downloadable files from the University of North Carolina. http://docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/poe/menu.html |
91. The Pit And The Pendulum From the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/PoePend.html | |
92. Edgar Allan Poe Society Of Baltimore - Works - Essays - The Poetic Principle (Te E-text of essay submitted to Home Journal, August 31, 1850. http://www.eapoe.org/works/essays/poetprnd.htm | |
93. Edgar Allan Poe P gina con fotos y con la biograf a de este poeta y escritor norteamericano. http://www.nenos.com/miedo/poe.htm | |
94. Sin T�tulo P�gina Normal Breve biograf a y los relatos El Pozo y el p ndulo , El entierro prematuro y Manuscrito hallado en una botella , para leer en l nea. http://galeon.hispavista.com/literarias/poe.htm | |
95. Cuentos De Edgar Allan Poe - Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva Selecci n de relatos del autor para leer en l nea. http://www.ciudadseva.com/textos/cuentos/ing/poe/eap.htm | |
96. Biografía Y Cuentos De Edgar Allan Poe Biograf a y colecci n de relatos de misterio. http://www.letrasperdidas.galeon.com/c_poe00.htm | |
97. EDGAR ALLAN POE Biografia essenziale dell autore. Nel sito possibile leggere alcune opere tradotte in lingua italiana. http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/curse/35/poe.htm | |
98. Filosofia Della Composizione In Poe Un percorso con una serie di racconti di Poe in lingua originale e tradotti in italiano. Viene proposta un analisi dei testi dell autore. http://www.readme.it/poe.htm | |
99. Edgard Allan Poe Index, Edgard Allan Poe Index Raccolta di opere dello scrittore, sia in italiano che in lingua originale, illustrate da immagini in tema. http://web.tiscali.it/manuel_ger/ | |
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