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         Quintilian:     more books (100)
  1. The Major Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian: A Translation (Studien Zur Klassischen Philologie, Band 27) by Lewis A. Sussman, 1987-06
  2. The Tenth and Twelfth Books of the Institutions of Quintilian (Multilingual Edition) by Quintilian, 2010-01-10
  3. Quintilian(Twayne's World Authors Series) by George Kennedy, 1969
  4. Prolegomena zu einer Phanomenologie der romischen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung: Von den Anfangen bis Quintilian (Hypomnemata) (German Edition) by Jurgen Paul Schwindt, 2000-02-12
  5. Quintilian's Institutes of Eloquence ... by Quintilian, 2010-06-08
  6. Quintilian on education (Classics in education) by Quintilian, 1969
  7. The Tenth and Twelfth Books of the Institutions of Quintilian by Quintilian, 2010-02-23
  8. Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian by Aubrey Gwynn, 1966
  9. The tenth Declamation of (pseudo) Quintilian; a lecture delivered in the hall of Corpus Christi College on Thursday, May 11, 1911 by Robinson Ellis, Quintilian Quintilian, 2010-08-08
  10. Minor Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian (Texte Und Kommentare, Bd. 13) by Michael Winterbottom, 1984-07
  11. The Instituto Oratoria Of Quintilian V2 (1921) by Quintilian, 2009-08-27
  12. Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory; Or, Education of an Orator. in Twelve Books by Quintilian, 2009-12-23
  13. Lehrstil und rhetorischer Stil in Quintilians Institutio oratoria: Untersuchungen zur Form eines Lehrbuchs (German Edition) by Eckart Zundel, 1981
  14. The House of Dust (The Quintilian Dalrymple Crime Novels) by Paul Johnston, 2002-02-01

41. Quintilian School - Home
quintilian School, small classrooms, endless support, a real answer.

42. History Of Quintilian's Text: Quintilian's Institutes Of Oratory
The History of quintilian's Text by Lee Honeycutt. As James Murphy has noted, the popularity of quintilian's Institutes of Oratory has waned during periods of history when the
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The History of Quintilian's Text
by Lee Honeycutt
As James Murphy has noted, the popularity of Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory has waned during periods of history when the humanistic tradition itself suffered decline, but the text itself has never faded entirely from historical view. During the nineteen centuries after its composition, the Institutes In the first five centuries after its composition, the Institutes had enormous influence on Roman scholars and educators, including a host of early Christian church fathers, such as Origen, Jerome, and Augustine, who were trained in Roman schools of rhetoric. This ancient period of influence, according to Murphy, reached its zenith in the fifth century with Julius Victor's absorption of Quintilian's ideas into his Ars Rhetorica . After this, citations of Quintilian were generally rare during much of the Middle Ages, though not unheard of, and some time in the eighth or ninth century, primary manuscripts of the Institutes were mutilated and truncated, leaving most readers with only portions of the original text.

43. The Educational Theory Of Quintilian
quintilian's theory of education analyzed into eight factors. 2008 NewFoundations. The Educational Theory of quintilian (Marcus Fabius quintilianus)
2008 NewFoundations The Educational Theory of Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) Analyst: Paul O'Neill RETURN
edited 5/14/08 Introduction: Quintilian is thought to have been born somewhere around 35-40 A. D. (Kennedy, 1969, p. 15) in Calagurris, now known as Calahorra, Spain. He studied in Rome, later becoming a teacher of oratory and rhetoric (Mayer, 1967, p. 101). His father had been an orator before him (Russell, 2001, p. 143, Book IX) but never was as prominent as his son would become. Quintilian's major work titled Institutio Oratoria The Orator's Education was a series of twelve books containing lessons involved with the form of rhetoric. In Book I Quintilian recommended that the orator's education in rhetoric begin as a young boy, in the tradition of the Greeks. Book II then dealt with the foundations of rhetoric, leading to the next nine books, in which the first five detailed 'Invention' and ended with "Elocution, with which was associated Memory and Delivery" ( Ibid. , p. 63, Book I). His final book depicted the orator in every facet of life from "his character, the principles of undertaking, preparing, and pleading cases, his style, the end of his active career and the studies he may undertake thereafter" (

44. The Classics Pages - Quintilian On Education
The Young Child The child who is not yet old enough to love his studies should not be allowed to come to hate them. His studies must be made an
quintilian on education
From Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria , published around 95 AD
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  • The Young Child "The child who is not yet old enough to love his studies should not be allowed to come to hate them. His studies must be made an amusement."
  • Home Tutors v School "The broad daylight of a respectable school is preferable to the solitude and obscurity of a private education."
  • Teaching Methods "Vessels with narrow mouths will not receive liquids if too much is poured into them."

45. Philosophical Quotations: Quarles To Quintilian
Quarles, Francis. Be wisely worldly, be not worldly wise. Francis Quarles, Emblems To the Reader. No man is born unto himself alone; Who lives
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46. Quintilian
quintilian, Institutes of Oratory. Translated by H.E. Butler (1920) The Ideal Education Book I, Chapters 13
Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory Translated by H.E. Butler (1920) "The Ideal Education" Book I, Chapters 1-3 CHAPTER ONE Education Begins at Birth A Child's Nurse Must Speak Well Above all see that the child's nurse speaks correctly. The ideal according to Chrysippus, would be that she should be a philosopher : failing that he desired that the best should be chosen, as far as possible. No doubt the most important point is that they should be of good character : but they should speak correctly as well. It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate. And we are by nature most first absorbed by vessels when new persists, and the colour imparted by dyes to the primitive whiteness of wool is indelible. Further it is the worst impressions that are most durable. For, while what is good readily deteriorates, you will never turn vice into virtue. Do not therefore allow the boy to become accustomed even in infancy to a style of speech which he will subsequently have to unlearn. Parents Themselves Must be Educated As regards parents, I should like to see them as highly educated as possible, and I do not restrict this remark to fathers alone. We are told that the eloquence of the Gracchi owed much to their mother Cornelia, whose letters even to-day testify to the cultivation of her style. Laelia, the daughter of Gaius Laelius, is said to have reproduced the elegance of her father's language in her own speech, while the oration delivered before the triumvirs by Hortensia, the daughter of Quintus Hortensisus, is still read and not merely as a compliment to her sex. And even those who have not had the fortune to receive a good education should not for that reason devote less care to their son's education; but should on the contrary show all the greater diligence in other matters where they can be of service to their children.

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