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         Ruff Matt:     more books (28)
  1. Bad Monkeys: A Novel (P.S.) by Matt Ruff, 2008-08-01
  2. Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls by Matt Ruff, 2004-01
  3. Sewer, Gas and Electric: The Public Works Trilogy (Public Works Trilogy) by Matt Ruff, 2004-09-10
  4. Fool on the Hill: A Novel by Matt Ruff, 1997-12-08
  5. Set This House in Order by Matt Ruff, 2004-09-06
  6. BAD MONKEYS by Matt Ruff, 2007
  7. G.A.S. ( GAS). Die Trilogie der Stadtwerke. by Matt Ruff, 2000-01-01
  8. Visuelle Argumentationen by Matt Ruff, 2005-11-30
  9. Fool on the Hill. Roman. by Matt Ruff, 1993-01-01
  10. Sewer, Gas and Electric: THE PUBLIC WORKS TRILOGY by Matt Ruff, 1998-09-01
  11. Thomas Ruff: Surfaces, Depths by Catherine Hug, Douglas Fogle, et all 2009-11-30
  12. Fool on the Hill. Sonderausgabe. by Matt Ruff, 2003-05-28
  13. Biography - Ruff, Matt (1965-): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2007-01-01
  14. Fool on the Hill by Matt Ruff, 1989-01-01

1. Ruff Matt - I Libri Di Ruff Matt - UNILIBRO - Libreria Universitaria Online
Matt Ruff. Matt Ruff summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.
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Editore: Fazi
Genere: letterature straniere: testi
Collana : Lain
Data pubbl.: 2007 document.write('Normalmente disponibile per la spedizione in 3/5 giorni lavorativi'); X document.write('La disponibilità indicata è relativa al tempo di approvvigionamento T(approvvigionamento) segnala quindi il tempo necessario per far sì che la merce sia pronta per essere spedita. Per ulteriori informazioni sui tempi e i metodi di spedizione clicca qui.'); Jane Charlotte è stata arrestata per omicidio. Interrogata dalla polizia ammette di far parte della Bad Monkeys, ramo operativo di una misteriosa organizzazione segreta il cui compito è liberare il mondo dal male. Questa confessione le costa però un ...

2. Ruff, Matt
Sewer, Gas and Electric The Public Works Trilogy (Public Works Trilogy), Fool on the Hill A Novel, Set This House in Order A Romance of Souls, Bad Monkeys, Set This House in
Ruff, Matt
Average customer rating:
  • FUNNY, BUT SOMETIMES IRRITATING AS WELL Why have I never heard of this guy? He's genius! Terrific fun Matt Ruff's Second Novel, A Cyberpunk Classic Brilliant, irreverent, a wild ride
Sewer, Gas and Electric: The Public Works Trilogy (Public Works Trilogy)
Matt Ruff
Manufacturer: Grove Press
ProductGroup: Book
Binding: Paperback
Similar Items:
  • Fool on the Hill: A Novel Foop! A Dirty Job: A Novel Just a Couple of Days Coyote Blue

  • ASIN: Book Description Customer Reviews: FUNNY, BUT SOMETIMES IRRITATING AS WELL It's the future and Mr. Gant is a strong force to be reckoned with in the business industry and there's an eco-terrorist group intent on bringing him down. There's also an artificial intelligence trying to take over and a mutated shark on the loose in the city`s sewers. All this is wrapped up in a large ball of satire and craziness. Overall, I liked this one. Unfortunately, there are instances where the author is trying too hard to be clever and that's what puts a kink in my enjoyment of the story because a lot seems forced or just downright irritating. But hey, all-in-all it's a pretty fun read. Why have I never heard of this guy? He's genius!

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    4. Matt's Tenderized Heart (Matt Ruff) | MySpace Send Message; Add to Friends; Add Comment; Crazyly bein crazy crazed to get some icecream screamin i scream for icecream we all scream for icecream, in my mind

    5. Ruff, Matt SEWER, GAS & ELECTRIC: The Public Works Trilogy. At
    Ruff, Matt SEWER, GAS ELECTRIC The Public Works Trilogy. New York Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997. at

    6. Matt Ruff, General Manager, Dazzle Jazz Club: - ZoomInfo Business Information
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    • Bachelor , Communication

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    8. Matt Ruff – Wikipedia
    Ruff, Matt. The Fool on the Hill. A gloriously funny and sweet comic fantasy set in the rolling hills of Cornell University. Our hero is Stephen, a young wouldbe romantic poet, who
    Matt Ruff
    aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopÀdie (Weitergeleitet von Ruff Matt Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Matthew Theron Ruff 8. September in Queens New York ) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller
    Bearbeiten Leben
    Einer von ihm selbst verbreiteten Legende nach soll er schon mit fĂŒnf Jahren nicht nur beschlossen haben zu schreiben, sondern dies auch in die Tat umgesetzt haben. 1987 schloss er sein Studium an der Cornell University ab. Sein erster Roman war gleichzeitig seine Magisterarbeit Alison Lurie , vorlegte. Das zwischen einem herkömmlichen Roman und einer Parodie schwankende, reichlich mit Elementen des Science Fiction und Fantasy versehene Werk mit dem Titel Fool on the Hill wurde ein Erfolg. Der zweite Roman G.A.S. Die Trilogie der Stadtwerke konnte an diesen Erfolg anknĂŒpfen. Sein dritter Roman, ein Thriller, der 2003 unter dem Titel Set This House In Order im englischsprachigen Raum erschien, befasst sich mit Personen, die unter dissoziativen IdentitĂ€tsstörungen (multiplen Persönlichkeiten) leiden. Im August 2004 erschien die deutsche Übersetzung unter dem Titel Ich und die Anderen . Im Sommer 2007 ist sein vierter Roman Bad Monkeys auf Englisch veröffentlicht worden. Im Februar 2008 erschien er unter gleichem Namen in Deutschland.

    9. Ken Lopez Bookseller: RUFF, Matt - Sewer, Gas & Electric
    NY, Atlantic Monthly Press, (1997). His second novel, a Public Works Trilogy set in the year 2023 and featuring an ecoterrorist in a novel characterized as part Mad Max, part
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    RUFF, Matt NY, Atlantic Monthly Press, (1997). His second novel, a "Public Works Trilogy" set in the year 2023 and featuring an eco-terrorist in a novel characterized as "part Mad Max, part Monkey Wrench Gang , part Charles Dickens." The author has dedicated the book to Ayn Rand. Signed by the author with a Kilroy-type caricature. Fine in a fine dust jacket, with a Thomas Pynchon blurb. All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted. See more items by RUFF, Matt

    10. Bad Monkeys — The Poisoned Pen
    by Ruff, Matt ($13.95)
    dojo.require("dojo.parser"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox"); dojo.require("dijit.form.ComboBox"); dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Form"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Textarea"); dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojox.validate"); dojo.require("dojox.validate.creditCard"); dojo.require("dojox.validate.regexp"); dojo.require("dijit.Dialog"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.AccordionContainer"); dojo.require("dijit.Menu"); Personal tools Skip to content. Skip to navigation Search Site only in current section You are here: Home Products Fiction: trade paperback Bad Monkeys
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    11. Review Of "Fool On The Hill"
    A review of Fool on the Hill from Seized by the Tale.
    Fool on the Hill , by Matt Ruff published 1988, Grove Press Books Fool on the Hill is some of the best fun you can have while lounging in your favorite easy chair, at least with your clothes on. Full of quirky language and good humor, this roller-coaster of a story lurches along merrily from beginning to end, offering laughs and thrills along the way. Fool on the Hill Filling out the story are a variety of supporting characters, from "Ithacop" officers Nattie Hollister and Sam Doubleday, to activist Fantasy Dreadlock and his Blue Zebra Hooter Patrol, to the brothers of Tolkien House, a fraternity that takes its inspiration from the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. All of the characters in Fool on the Hill are vivid and charming in a cartoony kind of way, with the possible exception of Ragnarok, the Bohemian Minister of Defense, a motorcycle-riding Black Knight with a haunted past. The author of this mad masterwork, Matt Ruff, claims to have been heavily influenced by the style of fantasy author John Crowley, among others. This is apparent in his use of language, which echoes both Crowley's literary tone and his uncanny emotional perceptions. I get the feeling that Fool on the Hill aspires to some grand insights, but never really reaches them. This slight whiff of pretention, however, can easily be brushed aside in favor of the book's engaging characters and sparkling plot.

    12. Ken Lopez Bookseller: RUFF, Matt - Set This House In Order
    (NY), HarperCollins, (2003). A review copy. Signed by the author with a Kilroytype caricature. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Promotional material laid in, including press release
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    RUFF, Matt Set This House in Order (NY), HarperCollins, (2003). A review copy. Signed by the author with a Kilroy-type caricature. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Promotional material laid in, including press release, tour dates, and an interview with Ruff. All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted. See more items by RUFF, Matt

    13. Matt Ruff, Sewer, Gas & Electric
    A review of Sewer, Gas, and Electric from The Bactra Review.
    The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews by Cosma Shalizi
    The Public Works Trilogy
    by Matt Ruff
    New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997
    Again with the Madcap Behavior?
    Yet another madcap romp through the near future, with many weakly connected plots, characters who are mostly collections of peculiarities, an unexplained coincidence every few pages, and a vast conspiracy lurking behind it all: the natural reaction of the cultivated reader is to snort and reach for something much more astringent. I have the greatest respect for the natural reactions of the sensitive reader, but just this once they are worth inhibiting, and worth reading. takes place, for the most part, in New York City in 2023 - really in the Recent Future, which is just like the present, only more so. (There is no maundering about cyberspace, virtuality, or anything of that sort.) I won't give out any spoilers for the main plot-line - not that it's so suspenseful - other than to say it's a genocidal conspiracy involving the Disney Corporation. (I am a bit disturbed at how Ruff uses genocidal plagues as a plot device, but plagues are, for obvious reasons, hot stuff these days.) There are about half a dozen other plots swirling about the uncovering and foiling of the Conspiracy, connected by over-lapping characters and some involvement with Gant Industries; my favorite is the one about an ``alternative-environment-adapted

    14. TBC Sports, Inc
    Spartan Sports Broadcast Teams Spartan Football Jim Miller, George Blaha, Jason Strayhorn Spartan Stadium 2009 Basketball - Gus Ganakas, Will Tieman, Adam Ruff, Matt Steigenga
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    Spartan Stadium 2009 Basketball - Gus Ganakas, Will Tieman, Adam Ruff, Matt Steigenga
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    15. Article: Ruff, Matt. Bad Monkeys.(Brief Article)(Book Review) | AccessMyLibrary
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    16. Bad Monkeys By | 0061240427 | 9780061240423
    Rent and Save a ton on Bad Monkeys by Ruff, Matt.ISBN 0061240427 EAN 9780061240423
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    • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
    Home Fiction Science Fiction General
    Bad Monkeys
    Ruff, Matt
    EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: HarperCollins (08/01/2008) PAGES:
    SUMMARY Confessing that she is a member of a secret organization dedicated to assassinating bad guys, murder suspect Jane Charlotte lands in a psychiatric hospital, where she recounts her increasingly bizarre life as a trained killer. By the author of Set This House in Order. Reprint. 30,000 first printing. SUMMARY Confessing that she is a member of a secret organization dedicated to assassinating bad guys, murder suspect Jane Charlotte lands in a psychiatric hospital, where she recounts her increasingly bizarre life as a trained killer. By the author of

    17. Home
    This is the author Matt Ruff's web site. This is the author Matt Ruff’s. home page “So in your job with Bad Monkeys,” the doctor asks, “what is it you do? This is the author Matt Ruff’s home page “So in your job with Bad Monkeys,” the doctor asks, “what is it you do? Punish evil people?” “No. Usually we just kill them.” — from Bad Monkeys What’s new Readings and other scheduled appearances Where to get signed books About me: How to contact me Author bio, profiles, and interviews My LiveJournal My MySpace page ... My Facebook page About my books: Fool on the Hill Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls Bad Monkeys The Mirage (work in progress) Extras: “An Interesting Moral Education” “Safe Negro Travel Guide” My notes on being a Tiptree Award judge The author photo above is courtesy of Michael Hilliard, and is used with permission. Update March 2010: This site is now being hosted on a new web server. Please make sure your links are current.

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    Director of Technology and Systems at Christ Community Church and hosts other websites. Includes resume, technology, and photo gallery.

    20. Set This House In Order: A Romance Of Souls | Books | Ruff, Matt | 9780060954857 Book Rent Buy Sell Set This House in Order A Romance of Souls by Ruff, Matt - 9780060954857, Price $6.90. Textbooks - Easy. Fast. Cheap!

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