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         Shakespeare William:     more books (99)
  1. Othello (Folger Shakespeare Library) by William Shakespeare, 2004-07-27
  2. The Merchant of Venice (SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare) by SparkNotes Editors, William Shakespeare, 2003-07-03
  3. Macbeth(mobi) by William Shakespeare, 2008-08-09
  4. Romeo & Juliet (Oxford School Shakespeare) by William Shakespeare, 2005-05-26
  5. As You Like It by William Shakespeare, 1998-11-01
  6. World of Shakespeare: The Complete Plays and Sonnets of William Shakespeare (38 Volume Library) by William Shakespeare, 2006-05
  7. William Shakespeare: His Life and Times by Kristen McDermott, Ari Berk, 2010-06-04
  8. World of Shakespeare: The Complete Plays and Sonnets of William Shakespeare (38 Volume Library) by William Shakespeare, 2006-05
  9. William Shakespeare: His Life and Times by Kristen McDermott, Ari Berk, 2010-06-04
  10. Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems (Folger Shakespeare Library) by William Shakespeare, Paul Werstine, 2006-08-15
  11. A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, 1998-11-01
  12. The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, 2006-08-30
  13. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The Alexander Text (Collins) by William Shakespeare, 2007-04-01
  14. The Tempest (No Fear Shakespeare) by SparkNotes Editors, 2003-07-03

61. Shakespeare, William Quote - Glendower:I Can Call Spirits From The Vasty Deep. H
Famous quote by Shakespeare, William GlendowerI can call spirits from the vasty deep. HotspurWhy, so can I, or so can any man;But will they come when you do call for them? on

62. Gallica - Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). La Patrie . III, Henry VI (deuxième
Henry VI (deuxi me et troisi me parties) et Henry VIII dans la traduction de Fran ois-Victor Hugo. PDF

63. Shakespeare, William - Literature Network Forums
Welcome to the Literature Network Forums forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features

64. Gallica - Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). Les Amis . Les Deux Gentilshommes De
Les deux gentilshommes de V rone, Le marchand de Venise et Comme il vous plaira dans la traduction de Fran ois-Victor Hugo. PDF

65. Gallica - Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). La Famille . Coriolan. Le Roi Lear.
La famille, Coriolan et Le roi Lear dans la traduction de Fran ois-Victor Hugo. PDF

66. Shakespeare - France-Diplomatie-Ministère Des Affaires étrangères Et Europée
S lection de textes de Shakespeare. France diplomatie.
Pays - Zones géo Accueil Zones géo - Afrique - Afrique du nord / Méditerranée - Amérique latine / Amérique centrale - Asie - Asie centrale - Balkans - Europe - Océanie Afghanistan Afrique du Sud Albanie Algérie Allemagne Andorre Angola Antigua-et-Barbuda Arabie Saoudite Argentine Arménie Australie Autriche Azerbaïdjan Bahamas Bahreïn Bangladesh Barbade Belgique Belize Bénin Bhoutan Biélorussie Birmanie Bolivie Bosnie-Herzégovine Botswana Brésil Brunei Bulgarie Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodge Cameroun Canada y compris Québec Cap-Vert République centrafricaine Chili Chine Chypre Colombie Comores Congo Corée du Sud Costa Rica Croatie Cuba Danemark Djibouti Dominique Egypte Emirats arabes unis Equateur Erythrée Espagne Estonie Etats Fédérés de Micronésie Etats-Unis Ethiopie Finlande France Gabon Gambie Géorgie Ghana Grèce Grenade Guatemala Guinée Guinée équatoriale Guinée-Bissao Guyana Haïti Honduras Hongrie Iles Cook Iles Fidji Iles Marshall Iles Salomon Inde Indonésie Irak Iran Irlande Islande Israël / Territoires palestiniens Italie Jamaïque Japon Jordanie Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizstan Kiribati Kosovo Koweït Laos Lesotho Lettonie Liban Liberia Libye Liechtenstein Lituanie Luxembourg Macédoine (ARYM) Madagascar Malaisie Malawi Maldives Mali Malte Maroc Maurice Mauritanie Mexique Moldavie Monaco Mongolie Monténégro Mozambique Namibie Nauru Népal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norvège Nouvelle-Zélande Oman Ouganda Ouzbékistan Pakistan Palaos Panama Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée Paraguay Pays-Bas Pérou Philippines Pologne Portugal Qatar République démocratique du Congo République Dominicaine République Tchèque Roumanie Royaume-Uni Russie Rwanda Saint-Christophe -et-Niévès

67. Home
Here's a fish hangs in the net like a poor man's right in the law. 'Twill hardly come out.

68. Cahiers Lisab Thains
Num ros en ligne de cette revue universitaire, dont de nombreux r sum s d articles en fran ais consacr s Shakespeare. -Cahiers-elisabethains-

69. Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare, William See also Drama and Theater. Behind The Scenes With Julie Taymor VHS 30 1992 GPN 1/2 video Color 1 cass., 30 min.
Shakespeare, William
See also:
Drama and Theater
Behind The Scenes With Julie Taymor
[VHS 30] 1992 GPN
1/2" video Color 1 cass., 30 min.
Director Julie Taymor rehearses scenes from The Tempest, and using puppets, masks and music, creates an imaginary world that brings Shakespeare alive for children.
A Dream In Hanoi
[VHS 1901] 2002 Bullfrog Films
1/2" video Color 1 cass., 91 min.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
[VHS 1838-1839] Broadway Theatre Archive 1/2" video Color 2 cass., 180 min. This version of Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmark, is presented in modern dress. Cast: Kevin Kline, Dana Ivey, Diane Venora. PBS television broadcast for Great Performances, Theater in America. Hamlet (Complete Dramatic Works Of William Shakespeare) [DVD 301] 1981 BBC/Ambrose Films 4 3/4" DVD Color 1 videodisc, 222 min.. Dramatization of William Shakespeare's play in which a Danish prince finally avenges the murder of his father, the king, by killing his uncle, Claudius, who murdered the king, usurped the throne, and married Hamlet's mother, Gertrude. In this richly costumed production, the greatest tragedy ever written maintains all the tension of a murder mystery as it examines the fundamental issues of justice, guilt and death Cast: Derek Jacobi, Claire Bloom, Eric Porter, Patrick Stewart, Patrick Allen. Subjects Movies and Plays ; Shakespeare, William

70. SFS Société Française Shakespeare
Pr sentation des activit s de cette association et tat de la recherche shakespearienne en France.
Par auteurs
F ondée en 1977, la Société Française Shakespeare (SFS) est une association loi 1901 et une société scientifique. Elle fédère : • les enseignants-chercheurs, français ou étrangers, dans le domaine des études shakespeariennes et renaissantes anglaises • les doctorants s’engageant dans ce même domaine • les étudiants et enseignants s’intéressant à ce domaine mais ayant également une spécialité ou un intérêt dans des domaines proches (Renaissance française, Renaissance en Europe, études théâtrales, histoire de l’art, etc.) • les professionnels du théâtre • les amateurs de l’œuvre de Shakespeare
Shakespeare et les arts de la table
Congrès 2011 de la Société Française Shakespeare (17, 18 et 19 mars 2011)
Shakespeare et la Cité
Programme du Congrès 2010 de la Société Française Shakespeare
Dernier numéro en ligne : Shakespeare et l'Orient
Hebergé par le CRI - Université Paris 10 - Nanterre
Lodel (accès réservé)
Avec le soutien de :
Société Française Shakespeare
Pour vous inscrire sur la liste de diffusion de la SFS

71. Shakespeare, William - Vocabulary Analysis - Times Labs - Book Scraper
Shakespeare, William. 15641616 , Stratford-upon-Avon, England Wikipedia Shakespeare, William. Publications

72. William Shakespeare -
Estudio bibliogr fico y bibliogr fico del dramaturgo.

73. Shakespeare, William (1564–1616) - The Renaissance | HighBeam Research - FREE
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616) find The Renaissance articles. div id= bedoc-text h1Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)/h1 pPlaywright and poet whose works

74. William Shakespeare
Biograf a y texto completo de Otelo, Romeo y Julieta y Hamlet.

75. William Shakespeare. Biografía.
Biograf a, cronolog a y estudio y rese a de todas las obras del dramaturgo ingl s. Incluye galer a fotogr fica y v deo sobre el teatro The Globe.
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Las monografías de
William Shakespeare Biografía Cronología Su obra Fotos Vídeos En torno a 1860, al tiempo que culminaba su obra Los miserables , Victor Hugo escribió desde el destierro: "Shakespeare no tiene el monumento que Inglaterra le debe". A esas alturas del siglo XIX, la obra del que hoy es considerado el autor dramático más grande de todos los tiempos era ignorada por la mayoría y despreciada por los exquisitos. Las palabras del patriarca francés cayeron como una maza sobre las conciencias patrióticas inglesas; decenas de monumentos a Shakespeare fueron erigidos inmediatamente. En la actualidad, el volumen de sus obras completas es tan indispensable como la Biblia en los hogares anglosajones; Hamlet Otelo o Macbeth se han convertido en símbolos y su autor es un clásico sobre el que corren ríos de tinta. A pesar de ello, William Shakespeare sigue siendo, como hombre, una incógnita.
William Shakespeare Grandes lagunas, un ramillete de relatos apócrifos y algunos datos dispersos conforman su biografía. Ni siquiera se sabe con exactitud la fecha de su nacimiento. Esto daría pie en el siglo pasado a una extraña labor de aparente erudición, protagonizada por los "antiestratfordianos", tendente a difundir la maligna sospecha de que las obras de Shakespeare no habían sido escritas por el personaje histórico del mismo nombre, sino por otros a los que sirvió de pantalla. Francis Bacon, Edward de Vere, Walter Raleigh, la reina Isabel I e incluso la misma esposa del bardo, Anne Hathaway, fueron los candidatos propuestos por los especuladores estudiosos a ese ficticio Shakespeare. Según otra teoría, su amigo el dramaturgo Christopher Marlowe habría sido el verdadero autor: no habría muerto a los veintinueve años, en una pelea de taberna como se creía, sino que logró huir al extranjero y desde allí enviaba sus escritos a Shakespeare.

76. Shakespeare Illustrated
Explores nineteenth-century paintings, criticisms, productions, and their influences on one another.
Shakespeare Illustrated , a work in progress, explores nineteenth-century paintings, criticism and productions of Shakespeare's plays and their influences on one another. The Introduction to Shakespeare Illustrated The plays of Shakespeare are listed alphabetically. Under each play is a list of paintings based on that particular work. The artists are also listed alphabetically. Under the name of each artist is a list of paintings based on various plays by Shakespeare. The bibliography lists the works cited in Shakespeare Illustrated I have begun a new project called Shakespeare and the Players, a survey through postcards of the many now unfamiliar English and American actors who played Shakespeare's characters for late Victorian and Edwardian audiences. A Note on Broken Links. Harry Rusche teaches in the English Department of Emory University (Atlanta, GA 30322). You can contact him by e-mail at

77. Shakespeare, William - Fun Facts And Information
Fun Facts about Shakespeare William. Interesting factoids, information and answers.
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Welcome to our world of fun trivia quizzes and quiz games: New Player Play Now! Fun Trivia Shakespeare, William
Interesting Questions, Facts and Information
  • There are a total of general entries.
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Interesting Questions, Facts, and Information
    Shakespeare, William
    William was sentenced to a flogging after he was caught doing what on a nearby estate? The Life of William Shakespeare

      Poaching . William fled to London to escape his punishment.
    When did William's wife die? The Life of William Shakespeare

      August 6, 1623 . Anne died August 6, 1623, over six years after the death of her husband. She was buried beside him in the chancel of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church.
    How did William Shakespeare die? The Life of William Shakespeare

      The cause is unknown . Confusion reigns in respect of his death. Some records state that he died from congestion of the lungs as a result of a chill he caught while exercising the longbow. Another version is that he was out drinking with friends and drank something laced with typhus. Yet another version states he was murdered seeing as he changed his will one month prior to his death.
    How many plays did Shakespeare write?

78. Shakespeare Is Elementary
Second- and third-graders explore Shakespeare s life and works. Includes timeline, play summaries, illustrations, and ideas for teachers.
Shakespeare is Elementary! Time line of Shakespeare's life We recommend these plays Our production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ... Crichton Park
Email us with any questions or comments! Welcome to the "Shakespeare Is Elementary" web site! This page can be accessed by clicking on the "Shakespeare is Elementary" headline on each of the site's pages. We hope you enjoy your time spent with us and 'the Bard'! We were getting so much e-mail , we put in a counter! We've been visited times since January 18,2001!
We've been recognized as a "Valuable Project" by GrassRoots Canada "selected by ... peers and ... reflect an effective integration of ICT into learning". We are a We received the We are on the site
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We have been selected as a featured site in Lightspan's StudyWeb® as "one of the best educational resources on the Web."

79. Shakespeare, William Summary |
Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare, William summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

80. William Shakespeare: Talented And Daring
Short biography written by a fifth-grader.
William Shakespeare: Talented And Daring
"To be, or not to be, that is the question."
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England in1564 He has enduring fame because he dared to be different, though he is known mainly through his plays. One of the most famous plays he wrote is Romeo and Juliet , a well-known love story. Also, he wrote Hamlet and Macbeth , two other well known plays. He is famous because of his creativty and giftedness with writing plays as well as his acting abilities.
Web Page researched and created by Adele

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