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Home - Authors - Shakespeare William |
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81. Timeline Summary Summarizes major events from the playwright s life and identifies other historic events that were occurring simultaneously. http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/timeline/summarychart.htm | |
82. William Shakespeare - Complete Works Of Shakespeare, Biography, Study Guides Includes a biography, study guides, related articles, and essays. http://www.shakespeare-literature.com/ | |
83. William Shakespeare Family Timeline Provides a series of timelines detailing significant events in the life of this author. http://www.william-shakespeare.info/william-shakespeare-timeline-family.htm |
84. William Shakespeare Biography A timeline and key events and facts detailing the life and times of the great bard. http://www.william-shakespeare.org.uk/ |
85. Index A basic look at Shakespeare s life, including an overview of his early life and his careers as an actor, poet, and playwright. http://library.thinkquest.org/5175/ | |
86. Welcome To The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Provides answers to common questions about this famous writer. http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/component/option,com_simplefaq/task,display/Itemid | |
87. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - William Shakespeare A short biography published specifically for students. http://www.gale.cengage.com/free_resources/poets/bio/shakespeare.htm | |
88. Hamlet - Por William Shakespeare Obra teatral para leer en l nea, sobre la desmesura y moral. http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/shakespeare/hamlet.htm | |
89. Enrique IV, De William Shakespeare / 1900 Obra tetral dedicada a los sucesivos reinados en Francia por el siglo XV. Traducci n, pr logo y notas de Miguel Can , Buenos Aires, La Cultura Argentina, 1918. http://www.biblioteca.clarin.com/pbda/teatro/enrique/teatro.htm |
90. William Shakespeare - Kalliope V rker, digttitler, f rstelinier fra digte, s gning, popul re digte, portr tter, biografi, samtid, links og bibliografi. http://www.kalliope.org/ffront.cgi?fhandle=shakespeare |
91. William Shakespeare - Denn Das Ganze Web Ist Eine Bhne... Biographie, Texte s mtlicher Werke, Erkenntnisse und Interpretationen, Liste der Verfilmungen und Forum. http://william-shakespeare.de/ | |
92. Englische Lyrik I: Jonson, Marvell, Keats (Ü: Eric Boerner) in deutscher bersetzung von Eric Boerner. http://home.germany.net/100-163279/illeguan/english1.htm | |
93. Christa Schuenke, Übersetzung Aus William Shakespeare In deutscher bersetzung von Christa Schuenke. http://www.christa-schuenke.de/proben/lp_shakespeare.htm | |
94. E.journal - Literatur Primr : Shakespeare - Sonette bertragung von Franz Josef Czernin. http://www.ejournal.at/LitPrim/shake.html | |
95. Balkonsceno El "Romeo Kaj Julieto" (W. SHAKESPEARE) La famekonata sceno, majstre tradukita de Reto Rossetti. http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/Revuoj/np/np5602/romeo_julieta.htm | |
96. ÖNB-ANNO-Buch Tradegio en kvin aktoj. Tradukis L. Zamenhof. Skana o de libro aperinta en 1894. http://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-buch?apm=0&aid=100048&zoom=1 |
97. Hamleto En Esperanto Prelego de Humphrey Tonkin pri la rolo de la Zamenhofa traduko de Hamleto (jam en 1894) por la evoluo de Esperanto. http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/TONKIN/pdfs/HamletoEnEsperanto.pdf |
98. Recenzo: Otelo, La Maŭro De Venecio (L. N. M. NEWELL) Recenzo de L. N. M. Newell pri la traduko de Reto Rossetti. http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/Revuoj/nlr/nlr73/otelo.html | |
99. La Festo De La Tri Reĝoj (William SHAKESPEARE) La kvaran scenon de la dua akto tradukis William Auld. http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/Teatrajxoj/epifanio.html | |
100. IKU En Tel-Aviva UKo Prelego de Humphrey Tonkin pri la Komedio de eraroj . http://www.esperanto.org/uk2000/Tonkin.html | |
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