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21. Stone Diaries, Shields, Carol, Books, Comics, Magazines On Sale At CQout Online CQout Online Auctions for Stone Diaries, Shields, Carol for sale by dking. CQout Online Auctions is one of the largest online auctions with a huge range of Books, Comics, Magazines http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=2323647 |
22. Shields, Carol The acclaimed author of The Orange Fish and Swann writes a delicious, sophisticated novel of modern romance about a folklorist with a penchant for the past who falls in love http://literature.idoneos.com/index.php/Authors,_A-Z/(_S_)/Shields,_Carol | |
23. Shields. Carol « Boeklog boeklog wat hij las, en of dat wat was Schrijvers die het over hun vak hebben, had ik daar laatst niet al een haast onafzienbare reeks interviews over doorgenomen? http://boeklog.info/auteur/shields-carol/ |
24. Ken Lopez Bookseller: SHIELDS, Carol - Happenstance Toronto, McGrawHill Ryerson, (1980). Fine in a very near fine dust jacket with a small abrasion on the front panel. http://lopezbooks.com/item/912738/ | |
25. Ken Lopez Bookseller: SHIELDS, Carol - The Stone Diaries Toronto, Random House, (1993). Her Pulitzer Prizewinning novel, which also won Canada's Governor General's Award the highest literary prize given in that country as well http://lopezbooks.com/item/23959/ | |
26. Shields, Carol nytassociated_article_count 1 nytfirst_use 200502-06 nytlatest_use 2005-02-06 nytnumber_of_variants 1 nytsearch_api_query http//api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v1 http://data.nytimes.com/N90383154676230466533 | |
27. Shields Carol - A Britannica Widget -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Quickly and easily explore key people, places, and topics via gadgets based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica, one of the world's most trusted sources of information. http://www.britannica.com/bps/widget/254097/Carol-Shields | |
28. Shields, Carol | Definition Of Shields, Carol | HighBeam.com: Online Dictionary Find out what Shields, Carol means The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations has the definition of Shields, Carol. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O93-ShieldsCarol.html |
29. Welcome To The Carol Shields Profile AUTHOR Shields, Carol (19352003) BIOGRAPHY Acclaimed fiction writer and playwright Carol Shields was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1935, lived for a time in http://www.mbwriter.mb.ca/mapindex/s_profiles/shields_c.html | |
30. Bookfinder.US: Shields Carol . Fortyfour-year-old Reta Winters, wife, mother, writer, and translator, is living a happy life until......Unless Carol Shields 0060874406 January 2006 Paperback Book http://www.bookfinder.us/Literature___Fiction/Authors_A-Z/Shields__Carol.html | |
31. Shields Carol[au] - PubMed Result PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 19 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Shields Carol[au] |
32. Carol Shields Carol Shields. READING IS, BY DEFINITION, a solitary act, and our society tends to look askance at those who pursue their pleasures in solitude. http://www.oprf.com/Shields/ | |
33. �� Shields Carol Judith Gill leads an ordinary life. She lives in Canada, is married to Martin, a professor of English Literature specialist of John Milton, and the mother of Richard, a http://www.discussing-books.com/?tag=shields-carol&paged=2 |
34. �� Shields Carol The Box Garden is Carol Shield’s second novel, and her heroine, Charleen Forrest, is the sister of Small Ceremonies‘s Judith Gill. Charleen sees herself, mostly when she http://www.discussing-books.com/?tag=shields-carol |
35. What's New Genre Novel Keywords Aging, Childbirth, Children, Family Relationships, Loneliness, Love, Narrative as Method, Ordinary Life Summary The Stone Diaries is the story of http://litmed.med.nyu.edu/Annotation?action=view&annid=444 |
36. The Stone Diaries - SHIELDS, Carol | Between The Covers Rare Books First American edition. Fine in fine dustwrapper. As the result of Shields dual Canadian/U.S. citizenship, this is the first book to receive both the Pulitzer Prize, and be http://www.betweenthecovers.com/btc/item/292/ | |
37. Carol Shields: The Official Site Of The Carol Shields Literary Trust Official information on Carol Shields' novels, short stories, poetry and plays, including a detailed biography, information for book clubs and much more http://carol-shields.com/ |
38. Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits | Shields, Carol a cultural website in evershifting standing While we’d never expect USA Today to give us a call (we’d probably spend most of the time making fun of the infographs), we http://www.edrants.com/category/shields-carol/ | |
39. Chapters.indigo.ca: Oops Indigo Books Music is a Canadian bookseller committed to providing a stressfree approach to satisfying the booklover. Getting you the right book at the right time. http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/35/search?sc=SHIELDS CAROL&sf=Author |
40. What's New Genre Novel (361 pp.) Keywords Abandonment, Abortion, Adolescence, Adoption, Aging, Body SelfImage, Childbirth, Children, Death and Dying, Dementia, Depression, Disease and http://litmed.med.nyu.edu/Annotation?action=view&annid=985 |
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