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         Singer Isaac Bashevis:     more books (100)
  1. Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 2001-06-01
  2. Isaac Basheivus Singer: Three Complete Novels (R) by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1995-02-14
  3. Shosha by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1978
  4. Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1958
  5. The Golem by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1996-10-29
  6. The Manor and the Estate (In One Volume) by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1979
  7. The Manor by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1987-08
  8. Short Friday: and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1963-01-01
  9. The Death of Methuselah: and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 2003-05-16
  10. The Bright Streets of Surfside: The Memoir of a Friendship With Isaac Bashevis Singer by Lester Goran, Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1994-12
  11. Love and Exile: An Autobiographical Trilogy by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1986-05-01
  12. An Isaac Bashevis Singer Reader by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1979-03
  13. THE SPINOZA OF MARKET STREET by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1961
  14. Image and Other Stories (Signed Limited Edition) by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 1985-05

21. Isaac Bashevis Singer: Biography From
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (b shĕv ' ĭs), 190491, American novelist and short-story writer in the Yiddish language, younger brother of I. J. Singer, b.
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Isaac Bashevis Singer
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia:
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Home Library Miscellaneous Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Satan in Goray (1932), he immigrated to the U.S. in 1935 and wrote for the Jewish Daily Forward , a Yiddish newspaper in New York. Though he continued to write mostly in Yiddish, he personally supervised the English translations. Depicting Jewish life in Poland and the U.S., his works are a rich blend of irony, wit, and wisdom, flavoured distinctively with the occult and the grotesque. His works include the novels The Family Moskat The Magician of Lublin (1960), and Enemies: A Love Story (1972; film, 1989); the story collections Gimpel the Fool The Spinoza of Market Street (1961), and A Crown of Feathers (1973, National Book Award); and the play Yentl the Yeshiva Boy (1974; film, 1983). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1978. For more information on Isaac Bashevis Singer , visit

22. Isaac Singer: Feinde, Die Geschichte Einer Liebe (Buchtipp)
Kommentierte Inhaltsangabe und Rezension von Dieter Wunderlich.
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Feinde, die Geschichte einer Liebe
(Roman) Kritik:
Vordergrndig handelt der Roman "Feinde" von einer mnage quattre , weil der Protagonist aber von einem schrecklichen Schicksal geprgt wurde, gibt es dazu einen erschtternden Hintergrund: den Holocaust. Isaac B. Singer bewegt sich auf dem schmalen Grat zwischen Komik, Tragik und Grauen.
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Feinde, die Geschichte einer Liebe
Weil ihn das polnische Dienstmdchen drei Jahre lang vor den Deutschen versteckte, berlebte der Jude Herman Broder den Holocaust. Aus Dankbarkeit nahm er sie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mit nach New York und heiratete sie. Aber er bezahlt auch die Miete fr seine den Nationalsozialisten ebenfalls entkommene Geliebte Mascha, die mit ihrer Mutter in der Bronx lebt und ihn heiraten will. Die verlogene Situation spitzt sich zu, als eines Tages Hermans totgeglaubte erste Ehefrau auftaucht ... Sonim, di Geshichte fun a Liebe
In: "Jewish Daily Forward", New York 1966
Amerikanische Originalausgabe:
Enemies, a Love Story

23. Singer, Isaac Bashevis
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24. Isaac Bashevis Singer - Nakladatelstv Argo
Singer Isaac Bashevis. Herman Broder, hlavn postava rom nu, přežil holocaust a žije v New Yorku stř davě se svou manželkou, Polkou Jadwigou, a milenkou Mašou.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
O autorovi
Narodil se v Leoncinu pobl Varavy, ale od roku 1935 il v USA. V tomt roce, jet v Polsku, debutoval romnem Satan v Goraji , prvn vraznj ohlas mu vak pinesla a o patnct let pozdji romnov kronika Rodina Moskatova . Singer se ovem proslavil pedevm jako geniln povdk, jeho sbrky jako Star lsky nebo Korunka z pe pat k tomu nejlepmu, co bylo v tomto nru ve 20. stolet napsno. Psal pedevm v jidi, ovem svt ho poznal hlavn v anglickch pekladech a roku 1978 ocenil jeho literrn tvorbu Nobelovou cenou.
Nejnovj kniha - Kafkv ptel a jin povdky
Povdkov sbrka pln pbh ze zaniklch idovskch komunit stedn a vchodn Evropy, v n se autor vrac do svho dtstv a mld a rozpomn se na skuten postavy a historky, kter se o nich tradovaly. Nechyb mezi nimi takov perly krtk przy, jako povdky Kl, Komink nebo omele.
Ohlasy a odkazy: "Prodlouen as I. B. Singera" - recenze, Ji Pes, LN, 20. 10. 2010
Argo vydalo
Kafkv ptel a jin povdky
Singer Isaac Bashevis Povdkov sbrka pln pbh ze zaniklch idovskch komunit stedn a vchodn Evropy.

25. Pourquoi Les Oies Criaient
Nouvelle de l auteur extraite du livre Au tribunal de mon p re . Dossiers en Ligne/Dossiers_en_ligne

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27. Isaac Bashevis Singer
Kilka fakt w z yciorysu oraz opis napisanych przez autora opowiada i powie ci.

28. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Singer: Information From
Singer , Isaac Bashevis Singer United States writer (born in Poland) of Yiddish stories and novels

29. Zlateh The Goat And Other Stories - SINGER, Isaac Bashevis | Between The Covers
First edition. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Spine lettering very slightly rubbed, thus very near fine in fine slipcase. Copy number 35 of 500 numbered copies Signed by both Singer
Home About Us Site Map Help ... Shopping Cart Images+Detail Item Info SINGER, Isaac Bashevis Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories First edition. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Spine lettering very slightly rubbed, thus very near fine in fine slipcase. Copy number 35 of 500 numbered copies Signed by both Singer and Sendak. [BTC #285814] More Results Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above... SINGER, Isaac Bashevis More Stories from My Father's... SINGER, Isaac Bashevis Short Friday ... Gimpel the Fool: And Other... Book Bargains Our staff cat, Admiral Muffin, has selected thousands of books for special discount from all areas of our stock. Westerns Baseball Anthologies Plays ... A Monkey in Silk ORIG. $100.00 SALE $70.00 On Collecting... Views, anecdotes and insights into the world of antiquarian books by the BTC staff and distinguished guests. Just Added Book Catalogs Galore The Bookshop in Old New Castle Bookselling in Hard Times: "Will work for rare books" The Between the Covers Blog ... Organized Labor Goes Feline Introductory Articles What the hell kind of website is this anyway?

30. Singer, Isaac Bashevis (Harper's Magazine)
October 2010. AMERICAN ELECTRA Feminism’s Ritual Matricide By Susan Faludi. THIRTY DAYS AS A CUBAN Pinching Pesos and Dropping Pounds in Havana By Patrick Symmes

31. Singer, Isaac Bashevis | Singer, Isaac Bashevis Information | HighBeam Research
Singer, Isaac Bashevis Research Singer, Isaac Bashevis articles at Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online

32. A Crown Of Feathers And Other Stories - SINGER, Isaac Bashevis | Between The Cov
First edition. Fine in a stained, tanned and rubbed thus good dustwrapper. BTC 106417
Home About Us Site Map Help ... Shopping Cart Images+Detail Item Info SINGER, Isaac Bashevis A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (1973). First edition. Fine in a stained, tanned and rubbed thus good dustwrapper. [BTC #106417] More Results Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above... SINGER, Isaac Bashevis Gimpel the Fool: And Other... SINGER, Isaac Bashevis SINGER, Isaac Bashevis ... The Spinoza of Market Street Book Bargains Our staff cat, Admiral Muffin, has selected thousands of books for special discount from all areas of our stock. Aviation Poetry Photography Science Fiction ... The Best Short Stories of 1928 ORIG. $100.00 SALE $70.00 On Collecting... Views, anecdotes and insights into the world of antiquarian books by the BTC staff and distinguished guests. Just Added Book Catalogs Galore The Bookshop in Old New Castle Bookselling in Hard Times: "Will work for rare books" The Between the Covers Blog ... Organized Labor Goes Feline Introductory Articles What the hell kind of website is this anyway?

33. Singer, Isaac Bashevis 1904– - Critical Essay By Charles A. Madison Summary |
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 1904– Critical Essay by Charles A. Madison. Singer, Isaac Bashevis 1904– - Critical Essay by Charles A. Madison summary with 5 pages of

34. Yitskhok Bashevis Zinger Definition Of Yitskhok Bashevis Zinger In The Free Onli
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (b shĕv`ĭs), 1904–91, American novelist and shortstory writer in the Yiddish language, younger brother of I. J. Singer Singer, Isaac Merrit, 1811 Bashevis Zinger

35. Phorum - Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Join us before the mast for Moby Dick year. READ THE GREAT BOOKS TERM PAPERS, RESEARCH PAPERS, ESSAYS BUY THE GREAT BOOKS Free postnuke hosting, blogging, and online photo

36. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Quote - The Waste Basket Is A Writer's Best Friend....
Famous quote by Singer, Isaac Bashevis The waste basket is a writer's best friend. on Quotations Book

37. Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904–1991) Polishborn US novelist and short-story writer. He lived in the USA from 1935. His works, written in Yiddish, often portray traditional Jewish

38. Heldfond Book Gallery | Singer, Isaac Bashevis | The Magician Of Lublin, This Ed
New York The Limited Editions Club 1984 This Edition limited to 1500 numbered copies, of which this is 724 Signed Isaac Beshevis Singer and Larry Rivers to Colophon Crease to

39. Books Tell You Why Singer, Isaac Bashevis Gimpel The Fool And
Franklin Center, PA Franklin Library 1980 Limited Signed Edition A special Limited Edition, this copy SIGNED by AUTHOR Isaac Bashevis Singer in unread As New condition; When Isaac

40. Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Margaret M. Boland (essay Date 1990): Short Story Criti
Margaret M. Boland (essay date 1990) SOURCE Boland, Margaret M. “Isaac Bashevis Singer's ‘Tanhum’ An Exegetical Approach.” Tamkang Journal 29 (May 1990) 20315.

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