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Siniavski Andrei: more detail |
1. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:SINIAVSKI, ANDREI Abram Tertz A Voice from the Chorus Brief information, short reviews. Andrei Sinyavsky's Fantasies of Subversion - Abstract of dissertation by Sara W. Fenander, Stanford http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/oc343i.htm | |
2. Liste Alphabétique : Lettre S, Page 27 - Encyclopædia Britannica, Alpha - Siniavski, Andrei La Civilizacion Sovietica. Siodmak, Curt - El Cerebro De Donovan. Sitchin, Zecharia - El 12 Planeta. Skarmeta, Antonio - El Baile De La Victoria http://corporate.britannica.com/universalis_a-z/S/S27.html | |
3. Plaidoyer Pour La Libert De L'imagination (prface De Michel Cournot, Textes Ch Plaidoyer pour la libert de l'imagination (pr face de Michel Cournot, textes choisis, pr sent s et annot s par Laszlo Tikos Murray Peppard); SINIAVSKI ANDREI. Offered by De http://www.antiqbook.be/boox/lez/T24982.shtml | |
4. 3.9GBdeLibrosByHuasoFromHell(3de4) › Ken Jennings › IsoHunt › The BitTorre Bit Torrent search engine, with an awesome P2P community sharing comments and ratings in discovering new media. http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/113271565/ken jennings?tab=summary |
5. ANDREÏ SINIAVSKI - Encyclopédie Universalis Siniavski, Andrei Sinyavsky, Andrey Skelton, John Slonczewski, Joan Smiley, Jane Smith, Adam Smith, Charlotte Smith, Clark Ashton Smith, Cordwainer http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/andrei-siniavski/ | |
6. About Andrei Sinyavsky Andre Siniavski; Andr i Siniavsky; Andrej Sinjavski; Синявский, Андрей Донатович; owl sameAs fbaseAndrei Sinyavsky; skos subject http://dbpedia.org/resource/Andrei_Sinyavsky |
7. Auteur - PEREZ Frédéric Siniavski, Andrei @ (1) Sipe, Richard @ (1) Skelton, John (1) Skibinskaya, Polina (1) Skillern, Maurice (1) http://irts189.nancy.irts-lorraine.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061138213931000 |
8. IRE, IRONY, IDEOLOGY SATIRE AND HUMOUR IN RUSSIAN CULTURE Siniavski, Andrei. The Joke Inside the Joke. Sintaksis 1978. Tucker, Janet G., ed. Against the Grain Parody, Satire, and Intertextuality in Russian Literature . http://www.ssees.ucl.ac.uk/course_units/CUIrony.pdf |
9. Descargar El Libro La Civilizacion Sovietica De Siniavski Andrei Gratis Gracias Siniavski, Andrei @ Sinyavsky, Andrey @ Skelton, John Slonczewski, Joan @ Slonczewski, Joan @ Smiley, Jane Smith, Adam @ Smith, Charlotte Smith, Clark Ashton http://www.quedelibros.com/libro/19632/La-Civilizacion-Sovietica.html |
10. HubHip - Siniavski, Andrei (0) Stoppard, Tom (0) Shiel, M. P. (0) Sinclair, Upton (0) Strube, Cordelia (0) Stevens, Wallace (0) Stith, John E. (0) Sidney, Philip (0) Saul, John Ralston (0) http://www.hubhip.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ | |
11. Alexa - Top Sites By Category: Arts/Literature/Authors/S Siniavski, Andrei (1) Sipe, Richard (1) Slonczewski, Joan (2) Smith, Adam (19) Smith, E. E. 'Doc' (13) Smith, Ian Crichton (2) Smith, J. M. (0) Smith, John (3) http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Arts/Literature/Authors/S |
12. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:WRITERS toplink up-link add url search index e-mail writers http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/o0407i.htm | |
13. The WhatUseek Directory - S Siniavski, Andrei *(7) Szpilman, Wladyslaw (1) Sinyavsky, Andrey *(7) Szydlowski, Mary Vigliante (1) Skelton, John (1) Szymborska, Wislawa (3) http://dir.whatuseek.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ | |
14. Document Imaging Report : : Total Source For Document Imaging Technologies; Docu Siniavski, Andrei @ (2) Sinyavsky, Andrey @ (2) Sipe, Richard @ (1) Skelton, John (2) Skibinskaya, Polina (1) Skillern, Maurice (1) Slonczewski, Joan @ (3) http://www.documentimagingreport.com/dmoz/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ | |
15. CCPNA Arequipa siniavski, andrei siskind, charles seymour skallings, constance skelton, robin skinner, burrhus frederic skinner, cornelia otis sklar, robert skoog, douglas http://www.cultural.edu.pe/biblio/autor.php?lea=s&leb=t |
16. Index1 index of names and sources of the web page of Russian composers Elena Firsova and Dmitri Smirnov http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dmitrismirnov/index1.html | |
17. Lateral, 1998 ABR; (40) Auteur de nombreuses traductions de Soljenitsyne, Pouchkine, Siniavski, Andre Bi ly, il avait d j codirig une magistrale Histoire de la litt rature russe, en sept volumes http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/compludoc/S/9805/11348755_1.htm | |
18. INTRODUCCI N A LA LITERATURA RUSA SINIAVSKI, Andrei Lubimov. Barcelona, Lumen, 1967. Traducci n del franc s M. V zquez Montalb n. SOLOGUB, Fedor El trasgo. Madrid, EspasaCalpe, 1969 http://www.ucm.es/info/eslavas/introduccion_a_la_literatura_rusa.doc | |