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         Stephenson Neal:     more books (99)
  1. Odalisque (Baroque Cycle) by Neal Stephenson, 2011-02-07
  2. The Baroque Cycle - First Editions - Volume One - Quicksilver, Volume Two - The Confusion, and Volume Three - The System of the World by Neal Stephenson, 2002
  3. Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, 1999
  4. L'Âge de diamant ou le manuel illustré d'éducation à l'usage de filles by Neal Stephenson, Yves Bonnefoy, 1998-01-01
  5. Cryptonomicon. by Neal Stephenson, 2003-05-01
  6. Anathem (Hardcover) by Neal Stephenson (Author), 2008
  7. Confusion by Neal Stephenson, 2006-10-31
  8. Le Samouraï virtuel by Neal Stephenson, Guy Abadia, 2000-03-01
  9. Cryptomicon, tome 2 : Le Réseau Kinakuta by Neal Stephenson, 2002-10-16
  10. Criptonomicon: 3. El codigo Aretusa (Ciencia Ficcion / Science Fiction) by Neal Stephenson, 2005-11-01
  11. Confusion, La (II parte) (Spanish Edition) by Neal Stephenson, 2008-02-01
  12. Cryptonomicon, tome 3 : Golgotha by Neal Stephenson, 2001-09-04
  13. Snow Crash. by Neal Stephenson, 2002-06-01
  14. The Confusion by Neal Stephenson, 2004-01-01

41. Deep Code - Fiction -
Neal Stephenson talks about the history of secrecy, the role of equations in art and the glory of open-source software.
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        Wednesday, May 19, 1999 12:00 ET
        Deep code
        Neal Stephenson talks about the history of secrecy, the role of equations in art and the glory of open-source software.
        By Andrew Leonard T o make a sweeping, possibly unfair generalization about an entire swath of humanity, computer geeks come in at least two distinct subspecies. One is familiar from popular culture the unkempt, hairy, paunchy recluse lacking in social graces. An ugly stereotype, to be sure, but these people do exist. Less well-known is the second kind of geek, the kind of guy Julius Caesar feared the lean and hungry geek. These geeks come in compact packages, thin and wiry. They sport close-shaved goatees rather than long hair and rabbinical beards. They regard the world with blazingly intense eyes, taking in everything, evaluating it, wondering how to fix it. These are the visionaries, the geeks who don't like to waste their time doing unimportant, boring stuff. Their impatience is reflected physically: Their bodies shiver with a nervous, tightly contained energy, just waiting to explode into the "flow" of all-night coding sessions, or, in the case of Neal Stephenson, 900-page novels. Lean and hungry geeks tend to be ambitious, and "Cryptonomicon," Stephenson's latest book, fits the bill it's an insanely ambitious techno-thriller/historical novel that critics are mentioning in the same breath as Thomas Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow." It's being labeled Stephenson's "crossover" book, mainly because it doesn't fit neatly into the same science-fiction slot as his last two novels, "Snowcrash" and "The Diamond Age." But Stephenson hasn't actually left his home territory. If anything, the truth is the opposite. "Cryptonomicon" is clear proof of Stephenson's ongoing intention to delve ever deeper into the heart of the digital era, to lay out in detail both excruciating and poetic the awesome influence the computer has exerted on the 20th century.

42. Stephenson, Neal.rar - - Online File Sharing And
Stephenson, Neal download at 4shared. Stephenson, Neal is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared. Online file sharing and storage - 15 GB free web space. Easy registration.

43. Problems With Bruce Schneier's "Solitaire"
Describes some problems with the playing card encryption algorithm, includes an implementation in C. Cryptology
Problems with Bruce Schneier's "Solitaire"
Readers of Neal Stephenson's "Cryptonomicon" will be familiar with the cipher " Solitaire " (called "Pontifex" in the book), which was designed by cryptologist Bruce Schneier specifically for the purposes of the book. It is intended to be the first truly secure hand cipher, and requires only a pack of cards for encryption and decryption. As yet, the technical information about the design of the cipher has not been made available, but I decided to go investigating, and I've now written a fast "C" implementation of the cipher suitable for collecting statistics about the CPRNG at its heart. I have found two interesting facts:
  • The CPRNG state machine is not reversible, contrary to what the operational notes claim: the initial step in which a joker is moved to the top if it is on the bottom cannot be reversed. This is surprising since non-reversible CPRNGs tend to have shorter periods and can more easily exhibit bias. And indeed, the output of the CPRNG is very biased. The output of each step of the CPRNG is a number from to 25; you would expect successive outputs to be the same around one time in 26, but my experiments show that the frequency is closer to 1/22.5.

44. Stephenson, Neal - The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Torren
Download Stephenson, Neal The Diamond Age or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer from Torrent Reactor torrents database or choose analog in Other

45. Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
General information, review of, and links to other reviews of Cryptonomicon.
Literary Saloon
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Neal Stephenson
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Title: Cryptonomicon Author: Neal Stephenson Genre: Novel Written: Length: 918 pages Availability: Cryptonomicon - US Cryptonomicon - UK Cryptonomicon - Canada Cryptonomicon - Deutschland Cryptonomicon - France - Return to top of the page - Our Assessment: A- : a big, broad, ambitious, well-told entertainment See our review for fuller assessment. Review Summaries Source Rating Date Reviewer Entertainment Weekly A Lev Grossman Newsweek A Steven Levy The NY Times Book Rev. B+ Dwight Garner TLS A- Paul Quinn The Village Voice A- Julian Dibbell The Washington Post A- John Schwartz Wired A Craig Engler Review Consensus Minor quibbles about it being an uneven (and unwieldy) book, some disappointment regarding the ending, but otherwise fairly enthusiastic in their praise. From the Reviews
  • "It's an engrossing look at the way the flow of information shapes historyas well as a rare glimpse into the soul of the hardcore geek." - Lev Grossman, Entertainment Weekly

46. Books > Authors > S > Stephenson, Neal @ Forbidden Planet
The Big U. Order on request. Expected delivery time is 21 days.

47. Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash: An Overview
Author biography, student essays, social themes, religion, technology, themes, characterization, setting, structure and plot.

48. Stephenson, Neal - Snow Crash (2008 HB) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Limited edition by Subterranean Press Cover art by Patrick Arrasmith This photo was taken on May 18, 2008

49. Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
General information, review of and links to other reviews of Snow Crash.
Literary Saloon
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Snow Crash
Neal Stephenson
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Title: Snow Crash Author: Neal Stephenson Genre: Novel Written: Length: 468 pages Availability: Snow Crash - US Snow Crash - UK Snow Crash - Canada - France Snow Crash - Deutschland - Return to top of the page - Our Assessment: B+ : an entertaining read, with many clever ideas, decently presented See our review for fuller assessment. Review Summaries Source Rating Date Reviewer New Scientist A David Barrett The NY Times Book Rev. B The Washington Post John Clute From the Reviews
  • "Mr. Stephenson unwisely lets the narrative bog down in a series of lectures that read like Umberto Eco without the charm. But the bang-up ending gets the priorities just right; in cyberpunk, faster is better." - The New York Times Book Review
  • "This is cyberpunk as it ought to be, and almost never is." - David Barrett, New Scientist

50. The Diamond Age - STEPHENSON, Neal | Between The Covers Rare Books
Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above
Home About Us Site Map Help ... Shopping Cart Images+Detail Item Info STEPHENSON, Neal The Diamond Age New York: Bantam (1995). First edition. Fine in fine dustwrapper. [BTC #335392] More Results Explore BTC highlights along with additional titles in stock related to the item above... STEPHENSON, Neal The Diamond Age STEPHENSON, Neal The Confusion: Volume Two of... ... The Broken Bubble Book Bargains Our staff cat, Admiral Muffin, has selected thousands of books for special discount from all areas of our stock. Poetry Children's Books Anthologies Plays ... Bull Hunter ORIG. $300.00 SALE $210.00 On Collecting... Views, anecdotes and insights into the world of antiquarian books by the BTC staff and distinguished guests. Just Added Book Catalogs Galore The Bookshop in Old New Castle Bookselling in Hard Times: "Will work for rare books" The Between the Covers Blog ... Organized Labor Goes Feline Introductory Articles What the hell kind of website is this anyway? Why Buy From ABAA/ILAB Dealers? Signed vs. Inscribed Tom's "Letters from America" Silly Season in America Forging Ahead French Connections: Paris Hilton Sex Video The Ethics and Etiquette of the Scrum ... How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Plagiarize the Ways...

51. Slashdot | Snow Crash
General information and archive of a large discussion forum about the book.

52. Confusion | 9780060523862 | Stephenson, Neal | Buy And Sell Textbooks
In this compelling adventure, Stephenson brings to life a cast of unforgettable characters in the late 1600s on the high seas. It is a time of breathtaking genius and discovery

53. Review: Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash (Anders Jacobsen's Blog)
Review of the book Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.
Anders Jacobsen's blog
... because the Internet changes your life... Main September 30, 2002 Review: Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash is an interesting science fiction story about a swordfighting hacker working as a freelance information gatherer in a over-commercialized, dystopian future society ruled by commercial and criminal franchise operations (like "Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong" and "The Mafia" (marketed with friendly Uncle Enzo as the saviour of modern society)). Although sometimes slightly over the tech-overdose level (I'm a techie myself, but metaphors a la "operating systems of society" sometimes go too far) it presents an intriguing plot mixing religious, commercial and Goverment conspiracies. If you have no interests in computers what so ever, stay away - this book was unfortunately not written for you. If you are interested in an alternative outlook on what a "3D Internet" may look like in an alternative future, check it out... Sponsored links Related Entries

54. Snow Crash By | 0553380958 | 9780553380958
Rent and Save a ton on Snow Crash by Stephenson, Neal.ISBN 0553380958 EAN 9780553380958
mboxCreate('TT_Global_Mbox','pageName='+window.s.pageName, 'retCust=no', 'profile.retCust=no'); Sign In Rental Cart ( CHEGG.COM FIND YOUR BOOKS FIND BOOKS SEARCH TIPS x Search Tip: The best way to find your books is by searching using ISBNs. Alternatively, you can also search using book title or author's name. But better results are returned when you put in book title and one of the authors' name together. Here are some examples of good searches:
  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
Home Fiction Science Fiction High Tech
Snow Crash
Stephenson, Neal
SUMMARY First arriving on the scene in 1992 to critical acclaim, this definitive novel of the information age weaves virtual reality, Sumerian myth, and just about everything in between. Stephenson is author of the bestselling "Cryptonomicon" and "The Diamond Age". SUMMARY First arriving on the scene in 1992 to critical acclaim, this definitive novel of the information age weaves virtual reality, Sumerian myth, and just about everything in between. Stephenson is author of the bestselling "Cryptonomicon" and "The Diamond Age". TOP REVIEWS FOR COURSES THAT USE THIS BOOK University of Florida: SURVEY OF AM LIT - "Horrible class. I had Mojadidi, and she was very unhelpful. She was a biased teacher and didn't grade based on how you wrote, she graded based on what you wrote (and whether she agreed with you or not). She is extremely liberal, so if you don't swing that way either don't take her class or keep your mouth shut. Going into the final paper I easily had an A, but somehow managed to get a B+, and then she refused to let me see my final paper or describe why I received that grade. All we discussed/wrote about/read in her class either consisted of slavery, racism, how white people are racist against every other race, how other races aren't racist, how America is corrupt, and how Malcolm X was a great American. Very liberally radical and offensive in general, and especially if you're white or proud to be an American. "

55. The Power Of Language In Snow Crash And Babel 17
An essay by Tracy Seneca written in the spring of 1994. Compares the impact of language in several popular science fiction novels.
The Power of Language in Snow Crash and Babel 17
Tracy Seneca
LIS 296A
Impact of New Information Technologies
Spring 1994 NOTICE The issue of language has been a frequent theme in science fiction. It is most often an issue in works concerning contact with alien races and the impact that alien languages have upon humans, or how language influences the outcome of contact. Sometimes, such as in the Robert Heinlein's classic Stranger in a Strange Land , learning an alien language has the power to transform our understanding of the world. With the many opportunities to examine the power of language in science fiction, this theme is rarely at the core of the plot. Authors often dismiss language problems between alien races; a silly example would be Douglas Adam's proposed method of placing a small fish in one's ear as a universal translator, but even more serious books tend to overlook the potential role of language. Upon reading Neal Stephenson's book Snow Crash , I was struck by the crucial and fascinating role that language plays in the book. Here, Stephenson addresses the origin and power of language, in the sense that the language examined in the book has incantational or magical qualities. He also addresses the myth of Babel, and the notion that we all shared one primal language, a language that might reappear. I have seen these themes in other works, such as Leslie Marmon Silko's book Ceremony , and her short story, "Storyteller". In

56. Quicksilver By | 0060833165 | 9780060833169
Rent and Save a ton on Quicksilver by Stephenson, Neal.ISBN 0060833165 EAN 9780060833169
mboxCreate('TT_Global_Mbox','pageName='+window.s.pageName, 'retCust=no', 'profile.retCust=no'); Sign In Rental Cart ( CHEGG.COM FIND YOUR BOOKS FIND BOOKS SEARCH TIPS x Search Tip: The best way to find your books is by searching using ISBNs. Alternatively, you can also search using book title or author's name. But better results are returned when you put in book title and one of the authors' name together. Here are some examples of good searches:
  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
Home Fiction
Stephenson, Neal
EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers (02/01/2006) PAGES: This product is not available.
SUMMARY Set against the backdrop of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, this first installment of Stephenson's multi-volume epic is available in mass market. The Baroque Cycle brings to life a cast of unforgettable characters in a time of breathtaking genius and discovery, men and women whose exploits defined an age. SUMMARY Set against the backdrop of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, this first installment of Stephenson's multi-volume epic is available in mass market. The Baroque Cycle brings to life a cast of unforgettable characters in a time of breathtaking genius and discovery, men and women whose exploits defined an age.

57. Wired 4.12: Mother Earth Mother Board
The hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, chronicling the laying of the longest wire on Earth . Article by Neal Stephenson.

58. Stephenson Neal Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris,
Alibris has new used books by Stephenson Neal, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. Neal
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59. Diamond Geezer
Dark-eyed and intense, with a dry sense of humour, Neal Stephenson has been called the Quentin Tarantino of post-cyberpunk science fiction . Mary Branscome uncovered him at a Kensington hotel during a promotion tour for his most recent novel, The Diamond Age .
SFX magazine #8 Jan 1996 / SFX Profile: Neal Stephenson "The new William Gibson"
Diamond Geezer
His books are multi-layered adventures, mixing tomorrow's technology with yesterday's archetypes to create one of contemporary SF's most convincing visions of the future. Dark-eyed and intense, with a dry sense of humour, Neal Stephenson has been called "the Quentin Tarantino of post-cyberpunk science fiction." Mary Branscome uncovered him at a Kensington hotel during a promotion tour for his most recent novel, The Diamond Age...
Neal Stephenson has only written four-and-a-half novels (the half being Interface , a collaboration with his uncle which went out under the pen-name "Stephen Bury"), and not all of them pure SF, but he's already been called - by Bruce Sterling, no less - "the hottest science fiction writer in America." His breakthrough came, of course with Snow Crash , probably the most successful SF novel of 1993 and 1994 put together, and the book that established him as the sort of trendy, must-read author who gets his stories published in Wired and Time magazines.

60. Index.html
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