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         Vesaas Tarjei:     more books (73)
  1. The Birds (Peter Owen Modern Classics) by Tarjei Vesaas, 2002-12-31
  2. The Ice Palace (Peter Owen Modern Classics) by Tarjei Vesaas, 2009-09-02
  3. The Bridges by Tarjei Vesaas, 1972-12
  4. The Boat in the Evening (Peter Owen Modern Classics) by Tarjei Vesaas, 2004-02-27
  5. Tarjei Vesaas, (Twayne's world authors series. TWAS 100: Norway) by Kenneth Garnier Chapman, 1970
  6. Child of the Earth: Tarjei Vesaas and Scandinavian Primitivism (Contributions to the Study of World Literature) by Frode Hermundsgard, 1989-05-15
  7. Spring Night (Peter Owen Modern Classics) by Tarjei Vesaas, 2004-11-18
  8. Palais de glace by Vesaas Tarjei, 1993-01-07
  9. Land of Hidden Fires: Lynde Eldars Land by Tarjei Vesaas, 1973-12
  10. The seed; (A Panther book) by Tarjei Vesaas, 1968
  11. Through Naked Branches by Tarjei Vesaas, Roger Greenwald, 2000-03-13
  12. Beyond the Moment: 101 Selected Poems by Tarjei Vesaas, 2001-11-20
  13. The Bleaching Yard (Unesco collection of representative works) by Tarjei Vesaas, 1982-10
  14. 30 Poems by Tarjei Vesaas, 1971

1. Vesaas, Tarjei
The Ice Palace (Peter Owen Modern Classics), Through Naked Branches, The Birds (Peter Owen Modern Classics), The Boat in the Evening (Peter Owen Modern Classics), Sandeltreet, The
Vesaas, Tarjei
Average customer rating:
  • A sad but great tale about adolescent life in wintercold Norway Elegant, completely at ease with words Austere, Primeval, and Haunting Absolutely beautiful True art!
The Ice Palace (Peter Owen Modern Classics)
Tarjei Vesaas
Manufacturer: Peter Owen Publishers
ProductGroup: Book
Binding: Paperback
Similar Items:
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  • ASIN: Customer Reviews: A sad but great tale about adolescent life in wintercold Norway This is one of Vesaas' last books, and quite well-known in literary circles, both in Norway and abroad. The book spins around two girls living in rural Norway in their eleventh winter. One of the girls has just moved to the tiny village, and instantly forms a bond of friendship with the leader of the pack of children at their school; the other girl. Then something sad happens that I won't reveal. The tale spins around these happenings: the struggle against the dark forces of the human mind, and the experience of growing up. The tale is a short read, and is Vesaas at his most typical style of writing. I really enjoy this book, and I've read it several times. So if you want to get to know one of Norway's greatest authors, almost up there at Knut Hamsun's level, then this would be a great place to start. The author died in 1970, but his anti-modern thought was quite present in most of his books, although an annoying streak of pacifism and humanism is present in some of his works. But this is not one of those books, so no reason to avoid this great read from the winter nights of rural Norway.

    2. Vesaas, Tarjei And Halldis Moren: Joining Life And Poetry / Classics / Fiction /
    Content Management System Joining Life and Poetry Vesaas, Tarjei and Halldis Moren Liv og dikt i lag
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    Joining Life and Poetry
    Vesaas, Tarjei and Halldis Moren : Liv og dikt i lag A match for this poetry anthology is yet to be seen. We follow the development in life and poetry from the time Halldis Moren and Tarjei Vesaas meet and create their home in Midtbø in Vinje. The book is built over the lifetime that the two poets share and we get a good insight into their picture of the world, in their opinions on reality, art and the human being. The poems are arranged with pieces of prose where the authors comment their own or each other’s work. Their son Olav ties it all up with enlightening comments. All in all, the poems shed light on each other and appear in a new way.

    3. Tarjei Vesaas
    Short biography of the Norwegian novelist, suggestions for further reading, selected bibliography.
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    by Bamber Gascoigne
    Tarjei Vesaas (1897-1970) Norwegian novelist, short story writer, and poet, who gained fame in his homeland and other European countries before and after World War II. Tarjei Vesaas wrote his works in New Norwegian ( nynorsk ), formerly known as , "rural language." He published several books before his first significant success, DET STORE SPELET (1934, The Great Cycle), in which the protagonist Per Bufast refuses to accept his ordained destiny. Vesaas spent most of his life in the province of Telemark. His wife Halldis Vesaas also was a writer. "Like Pär Lagerkvist in Sweden and Martin A. Hansen in Denmark, he created his own rich language of symbols, through which he expressed in a very intimate artistic way the tension of the times and the tension within himself. His creative work is an inspired attempt to approach as closely as possible the basic experiences that have exercised their power over his entire life, and attempt to capture the incomprehensible, the inexpressible." (Sven H. Rossel in

    4. Tarjei Vesaas - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Tarjei Vesaas (20 August 1897, Vinje 15 March 1970) was a Norwegian poet and novelist. Born in Vinje, Telemark, Vesaas is widely considered to be one of Norway's greatest writers of
    Tarjei Vesaas
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Tarjei Vesaas (20 August 1897, Vinje - 15 March 1970) was a Norwegian poet and novelist. Born in Vinje Telemark , Vesaas is widely considered to be one of Norway's greatest writers of the twentieth century and perhaps its most important since World War II Vesaas spent much of his youth in solitude, seeking comfort and solace in nature. He was guilt-ridden by his refusal to take over the family farm, and this guilt permeates much of his authorship. The destruction he witnessed after World War I made a deep impression on him. He married the writer Halldis Moren Vesaas and moved back to his home town of Vinje in 1934. His authorship covers almost 50 years, from 1923 to 1970. Written in Nynorsk , his work is characterized by simple, terse, and symbolic prose. His stories are often about simple rural people that undergo a severe psychological drama and who according to critics are described with immense psychological insight. Commonly dealing with themes such as death guilt angst , and other deep and intractable human emotions, the Norwegian natural landscape is a prevalent feature in his works. His debut was in 1923 with

    5. Norwegian Language —
    Tarjei Vesaas Vesaas, Tarjei Vesaas, Tarjei , 1897–1970, Norwegian author. In novels, short stories, and Norway Land and People - Land and People The coastline, c.1,700 mi

    6. Vesaas, Tarjei Dagbladet :litteratur
    Forfatterprofil i Dagbladet med biografi og artikler.
    torsdag 04.11.2010





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    7. Vesaas, Tarjei - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Vesaas, Tarjei
    Norwegian novelist and poet. The theme of his early work was the harmony of life in tune with nature. After World War II his style became more symbolic and he used visual images to, Tarjei

    8. Vesaas Tarjei - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
    Vesaas, Tarjei ( t r ' jā vā ' sŏs ), 18971970, Norwegian author. In novels, short stories, and lyric poetry, Vesaas combines insight into human psychology with a
    Szukaj Poczta
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    vesaas tarjei Informacje o serwisie Kursy on-line Kody dostpu Napisz do nas O nas ... Aktualizacja encyklopedii wszystkie sownik informatyczny polski bez bdw Poka tylko zdjcia, filmy i mapy Jak szuka?
    Vesaas Tarjei
    Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Norwegia, XIX i pocztek XX w., Jzykozawstwo Vesaas Tarjei norweski pisarz. Autor oryginalnych w formie powieci, ukazujcych zwizki czowieka z przyrod, tworzonych pod wpywem realistycznej prozy K. Hamsuna i nierzadko zawierajcych symboliczne uoglnienia, np.: Wielka gra (1934, wydanie polskie 1966), Ptaki (1957, wydanie polskie 1964), Paac lodowy (1963, wydanie polskie 1969). Take zbiory wierszy, dramaty. Polski wybr opowiada Ko z Hagget Strona do Druku
    Encyklopedia WIEM zostaa opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra Twj notes jest pusty. Moesz dodawa do niego hasa i multimedia z Encyklopedii oraz ksiki z Biblioteki. Bdziesz mg potem do nich atwo wrci. Notes moesz uzupenia klikajc w "Dodaj do notesu" przy wybranym hale, multimedium lub ksice.

    9. Vesaas Tarjei Free Encyclopedia Articles At Online
    Research Vesaas Tarjei and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the online library.

    10. TARJEI VESAAS - Encyclopédie Universalis
    How to suggest a site to the Open Directory. The Open Directory Project is a web directory of Internet resources. A web directory is something akin to a huge reference library.
    Encyclopædia Universalis, le portail de la connaissance Accueil Boutique Contact Assistance J'ai oublié mon mot de passe Zone de recherche Saisir un mot clef
    Un monde où les oiseaux savent parler aux cœurs simples — ils leur dictent de brûlants messages qu'ils impriment de leurs pattes menues dans la boue des fossés —, où les palais de glace transfigurent et, littéralement, enchantent la mort de petites filles saisies par la tempête de neige, où une caresse à la fois attentive et distraite le long du bras doré d'une grande jeune fille suffit à dissiper les angoisses des cœurs éperdus, un monde où tout se dit sans paroles, où ce qui compte reste, à coup sûr, inexprimé, un univers de gentillesse affligée par la méchanceté du sort, de fausse rudesse immanquablement dissipée sous les effets attendus de l'amour fort comme la mort — voilà ce que n'a cessé de dire Tarjei Vesaas, ce Norvégien encore trop méconnu en France et qui eût été tenu pour l'un des plus grands si une disparition brutale ne l'avait privé du prix Nobel qui lui était destiné l'année même où il mourut. Il y a derrière lui toute la sève et la beauté immédiate de son Telemark natal avec ses couleurs d'automne et ses lacs irréels à force de pureté, toute la saveur aussi et le pi […]

    11. Vesaas, T.; Greenwald, R., Ed. And Trans.: Through Naked Branches: Selected Poem
    Information on a book with selected Poems of Tarjei Vesaas, Translated by Roger Greenwald.

    12. Vesaas, Tarjei Definition Of Vesaas, Tarjei In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
    Vesaas, Tarjei (t r`jā vā`sŏs), 1897–1970, Norwegian author. In novels, short stories, and lyric poetry, Vesaas combines insight into human psychology with a sensitivity to, Tarjei

    13. BiblioNETka » Pałac Lodowy {Vesaas Tarjei} - Książka, Księgarnia
    f. 1897 i Vinje i Telemark. Er regnet som en av Norges mest betydningsfulle forfattere. Blir kalt modernist. Fikk statens kunstnerl nn fra 1947 og Gyldendals resgasje fra 1951.

    14. Vesaas Tarjei
    Forfatterprofil hos Aftenposten med biografi, lenker til artikler og anmeldelser.

    15. Gelid - Cornflower Books
    Unn looked down into an enchanted world of small pinnacles, gables, frosted domes, soft curves and confused tracery. All of it was ice, and the water spurted between, building it
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        "Unn looked down into an enchanted world of small pinnacles, gables, frosted domes, soft curves and confused tracery. All of it was ice, and the water spurted between, building it up continually. Branches of the waterfall had been diverted and rushed into new channels, creating new forms. Everything shone. The sun had not yet come, but it shone ice-blue and green of itself, and deathly cold." The Ice Palace is about two young girls, Unn and Siss, and what happens when, embarrassed by a misunderstanding, Unn decides not to face her friend at school next day but instead to go alone to the ice palace. The palace is the extraordinary natural structure caused by the freezing of a waterfall after a long spell of intensely cold weather. No-one remembers seeing this phenomenon before, and it will not remain for long, but Unn is drawn to venture inside its chambers and to explore its glassy depths, and what happens then will have far-reaching consequences. 07 January 2010 in Books - late C20th. fiction

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    Vesaas, Tarjei
    f. 1897 i Vinje i Telemark. Er regnet som en av Norges mest betydningsfulle forfattere. Blir kalt modernist. Fikk statens kunstnerlnn fra 1947 og Gyldendals resgasje fra 1951.
    Publisert 31.07.2001 17:40.
    1923 Menneskebonn (roman)
    1924 Sendemann Huskuld (roman)
    1925 Buds bustader (skuespill)
    1925 Grindegard. Morgonen (roman)

    17. Vesaas, Tarjei Synonyms, Vesaas, Tarjei Antonyms |
    No results found for Vesaas, Tarjei Did you mean Vestige ? Thesaurus Swastika Vicissitude Find definitions, audio pronunciations, example sentences, spelling, synonyms, Tarjei

    18. Tarjei Vesaas: Einladung
    Gedicht von Tarjei Vesaas aus L ynde eldars land, 1953. Aus dem Norwegischen bersetzt von S ren M. S rries. Link zu einem Prosatext von Vesaas.
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    Tarjei Vesaas: Lynde eldars land, 1953
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    Bibliografi og anmeldelse af forfatterens b ger.

    20. Tarjei Vesaas —
    Encyclopedia Vesaas, Tarjei. Vesaas, Tarjei (t r'jā vā'sos) , 1897–1970, Norwegian author. In novels, short stories, and lyric poetry, Vesaas combines insight into human

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